Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 214: Once More Into The Void

Chapter 214: Once More Into The Void

As Laz opened his eyes, he realized he was once again in the silent world. Riding on Tyr and understanding where he was, Laz was a lot more relaxed and took the time to really observe the world around him. Last time he was here, he was convinced it was nothing more than ordinary forest. This time though, he could faintly detect the grey mist in the air. It didn't discolor the trees or the grass, more like it added a layer to it that wasn't easily noticeable. Now that Laz was here again, he was bale to process that the time he had spent here the last time is what actually led to that fog invading his system. Even now, as he breathed in the air, he could detect a faint trace of it coming in, so little that it could be ignored for the short term.

'It must have been because I spent so much time here last time that it became this suppressive substance within me,' Laz thought to himself.

He gently touched Sarah's shoulder and she looked back briefly, making eye contact with him. Her eyes skill lacked color but they seemed to be more lively, as though they were getting closer to what was drawing her. Had Laz not been here before, he would never have just followed her in here or let her come here by herself. Knowing that you are stepping into another realm is like rolling the dice in Laz's mind. You could be trapped, or killed, or tortured, or whatever strange things the mind could come up with. Sure, the thought of doing it isn't scary, until you come face to face with it. Once it becomes real, the terror of it is over whelming. Laz had only ever stepped into another realm twice as far as he was concerned, this place and the realm in which A'ruya lived. To be fair though, that might not have even been another realm and he didn't really go there, just his mind. But since it felt real, he considered it to be real.

Neither time ended real well for him. At least here, he knew there was a chance for survival even if he didn't know how it happened the last time.

Despite not knowing where to go, Tyr seemed to be totally at home here and quickly followed a path. Not knowing where to go, Laz just let Tyr take the lead.

It didn't take long before they came upon a massive shadow that seemed as large as a three story house. It resembled the types of creatures Laz had come upon before, being made up of darkness that had a shape. On top of that, Laz had no idea if it was night or day time since the world seemed to lack direct light. It was impossible to tell if it was a shadow of a creature or the creature itself.

Just as Laz was wondering these things, the creature seemed to turn around. In the place where the head should be, two yellowish green lights seemed to shine, as though two bright fire flies just lit up suddenly and weren't moving. Laz had the distinct impression that this creature was looking at him, Sarah and Tyr.

Just as Laz was about to say something, Tyr lifted his leg and waved, as if he knew this creature.

:Uh, Tyr? What is that?: Laz asked using his spiritual sense as quietly as he could, not wanting the creature to somehow hear him. Before Tyr could respond back in anyway, the creature responded for itself.

:I am the reason you are still alive, human. Why had you come here again?: The creatures voiced boomed within Laz mind like a giant drum beating over and over again. It was almost impossible to handle. Luckily for Laz, his spiritual ability was quite a bit stronger than normal, even for infected.

That didn't mean he was able to collect himself quickly.

:Oh, I... Um. Well..:

:Out with it human or you will be my next meal.:

"I'm just escorting this girl who said she was being drawn here," Laz said out loud while pointing to Sarah who was sitting in front of him. Sarah was staring at this creature without a hint of fear, as though she understood what was happening.

:She was called here, you were not. Leave her and go back.:

"That's not going to happen."

:Heh. I guess this old thing is getting a fresh human meal tonight then.: Just as the large creature finished speaking, Tyr suddenly fell down shaking, but it wasn't violently and Laz didn't feel like Tyr was afraid. If anything, it seem like Tyr was holding back his... laughter?

:You think this is funny little star spider?: The creature looked at Tyr and asked angrily, causing Tyr to shake more. Laz wasn't sure what was going on or why he and Tyr could hear the creature's voice at the same time, but it relaxed him a little as he read the situation.

It seemed this large creature wasn't dangerous based on Tyr's response. Or, at the very least, it wasn't going to be dangerous to them.

"Uh... so..." Laz was kind of at a loss. This wasn't what he expected his first interaction with these creatures to be like. When he saw them the last time, he only got a feeling a fear, like being drowned in a wave and unable to resist. Of course, had he known the reason, he wouldn't know how he should feel.

These creatures had been cut off from the normal world for quite some time. When normal humans came into this realm after it opened up, they would all die. The grey mist in the air saw to that. But this human didn't die and in fact, brought a creature like a star spider to see them. They were honestly amazed. Tyr understood all this, but he had no way to communicate it to Laz and so Laz was in the dark. Laz being overwhelmed by their pressure was because all of them discovered him and wanted to check him out at the same time. No matter how strong you are, when many big, powerful hands start to hold you in place, it's impossible to move. It was only after Laz passed out that they understood that they had messed up. Tyr was especially angry at them because of this..

These creatures had no way of knowing what was happening on the other side of the veil, so how could they know that the world had changed. Although their realm wasn't extremely large, it was enough to support them, something that the other side couldn't bring with it's lack of the grey air they used for energy.

