Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 327: Doctor Doctor - 3

327 Doctor Doctor - 3

"True love defies everything. So just channel your energy to keep him happy. Not everyone gets lucky like you".

Saying that Dr. Nelson turned towards her and smiled.

That smile on his face was warm and genuine, but she could clearly read that slight hue of pain which he was hiding with the warmth of his smile.

She didn't want to poke and ask him anything personal, so she stayed silent and so did he.

Acute silence spread through the car as neither of them wanted to speak or ask anything further. But somehow the silence was comforting for both of them.

That silent pause of a few minutes seemed like extending towards eternity.

So taking a deep breath she acted like she was trying to see the view outside from the car window.

She tilted her head towards the window side and placed her palm on the glass window as if she was enraptured with the landscape that she was seeing outside.

But in reality, she was just trying to escape from the awkward silence because, in that heavy rain, nothing was visible from the window, except for the streams of rainwater which was lashing on the window screen.

He saw her turning her head towards the window and staring outside into the blank and he could sense that he had made the conversation weird somehow.

So he switched on to some music and said,

"Feel free to change the track. We have more than twenty minutes until we hit your hotel."

She turned and looked at the track being played,

"Every breath you take" - By Police

It was one of her favorite songs as well and she always related to the lyrics of the song. It was very close to her as it was her mom and dad's favorite song and she used to play it while working in the kitchen most of the times. Slowly she started humming the song and then looking at him she asked,

"I have already taken so many favors from you and I am already feeling the weight of the debt, but can I ask for one more favor?"

"Well you are not going to ask for a kidney from me, are you? Because if you are, then hell no".

Laughing out of her wits, she said,

"No, I just... Um..."

"Tell me what you want?", he asked with his tone getting a bit serious.

"Can I bring him to your hospital for a routine follow up sort of a thing? I know I sound crazy as he is already being treated by Dr. Oshana and stuff but, I just want a second opinion".

"It's not a crime to get a second opinion from a doctor in our country. I hope you know that right?"

"Yeah I know, but if Dr. Oshana gets to know about it, then it might look bad. I mean I am not saying that you would tell on me, but given that you guys are close... I mean I don't want her to think that I don't trust her. You know what I mean right?"

Dr. Nelson chuckled after hearing her out and said,

"It's totally fine by me and we don't discuss our patients and stuff unless any medical opinion is needed. And regarding Dr. Oshana, I am not close with her. We are... umm you can say just acquaintances."

He said and looked at her with a comforting smile on his face.

"Then please help to give me your card once you drop me at the hotel, or maybe not. I will just google you out", Akira blurted.

"If you want an appointment, then just call at my reception".

"Yeah, I will do that".

And saying that she started playing with the hemline of her skirt.

"By the way, do you know that almost 79% of women tend to play with some path of their cloth of the other when they are edgy or nervous. So what are you feeling right now?"


"I mean, are you edgy or nervous right now?"

She stopped fidgetting with her clothes and looking at him she replied,

"I am not nervous, actually I have never felt this much better. I had all these doubts in my head about his condition. I mean I can't tell you how scared I was thinking about what could possibly go wrong with him. I used to just panic seeing some random article or the other online. You don't know how much your words and your confidence have helped me."

"I mean, I feel like I am reborn. I feel like everything can now fall into place in my life".

"I just feel like, I was fated to meet you, else God knows for how long I would have prolonged my agony".

"Akira !!!"

"Yes !!!"

"Can you get down from my car?"

She was taken aback with his request.

"Did I go overboard?"

"No, because we have reached The Savoy".

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