Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 50: Learning Some Magic

Chapter 50: Learning Some Magic

I relayed this matter to my familiars and they quickly supported me in what I will be doing in this matter. As expected of my familiars, even though they have been my familiars for a few days, they have already grown to me as one of my family. Although Inari can't be summoned for more than an hour, she acts as the mother figure in my familiars and keeps on doting them like they are her children. These two devil children are just children who lack the parents figure I guess.

Returning on my room while the two familiars of mine are still busy playing videogames in the living room, I am here preparing for the upcoming demon invasion. Because I am still weak and considering that my magic skills are close to nonexistent, I have to master the magic as soon as possible to cover how weak I am as an individual. I already have my shoes and gloves ready but they are not really something that I can say my magic because it is just an equipment. It is not necessarily mine and there are chances that it will be broken which is something I don't want to happen. Therefore, I have to make backup magic in case that will happen.

I managed to learn an Ice Magic which is the Freezing Wind but I tested it and it can only freeze enemies and only do minimal damage. It is just for stalling enemies and not for attacking purposes so it is not as useful in dealing damage so what I need is something to cause severe damage while I use Freezing Wind to stall their movements. Browsing in the channel of magic spells, I clicked the attack magic sort and saw countless of magic spells for beginners to masters.

"You planning to learn offensive-type magic?" the voice on the app asked.

"It's pretty obvious already. If I want to survive the upcoming demon invasion that Zacharias mentioned, then I have to be stronger and able to use stronger magic skills. I can't rely on others and my familiars always because it will be a time where I will be alone and the demons used this chance to inflict damage to me, I am pretty doomed."

"Is that so, then I suggest you get a Light Magic and Water Magic. Most demons have the affinity of dark and fire magic so getting light magic and water magic would be sufficient in attacking demons. But most of them require a severe understanding of the magic so it might take you a while to learn specific magic of your choice before the attack begins."

"I don't really care as long as I can learn at least a single magic. If this can save at least a single life then I will do it."

'Alright, I will help you at this time because you are pitiful."

The voice might be a tsundere I guess.

"I will kill you if you tell that again, remember I can hear your thoughts. Even if you didn't say it out loud, I can hear you loud and clear."


With the help of the voice in the app, I managed to find lots of magic skills for light and water attribute that is very compatible with my battle style. And I think these two magic skills that I recently browsed will be able to help me if I managed to master and learn it. First would be the water magic since it has an easier procedure to be able to learn it properly. I check the info again and made sure that the magic is the one I am going to learn or not.

(Water Torrent)

Type: Water Attribute

Tier: 3rd Tier

Information: Summons a huge torrent of water out from your palms. It has a very low mana consumption rate which is very useful for magicians with low mana capacity.

Necessary things needed: ...


It has three procedures so I decided to read the step by step if I needed the steps. The items necessary are just two things and that would be the two pails of water and ice cubes submerged on the water of the pail. The number of ice cubes was stated that I needed would be that they should have filled the pail's water surface. Ice cubes were plenty inside the refrigerator so I have no problem getting them all. After getting them, I read step one to start mastering the magic.

1. Put your two hands inside the pail full of water and ice. Submerge your arms to the water and rest your palms to the bottom of the pail.

That should be easy right? Following the instructions, I put my hands to the two pails full of water and ice cubes. But f*ck, the coldness that the water gives to my hands makes it too hard for me to stay my hands and arms into the water. Do you think it was easy? It was like your hands were being frozen as slow as it can. And it stated that I needed to rest my palms to the bottom of the pail. If that was the case, I would be struggling since the coldness will force your hands to keep it in the fist form to stop the coldness that the ice cubes give. It is just too cold. I struggled a little bit and managed to do so but now, I can't scroll the message in the app.

"Hey, you, the soul of the app, are you in there?"

"Just call me Blue, you keep on calling me you. What is it?"

"Alright, Blue, can you help me scroll on the app? My arms and hands are occupied right now, you see."

"Hey, I may be an assistant in the app but I am not SIRI."

"I know you can control the app so please, just this once. I am begging you!"

"Yeah, yeah, stop yammering alright? I am doing it."

The message on the chat was scrolled immediately, which allowed me to see the next step.

2. Focus the mana on your palms. Imagine a strong wave of water gathering in your palms. Make the mana on your body to circulate around your arm alone. Do it while the water is still cold, return to step one if the ice in the water melted or the water turned warm.

Circulation of mana eh? That would be a bit easier but with the coldness not helping, it is harder to deal with it. But I still wanted to try.

I closed my eyes and circulate all the mana in my body and made sure that all of it won't spill out or wreak havoc in my arm. It was a bit hard with the coldness damping in my skin. I can't even let the water turn warm.

Slowly, I tried circulating it without any rush. As soon as it stabilized, I added a bit more mana on my arm and made sure to visualize the flowing water in both hands simultaneously.

"Next, Blue!"

The phone scrolled by itself again and the last instruction appeared. Apparently, it only has three procedures so this would be the last.

3. Feel the water in your skin. Replicate the water that touches your skin. That's it. After visualizing the water a few more times, materializing the actual water would come close after that. Test it after the procedure outside the water once you manage to feel the water coming out of your hands.

Replicating the feeling is easy. As soon as I felt something from my palm, I pulled my shivering hand immediately. I felt so cold and I can't stop shivering. Without further ado, I raised both palms and did the same things I did on the pail.

Two blue magic circles appeared and started to rotate fast. I also felt water to build up in my palm. I quickly visualize the water in my palm to explode out of it and shouted the name of the magic.

"Water Torrent!"

The next thing I knew, water came out from my palm like those water coming out from a firetruck. I admit that it was weaker than expected but that was still something I did for the first time.

"What the f*ck? You actually learned and used it for the first time?!" Blue sounded baffled.

"Why are you surprised? Isn't the test easy to do? Except for the water submerging part, everything was rather easy."


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