Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 219: Strange Warning

Chapter 219: Strange Warning

Benny looked at Abraham for just a moment before saying,

"Um. The final guy who was assigned here is a guy called Leslie... " Benny looked super confused.

"Yes. That's me. Abraham is my middle name."

"Uh...? OK?" Benny didn't know exactly how to reply. The rest of them looked just like normal people, but Abraham had a strange vibe. It was obvious that he was not going to be like everyone else. Not that it really bother him, but it would make things a little strange. Benny was just happy that he had gotten a room with Eddy and left the stranger with Laz. He couldn't help but say a silent prayer for the good looking guy.

'This is your problem now. Just don't let him scare off the girls,' Benny said to himself silently. If he could read Eddy's thoughts, he would realized he was thinking the same thing.

Laz... felt like this new guy was interesting.

"Hey. Come on. I'll show you the room."



"Isn't that your job?"

The first one's to object were the three girls. They wanted Laz to stay and Benny to go. It wasn't that they didn't like Benny, they just liked Laz more. At least to look at.

"It's fine. I'll be back soon. Since he's going to bunk with me, it's only right that I show him what's what? Alright?" Laz turned back and said to the objecting ladies. Before they could reply though, Laz had vanished into the house with Abraham hot on his heels.

If you were to ask Laz what he found interesting about this guy, it would be a bit hard to explain. The guy wasn't exactly a looker and his voice seemed a bit high. On top of that, it wasn't apparent at first, but he wore glasses as well. As he gave his introduction, no one else noticed that his heart was racing and his legs seemed to be almost shaking, something that was hidden by his long trench coat. Laz didn't miss any of it. He could tell that this guy was putting on an act for some reason and was really as nervous as hell.

Laz found it hysterical.

Laz gave him the quick run down of the house before showing him the room. Not that there was much to show, but still.

"So this is where we will be staying for the next several weeks huh?"

"Yeah. This is it. So make yourself comfortable. By the way, how did you get in?"

"Oh? Yeah. Uh... I picked the lock..."

"Really?" Laz was surprised. He didn't seem like the type.

"Well, I knocked, but I didn't get an answer. So I, you know, let myself in..."

"You can pick locks?".

"Yeah. It's a basic skill. You just need to look it up online. Besides, all hunters need to know how to do it."

"Hunters?" Laz was confused.

"YEAH. You ever watch that show? ParaNatural? It's awesome. Two brothers travel the country fighting all sorts of paranormal beings. Those brothers, Dave and Shawn... they are awesome. I never had a brother, but I always wanted to do something like that. Did you hear? They say there are actual vampyres in this city. REAL VAMPYRES!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?" The more Abraham spoke, the more excited he got. Laz was simply speechless. Out of all of the scenarios he would have guess, this was not one of them.

"Oh. Um, sorry. I guess I got a bit excited there." Seeing the dumbfounded look on Laz's face, Abraham got embarrassed and apologized.

"No. No. It's cool. You know, having something that gets you excited like that? A goal to chase after of your own choosing? Nothing to be sorry about."

"Ah. Thanks. No ones every really understood before."

"But, what's with the outfit?"

"I mean, I have to look the part, right?"

"Dude. You look like cop out of a bad noir flick."

"Really? I thought it looked cool though."

"Uh. No. You should change. I mean, it's not really hot out, but it's warm enough where that just looks kind of stupid."

"Oh. Sorry..." Abraham seemed to apologize a lot.

"So that's what brought you down here huh?"

"Yeah. I mean, I wanted to get away from my parents too. You know, I graduated early and just couldn't wait to get out on my own."

"College boy huh?" Laz asked.

"No. Highschool."

"How old are you?"


"My god..."

"Well. I mean. I'm going to college. I got this fake ID that says I'm twenty one so please don't tell anyone, ok?"


"And besides, I figured this would be a fun way to pass the time until the fall semester..."

"Have you..." Laz was starting to get a feel for this kid.


"Ever kissed a girl?"

"WHAT? No... I've made it to first base before though."

'He's talking about bases...'

"But I've only ever held hands..."

'And there's the punch line... that's a base?' Laz's mind was reeling.

This kid...

Is adorable.

'I need to get him laid... no wait... maybe I should let him stay like this longer. It's just so fun to watch. He's too precious to corrupt.'

Laz was having an internal debate about this golden find, but from the outside he looked really odd.

"Are you... one of those types?"

"One of what types?" Laz was confused. Abraham looked around as though making sure no one would hear him.

"The type that... likes other guys?"

Laz fell backwards on his bed and starting laughing his ass off. This was way, way too good. He would have never guessed that a person like this existed. It was almost like stumbling around and noticing a unicorn fucking a fairy. It just didn't happen... or exist. And yet, here it was.

