Celestial Peak

Chapter 116: The Pair who takes advantage of everything II

Chapter 116: The Pair who takes advantage of everything II


"[Realm of Ice]!" QingBiao's aura rose as ten-meters around her suddenly froze. This goes for the air and her aura. Every move she made was oozing with frost.

With her piercing glare, beautiful countenance, and the impeccable aura surrounding her entire being. QingBiao was like a goddess of the frost as she stood before Mu Feng.

"Hmph, do you think that's enough to scare me? I am a proud member of the Mu Clan, Mu Feng. I will take you down and claim the [Extreme Yin Phoenix Saliva] for myself, come, I'll show you the might of my clan's [Frost Dragon Variation]!"

Mu Feng's aura was drastically increased as his halberd intent started tearing apart everything that was around it. The halberd intent was like destruction itself. The wind howled like a beast as it he took a stance.

The two exchanged gazes then their figures disappeared and the wind howled as they met in the middle of the space they stood apart from one another.

While an intense fight was going above and the people on the surrounding had their mouths wide open in shock. Two figures were enjoying themselves as the aroma of wine lingered in the air.

As the two youths clashed right above them. Wang Ling and Bai Xue would constantly complain of their moves being inefficient. They were even commentating on how the fight would turn out.

"Wang Ling, do you have any rations that we can much on over there?" Bai Xue asked. Wang Ling took out a beast core for himself and Bai Xue to eat.

"It's about to end, let's go." Wang Ling got up and threw the beast core inside his mouth. He stretched his body and began walking back to the place where he was when the fight was just about to start.

While walking in a leisure pace, a flower-like ice sculpture bloomed in the sky what followed was a halberd tearing through the skies and the roars of dragons roaring throughout.

"Oh, is Mu Feng going to pull an upset?" Bai Xue commented as the ice flower and the halberd met at full force. A ferocious gust of wind swept the area and uprooted most of the trees. Wang Ling stood his ground and walked along the path and so did the others.

The collision of two different forces caused the mist to appear. But Wang Ling's eyes could see through the smoke and remarked, "That upset is not coming."

A figure dropped from the skies and it wasn't QingBiao. It was Wang Ling who saw through the rather simplistic fight that happened above.

Mu Feng fell from the sky, unconscious.

The sky cleared up from all mist and a ragged figure of QingBiao was shown. Her clothes were torn in some sensitive areas and for the men around the area, it was a pleasant scene to see, especially that valley peeking from the corner of the tattered clothes was especially welcoming.

However, it was not just a pretty sight because on her right shoulder was a considerably large injury caused by a halberd strike. Blood was profusely coming out of the wound and it made QingBiao's face turn pale.

While watching her, Wang Ling noticed Wang Hong's figure flying up to support QingBiao.

This sight made Wang Ling smile in more ways than one. But mostly because he found Wang Hong's act of supporting her as something noteworthy and giving her a pill to help her regain some energy was something to behold. 

[He truly cares for her, huh.] He thought to himself as he finally reached the area where he was originally standing at.

Wang Ling urged the two Shadow Pavilion members to follow him and his group finally descended the peak this time. They walked for a good minute before reaching the area where Wang Ling estimated he might see Qigang.

He managed to estimate this area because he saw Wang Hong arise from here. It was only a few meters away from the cave where the tomb was located.

Qigang noticed Wang Ling's arrival and bowed to him. Wang Ling saw Qigang's ragged image and immediately knew just how hard the tomb raid was. Around them were other forces, the Yan Clan was on their right about to come towards their direction and the Mu Clan on the left giving them death glares as those who came with Mu Feng went to tend to his wounds.

Yan Renhuo soon reached the area of the others. She then raised her head to see QingBiao and Wang Hong descending. QingBiao had a lot of minor injuries like cuts and bruises and one major injury on the right shoulder.

Wang Hong supported QingBiao down. QingBiao's blood was still spurting out although she had already ingested a pill. This showed just how badly injured she was.

Yan Renhuo who was an Alchemist stepped forward and said, "Please let me see to your wounds. At the very least, I should be able to close the wound."

"Thank you, Sister Yan." Wang Hong spoke for QingBiao who could only nod her head in appreciation.

