Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 191: Getting Out Alive

Chapter 191: Getting Out Alive

Although Leona had put on a strong front, that didn't mean that she wasn't scared. Now, knowing that Laz had found her, she could barely contain her tears.

Laz just silently held her. He could feel her shaking as she tried her best to not cry. So he didn't move and just let her get out the tears she was holding in. But it didn't last too long. Thanks to a lot of the things she had been through with Laz, she was far more mentally capable now than she would have been six months ago. So although she lost her cool for a minute or two, she was back to normal in no time.

:Are you ok?:

:I'm fine, considering everything.:

:Ok. So is there anything I need to know before I break you out of here? Security, alarms, anything?:

:I don't think so. I didn't notice anything like that during the time I could see in here.:

:Alright. Speaking if which, why didn't you just break these bars yourself if they weren't wired?:

:Brian... he injected me with something he got from some lab up north. It's making my head pound and causing my energy to go nuts. I can't circulate it or control it at all...:

:Something like that exists? Wait... A lab up north? That mother fucker...:


:Uh.. nothing. I will tell you later. Alright, let's see. Before I get you out of here, let me try something. Close your eyes and relax.:

Without hesitation, Leona did as Laz asked and closed her eyes. Laz brought both his hands inside the cage while he sat down outside of it and closed his eyes as well. He then focused his spiritual sense into Leona's body. Ever since they had started to share in the joys of passionate lovemaking, they had developed a certain connection with each other. As Laz had gotten stronger, he realized that it was like that for not only Ruby and Leona, but that there was also a connection that still existed with Kennedy and Marlene. The stronger he got and the stronger they got, the more he could feel the connection. He had no idea what it meant, but he felt that it might be helpful here.

As he spread his sense into her body, he was able to see the little black specks that seemed to float throughout her body causing all of the energy around to to go berserk. Due to these tiny specks in some areas of her body, the rest of her body couldn't compensate for them which made her unable to use her energy. As strong as she was normally, these little black specs actually caused her muscles to go out of control along with her energy which prevented her from using even her base strength.

Seeing this, Laz knew that the only way to heal her was to eliminate the black specks. His first thought was to use his own energy and try to push them away, but he quickly gave up on that idea. The specks themselves reacted violently to her own internal energy so Laz felt that adding his energy would just make things worse.

That would only leave his black flame that could be used.

Normally, Laz used the black flame as a weapon. As he grew stronger, he was able to control it more, make it stronger the more energy he fed to it, or weaker if he took it away. This allowed Laz to understand that his black flame was far more complicated than he had realized. So he had a certain amount of confidence that he could use it to remove the black specks from Leona. The problem that he had no idea how it would affect her.

:This might hurt a little.:

:You trying to excite me?:

Laz was a bit startled by her provocative response, but then smiled. She trusted him, no matter what. What was a little pain between lovers?

Laz smiled and closed his eyes to focus. He then sent small waves of his flames into Leona's body. At first, the flames seemed like they wanted to go out of control and burn everything around them, but they soon settled down as though sensing Laz's will. To his astonished eyes, the flames started acting like an intelligent creature and started sniffing out various issues with her body. Before he knew how to react, the black flames that were invisible to the naked eye sought out the drugs that had invaded her system like white blood cells attacking viruses and started to destroy them without further instruction from Laz. But they didn't stop there either. They also attacked various impurities within her blood, hidden injuries throughout her body and even went to her center of energy before joining with her own energy to temper her core, bringing her even closer to the point that Laz was at in his cultivation.

As the black flames finished their purifying, they started to retreat back out of Leona's body while the energy in her body became excited, almost like it was cheering the black flames for their help. As the last bit of fire was about the disperse, a small portion of flame separated from the main blazes and returned back to her center, much to the excitement of her own energy. Then it just settled down and didn't make any other moves..

Seeing this, Laz had no idea what the hell had just happened. All he knew was that it seemed like he was right, that his black flames could do more than just destroy. It was an eye opening experience for Laz and for Leona. As she felt most of the energy leave minus that small bit, she opened up her eyes. Although it was completely dark, after having spread out her own sense towards Laz, she observed the confused look on his face. It seemed like he also had no idea what had happened.

Still, she knew that it was something amazing.

:Are you ok?: Laz asked.

