Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 161: Back To The Cave

Chapter 161: Back To The Cave

When Laz woke up in the morning, he was greeted by a sunny day. Blinking his eyes a few times, he sat up, only to notice that Vivi was still passed out on top of him. As such, he carefully slid out from the small bed and went to take a shower.

Although he had gotten used to it, the small shower area in the camper was always a pain to use. It was basically like a little 4 foot square that fit one person. Although Laz wasn't complaining, he had missed those days where he had his own tub that he could lay in full of hot water. It was a bit funny that you only think about those kinds of things when they are no longer there.

As Laz stepped out from the little closet shower, the events from the previous night were stuck in his head. He really had lost himself in the feeling of bloodlust, a bit more than he had thought possible.

'Perhaps she would know...' Laz thought as he hung up the towel. He quickly turned around and walked back into the bed room area naked to ask her what she thought.

"Hey, sleepy head. Rise and shine..." Laz said while poking at Vivi. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her turn over while trying to avoid him. She had been a rather small and tiny pup when he had first met her, but over the almost two years they had been together, she had grown up and was no longer able to be that small. Although she could change her size at will and take on monstrous proportions, she could no longer become the incredibly little size anymore. Even so, her smallest form was still just a hair bigger than a house cat, so it didn't really matter much.

Just as Laz was debating lifting her up and bouncing her on the bed, Vivi woke up enough to pop an eye open. Of course, the first thing she saw was a well muscled, all be it rather pale skinned Laz sitting on the bed next to her naked.


Before she could control her reaction, she yelpped in surprise and jumped backwards.

*WHAT ARE YOU DOING?* She yelled at him while taking deep breathes.

"I hade a question so I wanted to ask you about it."




"You act like you've never seen me naked before."

*UGH... Look, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm a girl. Why would I want to see your pasty self flopping around like a fish out of water when I open my eyes?*

Although Laz was a bit confused, he still grabbed some clothes and covered himself up, not noticing that Vivi had gone a bit shy from the whole experience. She was really glad she wasn't a human girl otherwise she would have been bright red all over and her embarrassment would have been impossible to hide.

*Stupid brother...* she mumbled to herself as he had finally covered his few important parts.

At first he was going to ask her why it was that he as a human would cause her, not a human, to be embarrassed by his lack of clothes, but then thought better of it. After all, that would probably just make things a bit more complicated.

"Anyway, so this happened..." As long launched into the story of what had happened the previous night, Vivi listened on, getting more and more annoyed with him. When he finally finished though, she couldn't help but sigh at this big brother of hers and his utter lack of restraint.

*How did you feel, you know, killing people?*

"How did I feel? Well... I guess... that they just needed to die?".

*Yeah. And honestly, I'm glad you didn't take the life of those girls as that would have made things much worse. At least you still have that much restraint.*

"What do you mean?" Laz asked, curious. From the sounds of it, she seemed to understand what had happend.

*Bloodlust, Battle Fervor, call it what you will. It's a state of mind, one that is easy to come by and hard to dissipate. It's basically a type of peasure you feel while fighting and that final taking of life is like a climax.* Vivi said, although she had stuttered at the end. The explanation was a bit sexua in nature after all, something she was getting more and more self concious about with him.

"So, you're saying I... orgasimed everytime I killed someone last night?"

*Kinda, yeah*

"But that's just..."

*Are you so sure? Think about it.*

Thinking back, in a way, Vivi was right. Although Laz was a bit reluctant to admit it, it basically felt pleasurable to kill those people.

*You've understood that one can be haunted by killing, so much so that it drives them insane. However, there is also the other side to that too. To be so focused on the peasure of the kill that you lose yourself in it and can't help but be driven by the desire to kill again. However, I don't actually think that is your problem.*

When Vivi was looking at Laz, she noticed that he seemed to have a hint of fear in his eyes, something that she hadn't seen in him for a while. She was saying things to him this way because she wanted to warn him but it seemed like she needed to actually explain the difference between what she just discribed and what he actually felt.

*There is actually another explanation for you for last night too. Most animals don't kill for fun, they do so to survive and eat. But the one thing to remember is that all animals that do hunt, enjoy the peasure of a hunt. It is basically like an adrenaline ride from start to finish.*

"So, you think that was the reason I almost lost it?" Laz asked, feeling a bit better. Had Vivi told him he was getting addicted to killing, he wasn't sure how he was going to deal with it. He didn't believe for a second that he could live the rest of his life as a non-violent monk.

