Call Of The Dark

Chapter 117 Intense Pain

Lazarus remembered how he slapped her ass and Emma had squealed. She had even threatened him that she would close her door and not have sex with him for the next one week. As if he would allow it. Just thinking about it was making his cock go hard. Damn that woman. He wondered if he would ever get tired of her.

"I can't believe you, Lazarus," Maeve snapped. "You have to increase the patrol to find her. Do anything, but find her! If she escapes, do you realize the bigger problem here? I won't be able to find a body as strong as hers!"

"Why do you say she is strong? She is just a mortal…" he said in a boring tone and then in order to convey to her that this conversation is over, he yawned.

"That reminds me. Have you marked her yet?" Maeve asked with anticipation.

He opened one eye and glanced at her sideways. "Why should I mark her? I will mark her when you enter her."

Maeve winced. The bastard hadn't marked her. If he marked her after she possessed her body, she would become his blood slave and she would have to reject Ailill. She didn't know what to do to get him to mark her. On top of that the bitch had run away. Why was it that everything was getting so chaotic?

Since she could not force him to mark Emma, she had to find out another way. But first she had to find the little bitch. Maeve cried internally. She was shocked that Lazarus had given up on her so easily. "Can you at least send a unit of soldiers with me to find her?"

"Why?" he asked, slipping further down on the bed. He just wanted her to leave.

"Because I have to find her? Because you can't use your vampire body in this broad daylight to go out? Because it is me who will be benefitted and not you?" she snapped, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lazarus turned to look at her and shook his head. "I think you missed what I said to you earlier. Most of my guards are running everywhere under the special leadership of Yul, but none of them have been able to find her. They suspect that she is still in the palace. The only way to keep her contained in the palace is to use your magic to seal the borders of the palace." He sighed. "If you can do that, it's fine. Now leave. I really have to sleep!"

Maeve shot him her dirtiest glare. As if not believing him, she walked in the adjacent room to find out for herself whether she was in her room or not. Her bed was lying crumpled. It was as if she had played some match on it. Suspicious, she sniffed around to smell whether she had sex with him or not, but other than her smell of violets, there was no other scent.

"Are you satisfied?" Lazarus asked with eyes closed.

She didn't answer and left in a huff. Before leaving she said, "Ask Yul to report to me!" She banged the door closed.

The maid was standing out. As soon as she saw her, she rushed to support her. Maeve was limping and every step she took a little bit of strength away. Ailill was supposed to come by evening. So she only had until evening to find Emma. "Take me to my room," she said. Somehow, she managed to go to her room. The maid had changed the sheets and they were clean. She crashed on her bed to think about the whole situation. And the more she thought about it, the more agitated became.

Her thoughts were conflicted on whether she should use her magic or not. If she used it, she was sure she was going to become very weak. She might not be able to get up from the bed. At the same time, fear of not ever finding Emma gnawed her on the insides. She decided that she would wait until a few more hours. Her headache had increased and she knew that it was partially because of the blood loss.


As soon as Maeve left, the door of the secret passageway in his room opened. Emma stood on the doorway in nothing but a gauzy sheet wrapped around her. She cocked her hip and placed her hand on it. "Can I come in?" she said, teasing him.

He let out a rumble and strode to her. He grabbed her in his arms and lifted her. "You can," he said and seized her lips. He kissed her all the way to the bed and made her lie down. "Do you want me to rip this sheet or do you want me to tug it out?

"Be as rough as you can," she said.

His fangs lengthened and he growled. He ripped the sheet away and latched on to her nipples. "You won't be able to walk for the next one week, Emma!" he said before going to the next nipple.

She grabbed his hair and arched her body. "Only one way to see that."

He left her nipple and without warning entered her.


Maeve had asked the soldiers to report to her about Emma. Yul came to her an hour later and reported, "Emma is nowhere. We have searched the basement, the dungeons, the periphery of the palace and even the rooms. We have looked at every nook and corner of the palace, but we couldn't find her."

"What the hell!" Maeve shouted. "You can't find a bloody mortal, and that too who is extremely important to me?"

Yul shrugged as he grunted. "She is pretty smart for her age! You have to outsmart her. And the only way would be to cast your magic."

Maeve stared at him for a long moment as if considering his words. It was already afternoon and if she didn't do anything now, she was sure that Emma would escape. Suddenly she regretted not casting her spell already. On an impulse, she snapped her fingers to cast the spell. And the next moment, she shrieked out of intense pain.

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