"Calm down while I do this." Yan Renhuo took out a small case which contained silver needles. Moving swiftly, she struck it on different points of QingBiao's body and began her little treatment.

Flowing his qi into the silver qi, the wound on QingBiao's shoulder started to close. Soon, the bleeding was stopped and any form of bad qi was flushed out of QingBiao's system.

QingBiao heaved a breath of relief as she turned to look at Yan Renhuo with a look of appreciation, "Thank you, sister Yan."

Wang Ling was watching all of that on the side. Although he could probably hasten QingBiao's regeneration by a lot of steps, Wang Ling did not do so. That ability of his does not need to be publicized.

On the other hand. Wang Ling learned a lot of things while watching that whole event turned out. First, Yan Renhuo seemed to be on good terms with the people of the Wang family who entered the tomb. Second, other than alchemy Yan Renhuo was also knowledgeable about medicine and healing.

Wang Ling was more interested in the second thing he learned because this made him want to pull the Yan Clan to his side even more. Thinking about it, Wang Ling wondered how it would affect his family if they can control a family of alchemists and doctors.

Time flew by and the rest decided they should rest for a day before leaving for the Wang Family main house. Wang Ling did not have any problem with that and just went to talk with Qigang as night drew near.

"What happened in the tomb?" Qigang paused and started recalling the events that happened inside that tomb. Taking a deep breath, Qigang began narrating the events that had transpired inside.

"To start with, inside the tomb we first went around and collect various treasures. There were a lot of rooms and houses built inside the tomb, and it seems like the mountain was mostly hallowed out to create the said tomb inside.

"We managed to ransack a lot of areas and considering our strength, we were able to dominate most of the area. But the Mu Clan and the Yan Clan was also at a position the same as us. We went to different areas and ransacked everything we could but as we drew closer to the middle of the tomb where the good treasures are located, fights constantly broke out with our groups.

"However, amongst the three Clans, the only one wanting to fight against us were the people of Mu Clan. The Yan Clan was getting along with us and the Second Young Master and Miss QingBiao seemed to have befriended Miss Yan Renhuo along the way. Miss Yan Renhuo was asking a lot of questions about you, First Young Master also."

"You don't have to be that specific in the events about Yan Renhuo. Just focus on the main events." Seeing Qigang deviating from his wanted set of information, Wang Ling reminded him of what he needed to say.

Qigang realized what he was doing and quickly apologized as he continued with the proper story.

"We got closer to the center of the tomb and as we did, we traveled together with the Yan Clan more. In the center, we found a single treasure of the ice element and the information of the celestial. The treasure was called Extreme Yin Phoenix Saliva, it was extremely beneficial to those who cultivate the attribute of ice. So, we decided to give it to Miss QingBiao but Mu Feng had the same plan and to avoid any problematic death. It was decided a duel will decide who will win the treasure. Miss QingBiao win and the treasure is in the Second Young Master's possession now."

"How about the owner of this tomb? Did you learn who it was?"

"It was someone called [Regal Lightning Tiger Celestial]."

Wang Ling finally understood who it was. Constantly nodding his head, Wang Ling finally understood what was happening.

[Regal Lightning Tiger Celestial, huh. Hmm, someone actually dared desecrate this lands? It seems like after I died, those who managed to build a tomb for themselves, one such person had the balls to build a tomb here, of all places?

Regal Lightning Tiger Celestial. I heard of him and I am sure he is from the same era as me, the only reason why he was not hunted down by me was that I got tired of Tiger meat. But after what he did, I think it's only fair I punish his descendants for his mistakes.]

Wang Ling was fuming and his blood was churning. To those who desecrate this place for some petty revenge or something else. All of them deserve death.

Wang Ling had added another target to his loss to kill. This time it wasn't just a single name but an entire species. Showing a disfigured smile, he asked Bai Xue in a low voice.

"Do you think you can help me eat every Regal Lightning Tiger meat in the realm?"

For others, his anger may seem trivial. But for Wang Ling, what the Regal Lightning Tiger Celestial did was enough to make him wage war to an entire race and consider genocide upon to befall that race.

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