Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 221: Children Of God

Chapter 221: Children Of God

The gang continued on like nothing happened, soon coming upon a small seafood restaurant right off from the Mississippi river. As Benny was pointing it out, apparently this was going to be their new workplace for the next few weeks. They didn't have to report until Monday so they still had the weekend free, but it was nice to know where they were going to be going from now on.

As Laz took a closer look, he noticed that the restaurant wasn't exactly high class, something he had expected it would be. After all, the French quarter was a rather upper class area. But like all upper class areas, it had a lower class side and this was where the restaurant was located.

"So what are we going to be doing?" Laz asked Benny as they walked closer.

"Service staff. Wait tables, clean up after customers, do dishes. All the fun stuff."

"That's different." Hearing this, Laz couldn't help but smile a bit. It kind of reminded him of his time helping out in the Golden Panda, something that now seemed so long ago. He was somewhat excited. It was far more ordinary than the jobs he had been taking on.

"Can't believe I'm going to spend the next few weeks waiting tables when this is going to be like the most epic party of the year," Madison complained.

"I don't know about that. It seems kind of exciting, you know? While everyone else is just on the surface of the festivities, we get to actually go behind the scenes. It will be a wonderful learning experience," Angie replied back, clearly excited.

"Are you always this perky?" Steph asked somewhat sarcastically.

"A smile is the best way to fight a frown!" Angie replied back, missing the sarcasm.

"Ok then. Still, I was hoping for something a bit... I don't know. Bigger?" Eddy commented while looking at the crab shack in front of them.

"It's not the size that counts. It's how you use it." Benny interjected, laughing at his own joke.

"Tell me that you don't believe that. If a girl has ever said that to you, she was lying to make you feel better." Madison said with a laugh.

No one was really being mean to each other, it was just that almost everyone in the group had a stronger type of personality and as such, once they got comfortable with each other, they would pick fun at one another. This is just the norm.

"I think it will be fun. Free room and board and you get to meet new and exciting people? What more could you ask for?" Abraham shared his honest thoughts, causing Angie to shake her head in agreement while everyone else just smiled and shook their heads. They had already figured out that Abraham was actually sheltered and had no idea about how much 'fun' this was going to be. Still, for the sake of peaceful co-existence, no one said anything back.

Looking around, Laz felt like this was a decent area. It didn't look new and it wasn't the best looking, some houses having fallen into disrepair while there was some litter on the streets. For an area which would be filled soon with tourists, Laz wondered just who would be cleaning up around here before then.

The one thing Laz really liked was that there were several lively things going on even now. Street musicians could be seen here and there, adding some music to the evening. On one corner, a painter was practicing doing funny portraits which he was then hanging up as display pieces. There was even random people while tables doing tarot readings. The entire block where the restaurant was located seemed to throb with a life pulse of it's own.

Everyone quickly agreed to go to a jazz bar and Madison started leading the way without difficulty, Before they got far though, she had everyone stop and group up.

"Look over there," she said while pointing. Everyone took a quick minute to look and Benny was the first one to start frowning. Laz quickly scanned the area, but felt like there air was muddy in the direction Madison was pointing at. He knew that something there was interfering with his spiritual sense. He could power his way through it easily, but that would alert the other person to his presence. Just using his eyes, he glanced over.

Sitting at a table while eating, two men with white hair were talking back and forth while two young men where standing behind them, their violent eyes looking around as though watching for something. The stand out bit about this group was that the two men with white hair had almost flawless skin, showing that they were far younger that at first glance. And as for their body guards, the two young men were wearing white robes that had a pair of white winds stitched on the chest.

"I knew they weren't going to stay away," Benny commented while looking far more serious than Laz had seen him.

"Who are they?" asked Abraham..

"The Children of God," replied Madison, answering the question.

Everyone looked at Benny and Madison with questioning gazes. Madison looked at Benny who shrugged, causing her to sigh.

"They are some kind of hyper religious cult that has formed since the whole thing with sick people started. Or, that's what they are saying. They have a website and used to be out in the street. From what I read online, it started with one guy, going around and preaching about the end of times and the blah blah blah. Nothing new really. Every idiot with a soap box says the same thing. Anyway, some things became different after more and more of those with that disease appeared and people started listening to his shit. Then, he disappears for a bit, but when he comes back, suddenly, he has a rather large following that is far more convincing than he ever was. Back that up with enough money and grand promises and suddenly the crazy guy is a messiah." Madison said.

"That doesn't sound very... detailed," Laz commented back.

"It's not her fault though. Even though we live here, no one really knows much about them except for them and once your in... you become like those robed guys. You just stand around all day and frighten kids away. I also hear that most of them end up leaving where ever they are living and move into a dorm. It's a full on cult, but technically, cults aren't illegal so there is nothing that can be done about them," Benny added on to clarify.

"That just seems so strange. Besides, calling themselves the children of gods makes it seem like they are Jesus or something." Abraham said.

"That's pretty much it. They are the savior that has come to earth to protect us from those infected savages. Besides that, they have branched out as well. We aren't really sure where they started, but they have... buildings in several cities all of the country. Not only that, but I also heard they work closely with DIC" Benny explained.

"They like dick?" Steph asked. She knew that wasn't what he meant, but it was what he said. Sorta.

"No, the D.I.C. I really want to meet the idiot that came up with that name, but whatever." Madison answered.

"I heard something about them. I guess they were going to be called something like the department of infected reform... but I guess calling themselves DIR was out the the question." Eddy added.

"DIC is ok but DIR is out huh? Figured that one out." Steph laughed.

