Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 368: More than tha

368 More than tha

His body got all tensed, hearing her words.

Taking a deep breath again, he said,

"There will be people all around us, Akira. How can I do it?"

"Figure it out. It's your punishment".

"Punishment for what?"

"Oh, did you forget? How shamelessly you scared the hell out of me by acting like you were following me. I was on the verge of getting a panic attack and there you get down from the car all nonchalantly as if nothing has happened".

"That was to make sure that you use the presence of your mind and do the things as I said if it happens for real".

"Oh, you think someone is following me?"

"I am not thinking, I know it for a fact".

"Check outside the window. There will be a black sedan with a number plate ending M77 in front of your porch".

"How do you know that?"

"It's my job now to know that Akira".

Akira went towards the window in the hall and lifted the curtain and was surprised to see the exact car as described by Raymond outside her house.

"Who the hell is this? And how do you know about it?"

"Well, they are my dad's men. But they won't do any harm. They are just here to monitor your movements. They will just make sure that you and I, do not meet with each other and if we do, they will just inform my dad. And then what will happen, I guess you are very well aware of it".

"Oh my God !!!", Akira exclaimed and just when she was about to return to her room, she saw Mike.

"What are you doing here dead in the night?", Mike asked.

"I ... I came to fill my water bottle".

"But where is your bottle?", Mike asked seeing her hands all empty.

"Oh shit !!! I forgot to get the bottle", saying that Akira moved towards her room when Mike asked again,

"Who are you on the phone with?"


"I said, with who are you talking on the phone?"

"It's um.... its David. We are just cross-checking some deal terms".Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Don't submerge too much in work Akira", saying that Mike went into the kitchen pantry and grabbed a packet of Nachos and Akira rushed inside her bedroom.

All this time, Raymond had been silently listening to their conversation and when he heard her latching the door, he said,

"He has become a gentleman now".

Akira chuckled and said,

"Yes, he has. Now I feel like I am the younger one. He takes care of me, makes sure I am ok like I am his baby sister".

Raymond smiled hearing her words and then said,

"Akira, there is something else that I want you to do?"

"Oh man !!! Seriously? I will wear a jumpsuit and come to dance tomorrow ok? Happy?"

"It's not about that. It's about..... about Katherine".

Akira halted her rant after hearing his statement and then asked,

"What about her Raymond?"

"Just...?um.. wanted to hear her voice. It's been long.", Raymond said and paused.

Akira could completely get the pain and suffering in his heart. Being not able to meet her when she stayed in the same city as she must have been killing for Raymond when she was the only family that he had. Before she could say anything or react, an emotional Raymond said,

"It has been long that I played with Kate too. God, I miss her tantrums so much right now."

"Then why don't we tell everything to Katherine, Raymond? Do you even know how lost she was? Do you even know how hard it was for her to accept the fact that you are no more there?"

He didn't say anything, but sighed and Akira understood that the pang of separation was killing him. So she said,

"I will meet her at lunchtime tomorrow and maybe then you can hear her out".

"Thanks, Akira, that would be nice".

"Please Raymond, don't make me feel small and distant by thanking me. Is there anything else that I can do for you?"

"Yes, when you are with Kat, don't discuss anything related to me. Nothing about me at all. I just want to hear the happy and chirpy version of my sister."

"Don't worry Raymond, I will make that happen".

"I don't know how to thank you right now".

"I know how you can?"

"Tell me how?"

"Make my wish come true tomorrow at the dance lesson".

Only she could steer a serious conversation to something light. Only she had the power to bring a smile on his face when he was feeling nothing but gut-wrenching pain.

He smiled, unable to believe that she had become this tactful, in getting things done from people.

Brushing that smile off his face he said,

"I will give you more than that".

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