*I think so. Sigh, you know what? You've always been a bit too gentle I think. Even though you're years better than anyone else your age, your still not hard enough, nor cold enough. It's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing.* Laz knew what she meant without her having to explain. Simply put, him being gentle would be a weakness in the future.

*So what are your next plans?*

"I was thinking we should take everyone into the cave and let them get a little hands on experience with those demon beasts."

*Yeah. About that. It might not be the best idea right now.*

"What do you mean?" Laz knew that Vivi had been taking it on herself to do and check out the cave while keeping tabs on the few remaining beasts inside, mostly to understand how they developed. So when she said that it wasn't a good time, there had to be a good reason.

*Stange thing, I think we view things wrong before.*


*So, we thought that the beasts, err spiders, in the cave would continue to grow until they got so big and so over powered that they would break out an run amok right?*

"Yes, but...?"

*Well, since I have been watching it, the cave seems to have started to restore to it's original capacity way quicker than I thought possible. In fact, I now think that even if we killed everything in it, it somehow would have still been able to bring eveything back to te way it was in just a year or two.*

"So what does that mean for right now?" Laz almost understood what she was saying, but felt like he was missing something.

*It means that there are almost two dozen of those large, dog like spiders and a whole shit load of the small level ones. It seems like the cave is restoring itself to how it was before we hit it as fast as possible. If things had been able to grow at this speed the entire time, then we should have encountered far more of the spiders than we did. The fact is, I think the cave can only build up to a certain level before it's growth either stops, or slows down so fast that it would take hundreds of years for something to make an improvement. Of course it would be dead by then.* After explaining everything, Vivi just sat back and watched him think. She had already formed her own thoughts on this cave, but she was wondering what he would come up with.

"This cave... is almost like a dungeon in a game after a respawn. A level one dungeon will only ever be a level one dungeon. I mean sure, unless the dungeon has like a high level locked area, but other than that.."

*This.... isn't exactly what I was thinking but it's strangly accurate. I have no idea how much of your past you wasted on games..." Vivi said, raising an eyebrow at this big brother of hers.

"Well, anything that could be played on mobile. I spent a lot of time in a car with my parents when I was young."

*Well, anyway. What this means is that this cave is regulated. What that also means is that there is a system of laws in place that didn't exist before. You are right with what you think, but just like in nature, things don't automatically come back to life. It takes time. Anyway, knowing this, what do you plan on doing?*

"Well.." Laz thought for a bit before deciding to alter his plans.

"I don't think we cna bring Reggie or Dee, since they will likely freak out and get themselves hurt. Even though the spiders in the cave pose no real danger to be, that doesn't mean I or even you can always watch them and save them. Instead, it would be better to bring people with actual combat experience."

*That's what I was thinking. Those two arn't like you and are way too young to do that just yet.*

"So I guess that I can just bring Leona and Ruby..."

*Oh ho ho. So now you're close with that girl you told me about too?*

"Well, she is experienced and her group is slightly related to me. Besides, her group could be put in charge of the cave for managing it long term. And on top of that, it can serve as a training ground for them," Laz explained as best he could. he really didn't have any bad thoughts, but he felt like he owed Ruby and the Black Rose for their help last night, more so than just the money they would get from the job. Since he was slightly responsible for the groups formation, he felt a bit of responsibility to help it grow as well.

*Whatever. It's your call. I'm going to be busy for a bit so you will be on your own for the trip. Have fun with the two girls...*

"Vivi... what? What will you be doing? Are you upset at me?"

*No. And I'm not telling you. You just focus on what you have to do while I focus on what I have to do ok?* Vivi wasn't really made at her big brother, but it seemed easier to do what she needed to do if he was left in the dark about it. After all, it was better he didn't know what she was up to when it concerned the people that it did. She also didn't want his demon babysitter knowing what she was up to. She didn't trust that strange, green haired women. She just didn't know why. The woman had saved his life before so on the surface she seemed ok. But something in Vivi's blood told her that the woman was more of an enemy than a friend and always would be.

Seeing that she wasn't going to say anything about it, Laz didn't speak any more about it. Seeing as how the little wolf looked like she was going to lay back down to sleep more now that they were done talking, so Laz just crawled back in bed with her and snuggled up to her, burying his face in her gentle fur.

*wha wha wha... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?*

"Just showing you how much you mean to me. In the end, it's only been you and me."

*I know that. Of course I know that. Get your wet man flesh off of me and go do your stuff...* Vivi scolded Laz while he laughed and got up to make some calls.

Watching him walk out of the room, Vivi just smiled again before covering herself up again in the blankets.

'Stupid brother. How could I not know how you feel about me...'

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