Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 76: Domain of Balmung

Chapter 76: Domain of Balmung

"There is indeed a magic that can be used to slay dragons. However, this magic is too great and cannot be used by you. In short, this magic skill is impossible for you to learn," Blue answered.

"Why? Is it too strong for me to handle?"

"That is just one of the reasons. The second one is that if you want to learn the magic, you need to change a part of your body into a dragon. Of course, there are other magic that you can use but they cost a tremendous amount of magic and you need to be a sage just to learn the magic. With the current you, all I can say is that learning that magic will not work. If you have brought the Skull Knuckle, you might be able to beat up the dragon using the skill it has associated with whenever you punch an enemy."

Hearing this, I frowned and fell into deep thought. It is too much for me to slay the dragon. And with the current weak me, I can't do it. Also, I can just avoid the dragon completely. Due to the nature of dragons being nocturnal, it should have been asleep in the morning, but since we have seen its appearance in the broad daylight, it means that the dragon is actively hunting and might have just awoken from its deep slumber.

"Is there another way to protect ourselves against that dragon? If there is no compatible magic for me to learn and use to kill the dragon, then there must be a magic that can protect us from the dragon."

"Just like you said, there are magic spells that can help you defend yourselves against dragons. Root Erasure is one of that. I am sure that you have seen the effects of it which allowed the two of you to avoid being detected by the Dragon. There are other magic spells that are focused on defense and can be used to defend yourself against dragon attacks. The only downside is that it costs a lot of mana just to use it. With your current mana pool, you can use these kinds of spells twice maximum."

"That is fine. As long as there is a magic that can allow us to survive the dragon. A single magic might be my salvation if either I get to face that dragon."

"Haiiss, I just can't believe I am being used like SIRI again. Oh well, if you die, I wouldn't have anyone else to annoy with. So here, browse on these magic skills. I already pruned those magic skills that I am sure that will not suit your battle style."

I smiled at Blue's muttering. It is true that I am using this A.I on my phone like SIRI but as time goes by, Blue doesn't seem to resemble SIRI as Blue can engage a conversation with me and answer me with different tones. I am beginning to think that Blue is really not an A.I that I really thought she is.

Scrolling on the screen, I saw that all of the spells are defensive and all are barrier types. Most of them cover a whole area which might be the reason why it is somewhat limited to two uses for me and for why it cost a lot of mana. However, one magic barrier catches my attention.

(Domain of Balmung)


This is the sword that the hero of the Nibelungenlied, Siegfried used to slay the evil dragon Fafnir. I thought this was just a sword. I didn't expect that there was a version of the sword as a barrier magic. To be exact, with the association of the name Balmung to the spell name means this barrier is also an anti-dragon attack barrier spell. Since I am curious, I decided to click on the name and read it's description and how to learn the magic itself.


Description: A piece of power that the Balmung holds. Instead of being used as a power to slay dragons, this power is converted into a power that protects its user against dragon attacks. It is said that this power is just a replica power from the original Balmung to recreate its power to slay dragons which failed. However, this is enough to protect anyone who tries to attack the user with sheer force and not even the evil dragon Fafnir can destroy this barrier.

Methods to learn the Spell

1. The skill is a barrier spell. However, protecting and defending is not the same. This barrier is not used to defend but is used to defend. To properly utilize it, you need courage and bravery to manifest the power worthy to use the magic.

2. This spell is used to protect, meaning it is best used if the user has something to protect. The stronger the will of the user to protect, the stronger the barrier will appear and will depend on whether the barrier is a weak and brittle one or a barrier as hard as a rock.


The method is somewhat vague. It doesn't give too much accurate method on how to learn it. However, it gives the most distinct and repeated words on the method a clue to how to learn it. It was to "PROTECT." If the Balmung in the story is a sword used to slay the dragon Fafnir, then this barrier is used to protect an individual against any attacks. However, that doesn't mean it is precise on how to evoke the power of the Domain of Balmung.

I scratched my head on the skill, this is something I don't have any idea on how to evoke. Therefore, I decided to check on the other skills. However, the other skills are not that good than the Domain of Balmung. They are either too weak to sustain the power of dragon attacks or they can only defend the attack of dragon monsters.

Since the Domain of Balmung acts as both the barrier against the attacks of enemies and Dragons, I am determined to learn the spell.

"Blue, I am going to need some help on this skill. Assist me in learning the Domain of Balmung."

[ol][li data-annotation-id="37e88306-ec40-8485-c4de-3fa6180326cb"]In Norse mythology, Gram (Old Norse Gramr, meaning Wrath) is the sword that Sigurd(Siegfried) used to kill the dragon Fafnir. It is primarily used by the Volsungs in the Volsunga Saga. However, it is also seen in other legends, such as the Thidrekssaga wielded by Hildebrand.Depending on the story and source material, Gram may have other names. In The Nibelungenlied, it is named Balmung. In Richard Wagner's work, Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung), it is referred to as Nothung.[/ol]

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