:Yes. Better than ok. Why didn't you do that before?:

:Well... would you believe that I had no idea that I could do that?:

:So I was your test subject huh?:

:In... not so negative words... yes. Now... let's get you out of there...:

:Allow me.:

Before Laz could respond, Leona had used her energy and drawn out her claws. With nothing more that a flick of her fingers, the bars on the cage were cleanly sliced through. Moving quickly, Laz grabbed the bars before they could fall and set them aside, allowing the room to stay as deadly quiet as it was before.

Leona quickly freed herself from the cage before stretching out a bit to loosen her body. Having been freed, she was now expecting to fight with Laz to get out of here, but Laz wasn't really thinking the same thing.

:Alright. Time to move quickly. We need to be fast and not be seen since I don't have a spare uniform for you.:

:What about the other girls here?:

:What... about them?: Laz asked, not following.

:You're not going to leave them here, are you?:

:I don't... I didn't have a plan to take them with us, no...:




:This is going to be far more dangerous than just me saving you, you know that right?:

:Then what? What are we suppose to do? Ignore them?:


:Laz, baby. I know. I know you can't save everyone. You're not a super hero. But I also know that inside, you want to help people.:

And Leona was right. Laz's first thought was to save Leona, but that didn't mean he didn't want to help these people. But Laz also knew that when you tried to save everyone, you sometimes ended up saving no one. He was still haunted by the past. And when he found out that Leona had was in trouble, he ended up focusing on her. He wanted to make sure he didn't lose anyone close to him again, even if it was at the expense of other people.

:I... I will do something. But you're leaving now.:

:I know. You would worry about me the whole time I'm with you, wouldn't you?: Leona asked him with a smile.

:Take little Tyr with you. He will guide you to where Ruby is waiting. And once you get there, both of you leave.:

:What about you then?:

:Heh. The easiest way to solve this whole problem is by blowing things up a bit. After all, even if I can't kill Brian, I will make sure that he doesn't have a good life from here on out.:

Without waiting, Laz offered Leona his uniform to hide her escape, but she declined. As she told Laz, if she wanted to leave, they wouldn't be able to stop her. More so, they wouldn't even be able to see her. Laz couldn't help but agree with her on that point. Although she felt weird being led by the tiny spider, Tyr did his best to give her simple directions. All he really needed to say was the place she had to go next.

After a few passionate kisses along with Laz's promise of being careful, one that he knew he couldn't keep, Leona disappeared via the tunnel, leaving Laz alone in the room with the unknown amount of girls still locked in cages.

At this point, Laz was somewhat in a bind. He knew what he wanted to do, but he was unsure of how he was going to do it. Especially now that he had the task of saving all these girls.

But after a few minutes worth of thought, he could only come up with one, somewhat safe plan. At least, it was safe for them.

Moving quickly but quietly, Laz move around to every single cage by using his sense as a guide and burned the locks off, one at a time. As he finished with the last lock, he noticed that a few of the girls had started to figure out that something was happening.

It's worth noting that despite the conditions of the environment, the girls themselves were actually pretty healthy and well fed. There was no signs of disease or neglect in any of them. Of course this said nothing about the fact that the girls had injuries in various places based on what kind of play Brian was interested in during his visit. But even then it seemed like the injuries were being treated properly and promptly. If Laz had to guess, it would be because once Brian got tired of a girl, he would just kill her. Until that point, he took care of them like pets.

The entire thing made Laz sick to his stomach.

"I know you all can here me so don't be afraid. I mean you no harm. Very shortly, you will have an opportunity to escape, but that will come with a bit of hardship. In the wall over near a corner, there is a tunnel that is big enough for you all to comfortably crawl out together in a line. But it is a rather long crawl, it's dark, and it's underground. It also may be your only chance. If you can get out while everyone is distracted, you will have a chance. If you stay here in this room however, you may never get out. This is the only opportunity I can offer you. You will be able to fine the tunnel once I leave and turn on the light. It's best if you get out quickly and don't worry, the tunnel is sturdy and will hold." Laz tried to be as gentle as possible, but it was hard to retrain the anger in his voice. Finished with his speech, Laz made his way to the door. Although the door was locked from the outside, it took very little effort on Laz's part to break the lock just by twisting the latch handle.

"Good luck!"

With that, Laz yanked the door open and turned on the light, filling the room with the harsh brightness.

Most girls were immediately blinded by it, but for a few who had their eyes fixed on where the door was, they could see a man covered in black flames like some evil demon from hell as he quietly walked away.

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