Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 25: Busted

Chapter 25: Busted

I huffed in dissatisfaction. I am currently standing in the rooftop and after scanning the whole place with Mana Scan, I barely find the guys that I am looking for. All of the students here are normal humans. Then where is the demon here? Is it just a false alarm?

"There are students who only came during the lunchtime and afternoon. I suggest you scan again during those times."

The voice is right. There are not enough students in the morning since not all students will be here during the morning especially some delinquents. That makes sense for the presence of the demons missing when I scanned. Then, I saw Moonlight climb to the rooftop too.

"Any luck?" Moonlight asked.

"No. I don't get to see any demons during this time. Maybe the demon is not yet here," I explained.

"I see. Try doing that more. I am currently checking on you because you might be struggling but I guess you don't need it. Still, don't forget later this afternoon because Miss Asuza called us."

"Are there any clues involving the demons somehow?"

"Right now, no. But the demonic energy is still flowing around the place so I am sure that the demons are still here. We are just not sure where to find the perpetrators but Godou is already gathering intel at the moment so we might be able to get info soon. We just need to be patient," Moonlight said.

"Do the demons get this active? I don't hear much news involvement of something similar back in Hokkaido so I am not sure," I asked her.

"No. Since the beginning of the classes this year, the demons start to get active. It was like it was their hibernation last year. Monsters though are active last year," Moonlight explained and she showed her left arm to me. I was surprised because under the sleeve of her uniform is the long wound that seemed to be stitched just recently.

"This is my injury last month. It was the result of my lack of power that I almost died from a monster attack. Until now, I am still recovering from this wound. And even though I am still not cured, I am training my magic every day and I refuse to have someone die again in front of my eyes that is why I insist that I will also participate in this battle."

"Huh?" I was startled by her revelation.

"Ahem, I said too much," she quickly rolled away her sleeves back. "Let's go back. Class is starting."

I didn't react or respond to what she just revealed. Looks like that was just a slip on her tongue that she told me the reason for her wound. Prying for her past is not appropriate. I will wait until she is comfortable to tell me the whole reason.


The students in the school are still the same as always. They don't react too much whenever I am looking but once I face my back to them, they would start talking sh*t here and there about my rumors that falsely spread due to the campus belle. I am not responding too much from this because I am more concerned about the demons blending in this place. I bet if they can, they will try to pin the cause to me if they have a chance that is why I need to be careful about my behavior in the future.

"WARNING! A demon aura is detected, 20 meters away from you. Please be careful every one of you," our phones informed us at the same time.

Hearing those words, Moonlight and I quickly go into full alert. Of course, we make ourselves act normal but due to the pressure that we are feeling, the air is still tense and we are unsure whether we know the person that the demon is talking about.

"WARNING! 10 meters away from you!"

There was a corner at the end of the corridor, and we are walking near it since our classroom is situated there too. As soon as we opened the door, two beeps were heard on our phone, and our homeroom teacher appeared.

"What are you two doing here? And what are those beeping phones for? I will be confiscating them!"


Hearing that, we quickly retreated. I, on the other hand quickly activated the Burning Gloves and give a punch to our homeroom teacher.


And without further ado, we sprinted back to where we came from.


Moonlight quickly clasped her hands and two white magic circles appeared on her hands.

"Moonlight that shines from the Moon, become my light and guide us to the dark path that will smite all the evil lurking within! LUNARIAS!"

Moonlight retracts both her palms away from each other but this time, she is pulling out something from her left palm. And it was the bamboo sword that I saw during the first day of school where she confronted me in the rooftop. I don't want the others to know what we are doing so I decided to do my job. Clasping my hands together and channeling all my mana to my palms, and activated my own magic too that will repel the normal humans and bring the demons and magicians in one realm.



The whole world started to crack all around and exploded in pieces, creating the alternate reality, the Mirror World.

"Good thinking newbie. Now we can fight without much problem," Moonlight said and swings the sword and faces again to where our homeroom teacher was.

"We are going to face him here in the corridor?!"

"It's better than running away," Moonlight said.

"We are not running away! We are doing a tactical retreat! This is a disadvantage terrain for us!"

"For you, it might be a hassle but for me, this is perfect. Watch my back. I am quite sure another demon will come. Scan the surroundings using Mana Scan."

I am speechless at first but I decided to focus, if I want to be a support, I need to cover her back for possible ambush and attacks.

"Mana Scan!"

The same 3d model of the school appeared on my mind and the only difference is that the whole place is desolated with humans except in our classroom where only Godou remains and in the counseling room where Asuza is staying. This time around, I scanned two more red individuals on the bottom floor. And also, our homeroom teacher who is now a color red individual appeared to be dashing fast towards us.

"He is coming!"

Moonlight grinned while I canceled Mana Scan this time and ignited my gloves out. And just like that, our homeroom teacher who is now having a black colored eyes and black colored skin, with his hands turned into claws.

"You naughty students will need some correction to your behaviors! Prepare to taste hell!"

Moonlight swing her bamboo sword and grinned again. "Heh, bring it on, demon scum!"

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