Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 357: Remembering Alita - 2

357 Remembering Alita - 2

They went for two sessions more, but her condition still stayed the same or rather grew a bit worse than before.

Even the Doctors who were conducting this clinical trial were now less hopeful for the trial to be a success. But of all the people, he didn't lose hope, he couldn't dare to. Because he knew that the moment he lost hope, he would not only lose her, he would lose himself because she was his identity.

Plus his mind was not ready to accept the fact that she couldn't be healed as just a few days back she had said his name, out loud from her own mouth while she leaned on to him.

So he was not ready to accept defeat, he was not ready to accept what fate had in store for him.

The trial had a lot of repercussions. As a result of the side effect from the medicines and electric surge being used, she stayed constantly nauseated. Whatever solid food she ingested, she vomited it out after a while.

She was on a constant supply of drip. Solid foods were replaced with Conjee[1] and Soups.

The next morning was her 6th session.

As she was placed on the bed and the electrodes were placed on her forehead, she looked straight up at Dr. Nelson, who was standing behind the other side of the glass panel. She looked at him like she recognized him.

Looking at her fixed gaze, Dr. Nelson felt all hopeful again and the surge was given to her for two minutes.

But this time, neither did she close her eyes, nor did her body flinch. She was constantly looking at her Jaby as the process was going on.

Sensing something wrong Dr. Nelson immediately went down to the procedure room and by that time the surge process was completed.

With her half-opened eyes, she looked at him, like there were unspoken words right at the tip of her tongue. He went immediately close to her and held her hand. The moment he did, she said her last words, before closing her eyes forever,



"Dr. Jaby? Dr. Jaby Nelson?"

He heard the sudden voice of the air-hostess and flipped back to the present. There were tears in his eyes and he looked all disturbed.

"Are you ok sir? Do you need any more medicine?", the air hostess asked politely as she had already given him an Advil and looking at his current state she could easily deduce that he wasn't ok.

"Oh, no thanks !!!"

"Would you like something to drink sir?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

His eyes went towards the trolley carrying an exquisite collection of drinking options. He took a pause and then said,

"Apple juice. I would like a glass of apple juice please."

"Sure sir", she said and poured him a glass of juice.

Sipping on to the glass of apple juice, he wiped the tears from his eyes and mumbled,

"How can apple juice be your favorite drink Alita out of all the possible nice things?"

Then taking a breath, he gulped the entire content in the glass and then went to the washroom to wash his face.

After returning back to his seat, he started browsing online.

'Akira Peyton gaming'

And the moment he pressed enter, he was shocked with the outcome of Google Results.

'Akira Peyton, The Woman of the Year'

'Who said gaming was only for boys? - Meet Akira Peyton'

'Is Delphie hungry or Akira?'

'Who is this new sensation - Akira Peyton'

'The girl who defied all the stereotypes - Akira Peyton'

and so on.

He had no idea that the woman he had just met was one of the most famous entrepreneurs in New York, running a multi-million dollar company. She didn't look like the usual CEO type material. She was so down to earth, humble, kind and curious like a kid. There was no way, she could be this fierce woman.

Thinking about all that he clicked a link where she had a magazine interview of hers to know more about her. He didn't know why he was so curious, but somehow he was.

So he opened the link and read her answers. But he literally chocked on his breath when he read this section.

Q - So you are quite young. Do you like alcohol and partying?

A - Well who doesn't like partying. But I am more of a Karaoke girl and since my alcohol tolerance is quite less, I usually avoid it.

Q -?Then how do you manage at Social gatherings?

A- Oh I have my holy grail for that. My favorite apple juice. It can pass well for a glass of champagne. You know what I mean.

"This is so not possible !!!", he exclaimed.

[1]Congee?or conjee is a type of rice porridge or gruel popular in many Asian countries

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