Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 420: The happy morning

420 The happy morning

She had no idea when she had slept off.

But as she opened her eyes, she saw herself sleeping all alone on the bed. He was nowhere to be seen and neither any of his stuff. But seeing the creases on the sheet and on the pillow next to her, she knew that he was there with her the whole night.

She was dressed in a loose t-shirt of his and a smile spread on her lips and she felt the fabric on her skin because it smelled like him. It was then that she realized that he had cleaned her up and clothed her as well.

She touched her lips with her fingers and blushed softly, recollecting the wonderful memories of last night. Then she looked at the side table, where a note was present underneath the glass of orange juice.

She opened it and read,

"Drink Me"

She giggled as she read it and lifted the glass of orange juice and drank half of it and holding the glass, she got down from her bed and went towards the table where she had written the answer to her kissing puzzle yesterday.

With a smile on her lips, she placed the juice glass on the table and opened her note in which she had written,

"Under my locket."

But what caught her attention was the handwriting underneath it. She knew it was his writing and it read -

"Even if I won, it was a victory for us yesterday night. It was the best night of my life Akira. I just hope you are not too sore."

She turned all scarlet after just reading the note and resorted to gulping all the orange juice to turn her head all sane.

Out of a whim, she then went and stood in front of the dressing mirror. She pulled the neckline of the t-shirt a bit down and saw a couple of red blotches over her shoulder, under her neck. Then she lifted the t-shirt and removed it completely.

Standing in front of the mirror was her body which had been thoroughly played with. She could touch and see that she was sore at multiple places

Then she picked up her phone and took a picture of the hickey on her neck and sent it to Raymond, along with a message.

"This isn't a sore memory. This is the best memory that I will treasure life long."


Her head was splitting in pain as she had cried her eyes out the whole night.

Natural for anyone who had been rejected on her face by the men she was fond of, in a single day, all because of that girl Akira.

She immediately popped an anti-depressant to sort her head out.

Things had been difficult for her. She had the constant vigil eyes of Sebastian and his men, tracking her every action and now to top it off, she had to bear with this new menace.

But what haunted her the most was why Dr. Nelson, sided with her? Why he duped her and recorded the video. She wanted to know if he had any ulterior motive. Initially, she was happy to just run away to Nebraska, but now that she had to stay back, she decided to get to the root of it.

She had this weird fire of vengeance burning inside of her which made her restless, because after risking so much all she got was a big zilch.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

So she picked up her phone and messaged Dr. Nelson.

"Need to talk about Sebastian in private with you. I know you have sided with her, but please listen to me once. He is a dangerous man, there are certain things that you need to know." - Dr. Oshana

At first, he decided to ignore her message but after five minutes, he couldn't stop himself from checking it and after he did, he immediately replied.

"What things?" - Dr. Nelson

"I cannot discuss it all over the phone. Can we meet up?" - Dr. Oshana

"Fine, you can come down to my clinic, post seven pm." - Dr. Nelson

"No, I would like to avoid a public place. I do not know where he has his ears. So I would like to meet somewhere private." - Dr. Oshana

Being somewhere private with this woman, was not something which was to the liking of Dr. Nelson, so he didn't reply any further.

Sensing the silence, she pinged again.

"If he can force me to do such things, then you can very well imagine what kind of reach he must be having. I just wanted to inform you about a couple of things for Akira's safety."

She knew that he had a soft corner for her and thus she decided to exploit it and true to her plan she got his reply.

"Where?" - Dr. Nelson

"Meet me near the abandoned Church, after West foot Alley." - Dr. Oshana

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