Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 229: Vampyre Queen

Chapter 229: Vampyre Queen

"Uh... I don't... Wait... You know me?" Laz was many things at this moment, confused just being one of them. Looking at this girl who was smiling back at him without a care in the world, Laz couldn't help but take a deep breathe. He could sense a dangerous aura coming from her and after focusing on it, Laz was shocked that she had reached the mid foundation realm. This little girl was already stronger than him in terms of energy and was also the strongest person he had ever met.

Laz wasn't scared or even the slightest bit worried though. Although her energy reserves were larger than his, that didn't mean that his strength was less than hers. He didn't know why exactly, but the black flame within him was unnaturally strong and it hadn't let him down yet. Of course, there was also the matter of his body as well. It had gone through several rounds of tempering, most recently by the grey mist of the spirit world, making his body unusually strong and full of life. When it came down to it, his body was probably a stronger weapon than his energy, even with the black flame. Not that he was going to test that theory by burning himself or anything.

'And why the hell is she so short? And follow up, why the fuck is her rack so big? Honestly, it's like a cosplay's gothic Lolita wet dream.'

"Who doesn't know of you? Did you know how famous you are?"

"I'm what now?"

"Hehehehe...." The girl giggled while covering her mouth, finding Laz's response to be extremely amusing. Looking around, Laz noticed the other girls laughing as well. It seemed like there was some sort of joke going on that he was unaware of.

"You are the one who escaped police escort, wrecked the caravan, and even took down a helicopter, aren't you? All that after having a blood boiling battle with one of those bible thumping bastards? Oh... just thinking about it.... It's almost hard to control myself."

Laz was shocked as he watched this little girl start to rub herself though her red silk gown while her face took on a scarlet hue. She was either a really good actor or she was actually turned on thinking about what he had done. Laz knew that there had been camera's present in the convoy, but he had no clue that the fight he had with Brian had also been released somehow, showing Laz's eventual victory through the lenses of many different cctv's.

"Um... Yes?"

"MMMmmmmm. I knew it. I just knew it. To think that a man of your abilities would show up here is.... breathtaking...." This girl was now rubbing herself with a passion while pinching what he assumed to be her own nippe.

"Yeah. Well. Ok. It's good to meet you and all but I think I should get going. You seem a bit preoccupied and I would hate to interrupt. Laz once again tried to turn around and leave through the door, only to find it had been locked tight with a large wooden cross beam.

'Why the hell would a church have a door with a cross beam lock? What the fuck kind of mid evil fortress was this place?'

Besides that, there were also several girls standing in front of the door, blocking his way. The only thing that kept Laz from charging through anyway was the fact that he didn't sense any killing intent from them. In fact, every last one of them were looking at him in almost a fanatical way. Laz couldn't help but feel like their moods somehow reflected the girl standing in front of him.

"But you just got here. And we haven't even had the chance to greet you nicely yet and show you a bit of hospitality," the young looking girl pouted while once again expressing her view, seemingly insisting that he stay.

"Sigh. Alright. How about this. Let's start with your name? You haven't even told me that."

"OOohh, you're right. Of course. My name is Freya which is Norse for noble woman. Nice to meet you!" The girl seemed to settle down a bit now that Laz had asked her a question. He seriously had to wonder what the hell was going on inside her head.

"I'm Lazarus, but everyone just calls me Laz."

"Lazarus? Like the guy who rose from the dead after four days?"

"Uh. Yeah. Actually. My parents were... or are, rather unique."

"Hmm... did you know that many claim that Lazarus was the first Necromancer? A man who defies death? All that crap about the guy having brought him back from the dead was just bullshit after all. He just saw a man rise from the earth and said, 'yeah. I did that.' Crazy, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Sure... ok... so what is all this?".

"OOHHH YOU WANT TO KNOW? MMMM COME HERE, COME HERE." The little girl seemed excited since Laz was showing an interest and immediately came forward to drag him away, much in the same way that the girl from earlier had dragged him here. Laz also noticed that Freya's hands seemed cold as well.

"You. Go. Tell the girls to finish their dinner, get the money and get this place emptied out for a special welcoming for our new guest. Also, notify the kitchen to make preparations."

"Yes m'lady." The girl that Freya pointed to went to work quickly, communicating Freya's words to the other girls without hesitation. Laz had no idea what was happening and tried to look back, only to be dragged away faster, through a gap in the red velvet drapes.

"So, this is my place. All the people you see here work for me too. In fact, each one of them was specially chosen by me. Ah, here is the kitchen. We actually have some really good chiefs here who can prepare all kinds of foods depending on the theme for the night," Freya explained while opening a two way door. Inside, there were almost two dozen people running around, doing various tasks. One woman, who looked to be in her mid twenties, was standing there in a white coat with a chiefs hat on while yelling orders. As soon as she spoke, everyone would act upon her words almost instantaneously. It seemed like she was the only one preventing the place from falling into a chaotic mess.

"Diana, are things prepared?" Freya asked only sticking her head into the kitchen but not moving inside herself.

"They will be m'lady. But honestly, more of a heads up would have been nice. We had just finished the prep for the night and I was about to let the girls go for a rest before the dinner crowds wandered in. We've managed to call them all back however."

"I'm truely at fault for this Diana. I had no idea things were going to work out like this. But the grand feast must be perfect!"

"It will be. On my honor."

Hearing this, Freya turned away from the kitchen doors and continued on, a smile on her face.

"You know you don't really need to do all this." Laz said, seeing the commotion and hard work everyone was putting in at the last moment, just because he had shown up.

