Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 394: Dr. Nelson - the dapper looking guy - 3

394 Dr. Nelson - the dapper looking guy - 3

"Worse one?"

"What do you mean Dr. Oshana?"

"Oh, for God's sake, call me Oshana. I am not worth the Doctor title. I am totally not."

"What are you talking about Oshana? Is there something that you want to share or take off your chest? I can help you with that. It will make you feel better."

"The less you know, the better it is for me, Dr. Nelson because the moment you know what I did or what had happened, you will definitely start to loathe me."

"We all have our dark sides Oshana. There is nothing to be ashamed about it. I told you mine. Now you can tell me yours. I am not here to judge you. I just want to share the pain that you have."

Saying that Dr. Nelson looked at Oshana intently and that was enough to melt her. She started to blabber endlessly about the whats and whys and Dr. Nelson pretended to hear it all, but deep down the amount of loath and anger in his heart for her, was increasing at an exponential rate.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

With every passing moment, he was able to understand the plight of not only Akira but also that of Raymond. Knowing the fact that she had to bear the pain of his death even though he was alive was something that he was not able to come to terms with.

He didn't want that wretched lady in his room or his sofa. But he had to wait patiently for her to blabber everything till the end. After knowing about the reason behind her doings, he hated her even more.

So after she passed out on his sofa, he switched off the video and thought of sending her off to her house at that instant, but being a gentleman that he was, he didn't.

He rewatched the video in bits and pieces just to be sure that it was all ok and only after that he called up Akira.



Was the sound of an eager voice who had picked the call on the first ring itself.

"Hello Akira"

"Is it done?"


"I have copied the video into a pen drive. I am uploading on google drive and then will send you the link."

"Noo... Please do not upload. I will come and collect in person."

"Ok sure."

"What did she say? Why did she do all this? What was the reason behind all this?"

Akira started barging him with her questions.

Taking a deep breath he said,

"It's better if you see it for yourself. And please watch it at home or someplace static. Do not dare to watch when you are driving or something."

"Why? What is there? Is it so bad?", Akira started wrecking her brains with questions and checked her watch. It was around ten forty-five. She deliberated for a second and then said,

"I am coming right now for the drive. Please send me your address."

"Akira it's quite late. You can come tomorrow morning, else I can get it to your place."

"I do not care about that. I need to see it right now. So please send me the address. You are already a bit tipsy. I don't want you to drive and come."

"Akira listen to me...."

"I am getting my keys now. Address please."

Akira said and disconnected the call.

She picked up her car keys and opened the main door. She left a note at the foyer shoe stand informing Mike that she was out so that he didn't get worried unnecessarily. Then her phone chimed with a message from Dr. nelson. He had sent her the address.

As she reached his place, she saw him standing outside his house. Before she could come out of the car and reach him, he came down to her and said,

"Let's take a walk."

She was already impatient, but since he had helped her a lot, she decided to join him for the walk. They walked to a park nearby and then sat on a bench. The Septemeber wind was all chilly and breezy and somehow it soothed his soul.

Then looking towards Akira he said,

"The video is on my phone. You can watch it now."

Saying that he gave her his phone and earphones.

Then he got up from the bench and walked towards a tree which a few meters away from her. He wanted to give her some time alone because he knew that she would be needing it after watching that video. He knew that she would remember all the painful time that she has been through. He wanted to be next to her, hold her as she watched the video, but he knew that it was best if he stayed away.

Leaning on that cedar tree trunk he looked at her as she watched the video.

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