"Uh..." Abraham was very confused by Laz's actions and couldn't help but get more embarrassed.

"No... No. I'm not. But damn... never mind. Just keep being you." Laz finally stopped laughing enough to get up. And started making his way out the door.

"Just get changed and come outside when your done to properly meet everyone. Alright? And wear something comfortable." Laz then walked down the hall and back out the door. He saw everyone was sitting down and talking, but they stopped when Laz came strolling over. Laz quickly took an open lounge chair and sat back while looking up at the rapidly darkening sky, lost in his own amusement. From the looks of others though, he looked like he was enjoying some crazy joke that just happened and they wanted to ask.

"Did something happen with the new guy?" Eddy finally asked.

"No. He's just. A rather unique one. It will be fine once he relaxes."

"So your name is Laz? Angie was the first to asked, even before Madison who looked like she was waiting to pounce. Steph perked her head up from looking bored before.

"Yeah. Hi. Sorry about leaving so quickly before. I didn't get a chance to properly greet you all."

"That's ok. So do you have a girlfriend?" Madison got her question in, before Angie could asked anything. Although Benny and Eddy were being ignored, they didn't seem to mind. As far as they were concerned, Laz could only occupy one of them right? At least that left them a chance. And there should be one more girl who hasn't shown up yet. These three were attractive enough in their own way but maybe the best was yet to come.

Laz was a bit thrown off by the question. How was he suppose to answer that? Did he? Technically, no. But did he have girls who meant a lot to him and who he missed dearly? Yes, of course. In the end, he could only answer honestly.

"It's complicated..."

"Does miss complicated live around here?" Angie asked the same question Madison was going to.

"Uh, No..." Laz was confused, not knowing what they were getting at.

"Good." Madison and Angie both responded at the same time, further confusing Laz. Steph, although she was being quiet, ended up shaking her head as well, as though agreeing with the girls.

"Did I miss something?" Laz could only fire the question back at the other two guys who shrugged their shoulders, not knowing any more than Laz.

Before anything else could be said, the back gate suddenly flew open and an old woman stumbled in. She was using a rather unique looking black cane with a silver skull on top of it while her clothes looked raggedy and disheveled. Everyone else was startled, thinking that some local crazy had broken in. Laz would have thought the same way except the cane seemed to draw his attention. He couldn't understand why, but it felt somewhat dangerous.

'An object is dangerous?' Laz then looked from the cane to the old woman who walk, slow but steadily through the garden to wear everyone was now standing. Without so much as a glance at the others, the stared Laz dead in the face and spoke.

"You should not be here maker of calamity, bringer of blood. There is no good that follows ye. Leave, leave. Soon, now. Leave, before the sky opens. Leave before the streets run red. If thousands must die, at least it's not millions. You bode ill fortune in a time of madness. Leave! Leave this place and never return." The woman's accent almost made it hard to understand her.

"GRANDMA!!" A young man and a young woman came charging into the garden from the wide open back gate and seeing their grandma yelling at the young man, they rushed to her side and grabbed both her arms.

"Grandma. Come on. It's time to get you home. It's late." The young woman said while dragging the old woman.

"I'm really sorry. She's not normally like this but, you know, hard to get her to take her medication sometimes. I'm really sorry. I'll send someone over to fix the latch soon so don't worry. Come on grandma." The male seemed to be apologizing while trying to draw back the old woman, but in truth he was using his hands to do some weird finger movements. Without anyone noticing, a strange, invisible wave of something spread out, hitting all of those gathered and causing their eyes to lose focus. All except Laz who still looked on at what was happening. It was almost like he didn't even feel the wave hit him and it disappeared without causing any trouble.

"Oh?" The young man raised his head and looked at Laz, feeling a cold tingle down his back. He was starting to get the feeling that if he didn't leave soon, something bad would happen.

Without another word, the young man and young woman disappeared out of the back gate before the woman waved her fingers, causing the latch to be fixed like it had never broken.

Just as the door finished closing, everyone seemed to snap out of their stupor and look around, as though confused as to what was happening. None of them remembered the old woman.

Laz reached his hand down and slid it into his pants pocket, pulled something out of it gently. It was a card that looked like it was split down the center. Half of it looked like a grim reaper riding a black horse and said death. The other half had a man drinking while playing an stringed instrument. It had the words fool on it. The only other thing on the card was an address.

Laz slowly slide the card back into his pocket without anyone noticing.

Just as everyone was about to ask a question, the back door opened and Abraham, wearing jeans and a tee shirt, walked out.

"What did I miss?"

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