"NO. NO. NO. I must. Tonight, for our first meeting, everything must be perfect." Freya, despite hearing Laz's words, seemed to be talking more to herself than to him.


"No butts. Now. You must be weary traveler. Come and cleanse your body and your mind before dinner time."

"What's this nowwwwww," before Laz could even ask why she suddenly sounded like she was reading from a script, she had forcefully yanked his hand and went flying down the hall, turned down a corridor and ended up at a large, well lit room that blinded Laz just from walking in.

Most of the hallways were dark and had a rather eerie vibe to them. But this room that could have fit his whole first apartment into it, was lit by a gentle white light. The floor of the room was made up of a soft wood that felt almost like a carpet on the feet while the black stone walls were adorned in gold and silver linings, completely covering the surface of the stone. From the center of the ceiling hung a five foot crystal chandelier with small ones arranged in a pattern all across the rest of the ceiling. Somehow it was these chandeliers that were letting off the soft white glow even though there looked to be no light source coming from them. The most interesting part was that in the center of the room were two large stone lined baths that were being fed water from gorgeous looking stone angel fountains. The entire area had a feeling of moist dampness that clung to the skin like a warm embrace.

"Here we are. GIRLS!"

Just when Laz thought he couldn't be more surprised by this situation, he suddenly felt like a stick of dynamite had blown up in his face.

Four girls appeared wearing nothing but thin lace drapes over their bodies. The humidity in the air caused the lace to stick to every inch of their thin yet well rounded bodies, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. Even more shockingly, the girls were quadruplets.

"Girls. Come and meet our special guest. Please help him get all washed up and relaxed so that he can be ready for a special feast for this evening. Make sure you take care of all of his needs, understood? But remember not to go too far."

Hearing what Freya said, the four girls giggled before the jumped at Laz, seemingly intent on removing his clothes before he had a chance to object. One of the girls turned towards Freya and asked,

"Are you going to stay around and help my queen?"

This question brought a look of hesitation to Freya's face, causing her expression to change several times while she was breathing deeply. It almost looked like she was about to go insane but she finally managed to get herself under control with several well managed breaths.

"No. I must make sure everything is set. Perhaps next time..." Before she could change her mind, Freya fled from the room, leaving Laz already half naked while the girls looked at the closed door as though they didn't understand what was happening. After a moment of shock, all four of them giggled as they continued to strip Laz from his clothes.

"OH MY..."

"MASTER... THIS...?"



The girls could barely contain their surprise when they at last removed Laz's boxers. Had Laz been more self conscious, he would have felt uncomfortable by having these young, barely clad girls practically **** his body with their eyes. Laz just stood their nonchalantly, wondering just what he had gotten himself into.

'This is the last time I take up a girl on the offer for a free meal,' Laz thought to himself as he felt the girls start to run their hands all along his body. Each of them seemed to take turn stroking every part of him, from his well defined abs to his sculpted arms and chiseled legs.

Of course they also could help but occasionally stroke his now released monster, hanging between his legs.

"Uhh??" Laz wondered if he was just here as a toy for them before they snapped back themselves.

"Oh. Forgive us master. We... didn't realize just how... solid... you are. Please forgive these humble servants. Come. Join us in the soap pool. We promise we won't leave an inch of you unclean, even if we have to use our tongues..."

Laz almost felt himself shivering as he was led to the first pool.


In an office down a hallway on the opposite side of the church, Freya was sitting in a seat while the girl who had dragged Laz here stood to her side, constantly pouring out a thick red substance into a glass that Freya repeatedly emptied over and over again.

"My queen?"

After the sixth cup, Freya finally put down the cup and tilted her head back while a single drop of the red liquid escaped from her mouth, trying to escape down her chin. The girl standing next to her used a cloth she had draped over her arm to wipe the offending drop from her queen's perfect face.

"I'm fine... barely. Couldn't you feel it? Just being close to him is like a torture. I could barely hold myself back from the moment I saw him. How could you not know it was him?" Freya looked angry, clearly remembering how this girl had almost injured Laz.

"I'm truly sorry my queen but his aura is completely contained. I couldn't even feel the slightest hint of energy coming from him when I dragged him here. I just thought he looked kind of similar to the pictures and even if it wasn't him, that at least he would be able to entertain you for a meal."

"I've told you before to work on this. Although his energy is contained, it's not as though he is actively containing it. More like it is a natural process his body is doing as though it were keeping it locked up tight. But even touching his skin should have been enough indicator of the massive life force inside of him. You need to train more and not waste this gift I have given you."

"Yes my queen. This little one understands."

"Good. Do not disappoint me again."

"Yes my queen. My queen, what are you going to do next? Are you... going to call?"

"I don't want to. I want to keep him all for myself. But that woman has been going crazy for the past year and a half and if I tried to hide this and she found out, I'm not sure I would be spared. If any of them found out, death would be the least of our worries. Besides, she has been supporting us since we formed. It's only thanks to her that we got this far. I really have no choice."

"We could hide him for a little bit..."

"Even if we hide him for a day, she will find out and it won't end well. No. Please go and make sure everything is prepared. I will call her now before dinner. I left the girls in the bath to take care of him. At least nothing will go wrong there."

"I still can't help but feel bad for them. And to think that after everything, they still wished for immortality."

"Their hatred runs deep, very deep. Never doubt just how far hatred can drive a person. You were far luckier than almost anyone else here. Now go..."

Seeing her walk out of the room, Freya sighed before picking up a cell phone and dialing.

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