Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 78: Dragon Inheritance

Chapter 78: Dragon Inheritance

"Wait, you are a male?! The heck? I thought dragons regardless of gender has the voice of an old man, so you are actually a real male?!"

"Kid, I have not much time left in my body. You need to get to receive my reward before I breathe my last breath."

"Ugh fine."

When I got closer, I made sure that my body will be ready in case this dragon betrays me. However, I soon felt a warm light enveloping my body. Also, a new knowledge appeared inside my mind. But before I can react to the new knowledge, my left arm suddenly started to get painful and seems to be burning hot.

"F*ck, f*ck, what is going on?!" I grab my sleeves and saw that my arm has an engraved tattoo that seems to look like a tribal tattoo that resembles dragon scales. However, the tattoo is not made from ink, it looks like it was burnt straight to my arm and it is not also a wound that can turn into a scab once it healed.

"Now you are set to go," the dragon said.

"What the f*ck did you do to me?!"

"Isn't your goal is to become a powerful human? Then I gave you something. Humans call it the Dragon's curse. Although it is indeed a curse, it only affects your power. I put this to you to act as my seal to you and to make sure my daughter will not be tricked by a human. If you try to do anything harmful to my daughter, this tattoo will kill you the instant."

I almost cursed. Isn't this similar to slave seals and contracts? Looks like I am not trusted much to entrust a curse on my body. The dragon seems to be dissipating but he still continued to speak.

"Still, that is not entirely the case on the curse. I put that on you so that you are now considered as a half-blood, a human and a dragon to be exact. You are still a human but you can use dragon traits due to this. You can also get to transform your arm into a dragon once every week so if you can use it, then do it."

Wait, so I am going to be a dragon by borrowing a dragon's power? Isn't that akin to converting oneself into a dragon? I don't think I have agreed to this kind of bargain. I have seen plenty of protagonists in anime and novels to become a dragon at the very end of the series because of over usage of the draconic power.

"Are you trying to convert me as a dragon?!"

"No, this curse is different than the curse we usually give out to our oppressors. This is a safety measure curse we usually give out so that the person we give this curse, follows what we wanted. Of course, I toned it down for your sake, and this curse will only work if you did something bad to my daughter."

While we are talking, the body of the dragon starts to dissipate like it was being pounded to dust.

"Ah, it looks like I am about to disappear. Anyways, you are going to do what was supposed to happen. You can't really do anything if you disobey what I task I gave you. Even if I am dead, that curse will remain until you finished the task. Also, I have seen a bit of your future and that seems to be a bit bleak. The battle will soon occur and will involve you and your loved ones, whether you like it or not. Find the Necklace of the Flame, and secure its power. That way, you will get a chance to fight back soon."

After saying those things, he disappeared without leaving a single thing. Even bones and the dragon blood were no longer on the ground, all of them have turned to ashes.

"What a selfish bastard," I muttered and glance at the new tattoo on my arm. It still stings but it seems to be healing fast enough.

Although I learned the Domain of Balmung, I am not a bit happy. I should have not gone outside if I have known I will receive something like this. Although he said I can use this curse to gain the strength of a dragon, I don't think I will use it much unless I am threatened to use it for emergencies. I sighed and looked at these dead guys. Since they are dead, they won't complain if I mugged them off their belongings right? They won't be going to use it anyway so what is the point of leaving them in there?

After looting a bit, I got a few mana beads that I have seen before on Godou's shop. A few beads of recovery and their weapons were also looted. What is important is the Holoballs that they possess. After they die, they won't be using it so I am going to take them. There are six of them and they are all containing hella good amount of points. I am not greedy so as a token of apology, I will be giving these three Holoballs to the unconscious girl.

That said, I still needed to get to the dragon's nest. Since the dragon passes the memories he possesses to me, many of his knowledge was also inside my mind and I also get to find where his daughter was located. But what made me freak out is that his daughter is clearly not a dragon looking one. In fact, she is not what a conventional dragon looks like. She was in the form of a human female. She wears ripped clothes which from the looks of it, are clothes that came from humans killed. 

"Another female? Why do these girls always get attracted to my direction? I just wanted to get myself to earn a lot of points. Why are the odds of fate keeps me connected to these females? Please, I know what a harem is and I don't want that kind of lifestyle. Damn it!"

In the end, I have no choice but to fetch that girl. I am seriously f*cked up on this. 

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