"So... what is the problem with them being here? I mean, they seem harmless enough," Angie asked. Laz was beginning to realized that she was actually a rather quiet girl. Comparatively speaking, Madison was the socialite, Steph the... whatever she wanted to be and Angie is the quiet and reserved one. It was almost like getting one of everything from the mixed bag of girls. In contrast, the guys were just somewhat... normal.

"There isn't really a problem but I can't help but think those guys are up to no good. Originally the cult was kicked out of the city on some sort of legal thing they used. But the group was able to fight it with the help of DIC and here they are. I just hope they don't start walking around everywhere and preaching. I heard they are super annoying," Madison responded.

Minus what people had heard, there wasn't anything anyone could point to that was super negative about these children of god. It was just that people got a negative feeling around them.

Of course, Laz understood what it was. The feeling of hatred he had inside for those two white haired individuals was impossible for him to mistake. They are definitly those chosen sons of bitches. Only now it seems they go by a different name.

Just as Laz was looking at them, they turned to look at Laz. With smiles that weren't smiles, everyone glanced at each other before turning away. Laz's group moved on.

"That one was powerful, in a strange way." One of the white haired men said.

"He was, strangely so. Still, this doesn't change anything." The other one said back.

"Yes. As long as they are here, there will be more fun to be had."

"More fun for everyone. Fun enough not to ever forget."

"Yes. But I can feel it. He stands out, but there are many who are weaker. They walk around like bugs on the ground. It makes my skin crawl."

"Worry not. For soon, harvest time will arrive and we will be rid of many of them. Have patience brother. That is why we are all gathering."

"The gathering this time is massive. We will surely see results."

"Yes, The young master Jesse has certainly gathered many brothers and sisters. We will truly have a good time."

"That we will brother. That we will."

The two men went back to eating, not even caring that their subordinates heard their conversation. As far as they were concerned, they didn't even exist.


Laz group found a fun little Jazz bar where they all sat and had a few drinks while listening to the music. It was a quant little gathering, something that Laz never saw himself doing, but he got to know the others pretty well. They also got to know him, at least, the things he was willing to talk about. Either way, everyone ended up leaving feeling better about each other.

When it finally got late, they ended up all walking home, although a few of them were stumbling more than others, Abraham included. It was obvious that he had never consumed alcohol before, just based on the fact that it barely took two drinks to make him tipsy.

"Whoo.... this feels weird. It's like the ground is moving while I'm standing still..." Abraham said while Laz was dragging him. Benny was helping out Eddy who could barely stand while Angie was giving a shoulder to Madison. Steph was near Laz as well and had consumed a bit, but she was mostly ok. She only needed Laz to occasionally remind her to keep walking, otherwise she would stand in place and look at things like trees or a rock. She really was a weird one when it came to this.

"You're not standing still Abe. We are moving, see?" Laz said while laughing. He really was amused by this guy. It was like watching a young, innocent version of himself.

"Oh? Hehehehe, I guess your right."

"Couse I am. Now we are almost home."

"Yah. Home!"

"You good Steph?"

"I'm going to destroy this boulder if it doesn't get out of my way."

"Steph, that's a lamp post. It doesn't move. Here, give me your hand."

It really felt like watching after a group of children. Laz couldn't help but think that this was kind of enjoyable for a change.

Just as they turned the corner down the street where the shotgun apartment was located, they noticed a rather solemn looking girl standing outside of it while looking around. If Laz had to describe her using a stereotype, then she reminded him of a librarian. Long skirt, blouse, sensible flat shoes and hair tied back in a loose pony tail. Abraham's entrance could be said to have been weird, but this person looked completely out of place.

More interestingly for Laz though, he felt a rather strong influx of power from her. She was definitely an infected that was on a level similar to him. This was the first time Laz had met someone who gave him that feeling.

He noticed her so of course she noticed him. The only reason for that was because Laz didn't bother to hide it. He was using it as a draw to see who was around him. He could lock his aura up so tight that even if you were standing on top of him, you would feel nothing. But Laz didn't see the point. At least, not until now.

She looked at Laz who was helping Abraham walk while pulling Steph along with him and he felt like she might have smile, but her face turned non-descripted right away again.

"Eh, hello?" Benny was the first to greet her. It should be Madison's job since she's female, but Madison was currently trying to figure out which was was up, unsuccessfully, and almost dragging Angie down with her.

"Hello. My name is Julia. Might I ask who is in charge of the welcome for this place?"

Benny looked at her like he had gotten hit by a train. No one actually talked like that did they? Everyone else was silent and suddenly way too sober after she had spoken. Although she was subtle, Laz detected that she had used some sort of a skill to bewitch everyone into paying attention to her. Laz didn't know what she was intending, but he wasn't in the mood to play.

"Oh, don't mind us. Oops. While it looks like the person your looking for is throwing up on her shoes. Better watch out for splashing. We will be going. Good luck." Laz infused his energy into his voice as well, causing the spell to be broken and everyone to start being normal again. Unfortunately, it was too much for Madison who started vomiting, causing Angie to back away quickly. Angie, her shyness disappearing as she was getting upset at Madison, grabbed the spare key and gave it to Julia while apologizing. Despite Laz having said he was going in, he just helped get Abraham into the door before going back over and leading Steph inside her side. His help ended up getting him a nod of thanks from Angie.

Just as everyone was getting inside, Laz noticed that Julia was staring at him with an angry light in her eye.

He didn't care in the least. He just looked back, smile and said before going in,

"Welcome and good night!"

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