Seeing Tyr fall down laughing at the large shadow, Laz noticed that the shadow seemed to sigh as though his strong act had been rendered completely useless. As such, the shadow dissolved and in it's place was a three story house sized owl.

"You're an owl?"

:An owl? Does the majestic me look like a mere owl to you boy?:

"A really large owl, but yes." Tyr started laughing so hard he rolled himself into a tree and almost knocked it over. Seeing this the owl could once again only sigh and think about wanting to run away. It had truly lost all face as a majestic spirit creature.

"Anyway, my friend..." Laz decided that the conversation wasn't going anywhere and wanted to inquire about Sarah who was still looking around in a daze.

:Your friend... has become a spirit walker or spirit shaman as your people used to put it...:

"A spirit shaman?"

:I can only imagine that knowledge and records of this realm have been lost over time for you to not know something as simple as that. Has the outside world really changed so much?:

"Uh... How long has it been since you've been out there?" Laz needed a reference point to go on, otherwise, he would get nowhere.

:If measured by your standards of years based on what we used to know... around one hundred thousand years? Or so?:

Laz felt like he hit a brick wall, head on, at the speed of sound.

'A HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS? IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?' Laz yelled in his head, unable to wrap his mind around it. If this creature was as old as it said and it was correct in it's imagining of earth years, that would mean it was around before the first modern humans, at least according to science.

'Then again, how can anything that is happening be explained with science right now anyway.' In his head, Laz started to feel that basing things on convention was a bad idea. The rule book really did need to be thrown out the window.

'Wait a minute.'

"Uh... sir?"

:Hmm?: The owl turned away from Sarah and looked back at Laz. He had been examining her as though he was trying to figure something out.

"The last time you were outside in our world, did something happen? Like, did the planet start to get really cold?"

:So you do have records of that event. Yes. Some things happened and the planet became a giant mass of ice as the temperature plummeted while the world energy disappeared. It truly was a dark day for us as we had to retreat to this sub realm. At least here though, we could survive.:

Laz's head one again felt like he was hitting that wall, over and over again. He start to connect some dots, things in which he had no way to prove. But he also didn't want to ask the owl too much. After all, the thing didn't seem stupid in the slightest and he didn't think that these creatures appearing outside was a good idea, even if they could now barely survive.

Laz was going to keep his thoughts to himself until he could find proof. A very scary and blood thirsty woman appeared in his mind as he had these thoughts. For a moment, he wondered why he hadn't seen or heard from her in a while.

:This girl needs to find her guide.:

"Her guide?"

:Yes. For each spirit walker, there is usually only one among us who is compatible with the walker. Therefore, she must go forward on her own, to find the one who will guide her.: The owl said after some thought.

"Will she be ok?"

:That... is part of the challenge. It will depend on her. But the sooner she goes, the better it will be for her. This forest is rather large and there is no telling who she is looking for. Perhaps she herself doesn't know. She just feels it.:

Seeing Laz look concerned, Tyr can over and set a leg on his arm as though comforting him. Seeing this, Laz looked back at Tyr and nodded.

:Must go.:

"How do you know so much little one?" Laz couldn't help but ask. Tyr really had shown up one day and seemed to be knowledgeable beyond reason for his age. It was something Laz had thought about more than once. Tyr just shrugged his shoulders as though he had no idea.

:You really don't know what the young one is, do you human?:

"No. Should I?"

:Simply amazing and stupid at the same time. I am truly in aw of you boy. Truly.:

"Want to say that one more time, yah fat chicken?"

Both Laz and the owl started glaring at each other. Laz had forgotten his fear from before and the fact that he could no longer use his energy, only thinking that he had just been insulted by an old, giant bird.

:CHICKEN?: The owl seemed confused and angry at the same time. He knew it was an insult, he just didn't understand it.

Tyr quickly jumped out and stood between them, causing them to both back down. Tyr then pointed to Sarah who seemed to have found a direction and wanted to leave.

:For the little one, I shall accompany her on her journey for a ways, at least so that the other spirits here don't accidently hurt her out of curiosity.:

"I thank you for that," Laz responded back politely.

:I'm not doing it for you.:

Sarah had started moving while they were talking as the owl made to go catch up to her. It was stopped by Tyr who had jumped in front of it though as if he wanted something.

:What? Why should I help the human?:

Tyr waved his arms around some more, getting his point across.

:Fine. It's not like he wouldn't have gotten rid of it on it's own. Still, would be a waste I guess. Alright.:

The owl looked back at Laz with a funny look on it's face. It looked like a half smirk, something that shouldn't be on an owl's face as though it was going to enjoy something very much. Just as Laz retreated back and thought about bringing out the sword from his pouch, a green light shot out of the owls eyes and hit Laz in the forehead, sending him flying backwards until a tree broke his fall.

Before things went dark on him once again, Laz heard the owl's mind voice speaking to an angry Tyr.

:I said I would help and I did. I never said I would be gentle.:

Laz really had a desire for some fried chicken as he passed out.

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