Chapter 49: Fierce Competition

Chapter 49: Fierce Competition

Chapter 49: Intense Competition

"Who is this guy?"

"Such high-profile bidding, could it be the Nalan family or perhaps the Mu family?"

As Miteer Tushan finalized the result, everyone looked towards the private room where Gu He was located, showing expressions of shock.

In their eyes, other than the top families in the imperial capital, no other family dared to act so high-profile.

Nalan Jie and Mu Chen also turned their gazes towards Gu He's private room, speculating which family the bidder might be from. They refrained from bidding themselves, wanting to conserve their strength for the competition over the pinnacle Dou Spirit Pills later.

The climax stirred up by the Fifth-Order Magical Beast Egg gradually subsided after a while.

Shortly thereafter, Gu He, who had been idle in his chair, was suddenly attracted by a medicinal herb presented on the small silver plate by Miteer Tushan on the crystal stage.

This herb was entirely fiery red, as if bathed in fresh blood, roughly the size of a palm. At a glance, it resembled Lingzhi, and as soon as it appeared, a faint fragrance spread, refreshing the spirits of those near the crystal stage.

"Indeed, it's the Fire Lingzhi. This auction is not in vain."

Watching the fiery red Lingzhi in Miteer Tushan's hand on the stage, Gu He couldn't help but smile.

This Fire Lingzhi was only a Fifth-Grade spiritual herb, and theoretically, it had no use for Gu He. However, this Fire Lingzhi was the main ingredient for a Fifth-Rank pill.

The Purple Spirit Pill!

Yes, this Fire Lingzhi was used to refine the main medicine for the Purple Spirit Pill.

The function of the Purple Spirit Pill was to completely restore strength that had deteriorated due to seals or internal injuries.

Gu He was preparing this Purple Spirit Pill specifically for Ice Emperor Haibo Dong.

Currently, Ice Emperor Haibo Dong's strength had regressed to the Dou Spirit realm due to the snake seal of Queen Medusa. He was hiding in the desert city within the Tagre Desert.

Thinking of Haibo Dong, Gu He couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Speaking of it, he and Haibo Dong were considered old acquaintances.

Back then, after winning the first place in the Alchemist Grand Competition, the Miteer family, represented by Haibo Dong, tried to recruit him.

Although he rejected Haibo Dong's invitation and joined Yunlan Sect afterward, their relationship was still quite good.

In a while, he planned to visit this old friend in the Tagre Desert.

As for the Purple Spirit Pill he was preparing, it was intended to make Haibo Dong owe him a favor.


"Fire Lingzhi only survives at the bottom of volcanoes, absorbing volcanic energy and the Earth's core fire to grow. For ordinary people to collect it is extremely difficult. Even some Dou Ling experts or even Dou Wang experts wouldn't dare to easily venture into such places as volcanoes." On the crystal stage, Miteer Tushan was explaining to the people below.

Later, Miteer Tushan also detailed the uses and origin of Fire Lingzhi. Under his explanation, the response from the crowd was quite good; it seemed many were interested in this Fire Lingzhi.

"Hehe, according to the assessment, the starting price for this Fire Lingzhi is set at seven hundred thousand. Let's begin, everyone." Afterwards, Miteer Tushan announced the price and smiled at the audience.

After this high price was announced, some of the people who were originally interested suddenly became dejected.

Although they could afford seven hundred thousand, in the midst of this intense competition, it was quite normal for the darn thing to double in price. Their funds were not abundant, so bidding in such a competitive environment had to be done within their means.

"Seven hundred and twenty thousand!"

Of course, apart from those who wanted to withdraw from the bidding, there were still quite a few people determined to compete for this item.

"Seven hundred and forty thousand!"


Gu He sat quietly in his chair, listening to the continuously rising prices, but he did not rush to compete.

As time slowly passed, the number of bidders gradually decreased due to the rising prices. In the end, only two people were left competing, and by this time, the price had already reached around one million and seventy thousand.

"One million two hundred thousand!"

Just as the prices in the arena continued to rise, a lazy voice finally sounded. Countless gazes followed the sound and eventually settled on Gu He's private room.

The sudden surge in the bidding also surprised everyone in the arena, and when Miteer Tushan saw that the bidder was once again Gu He, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

In his view, there shouldn't be anything that Gu He was interested in at this auction. However, the fact that the Pill King was so active and had consecutively made generous bids puzzled him.

With a price of one million two hundred thousand, Gu He pressed down the remaining two bidders, and feeling the surrounding gazes, he paid no attention.

Upon realizing the bidder was Gu He, Miteer Tushan, after asking three times below, slammed the auction hammer down.

"This guy got it again?"

"Where is he from? How can his funds be so abundant?"

"Could he be from one of the three major families?"

Nalan Jie and Mu Chen wore expressions of disbelief. Gu He had bid twice in a row, and both times were quite extraordinary. This made the two of them start to doubt his identity.

"Could he be from the royal family?"

Suddenly, a thought crossed their minds.

However, this idea was quickly dismissed. If someone from the royal family had participated in the auction, their target would undoubtedly be the final Dou Spirit Pill.

How could they spend such a large sum of money on these two items?

Thinking about it, the two of them were puzzled.

When they thought about the upcoming auction of the Dou Spirit Pill, a sudden realization dawned on them. Where did Miteer Auction House get the Dou Spirit Pill? Moreover, there was no prior notification.

Normally, Miteer Auction House would publicize such an item to allow participants to prepare adequately. Even the level of this auction could have been elevated to the heavenly level.

However, Miteer Auction House hadn't done any of this. Unless they suddenly acquired the Dou Spirit Pill and hadn't had time to send out notifications. Moreover, this Dou Spirit Pill, a Sixth-Rank pill, could only be refined by one person in the entire Gamma Empire.

In an instant, Nalan Jie and Mu Chen had their answers. It seemed that Pill King Gu He had also participated in this auction and provided the Sixth-Rank pill, Dou Spirit Pill.

However, Pill King Gu He didn't seem to need these items. Thinking about the Fifth-Order Magical Beast Egg and Fire Lingzhi that he had just bought, the two of them fell into confusion.


"Everyone, the next item to be auctioned is the last item of this auction, and also the final climax."

"I believe the upcoming item will definitely not disappoint you."

At this moment, Miteer Tushan's excited voice came from the crystal auction stage.

Hearing the voice, Gu He couldn't help but look up at the crystal stage. When he saw Miteer Tushan's flushed face, he was momentarily stunned, then whispered, "It seems that the Dou Spirit Pill is about to appear."

"It seems that the auction's trump card is about to be revealed."

Seeing Miteer Tushan's changing expression, many people in the audience also noticed something. The whispered conversations ceased, and countless gazes were fixed on the crystal stage, eagerly awaiting the grand finale of this auction.

"Finally, it's coming out."

Hearing Miteer Tushan's words, a hint of rosy color appeared on the elderly face. Nalan Jie in the private room was also shining with a glint of anticipation in his eyes, muttering, "The Dou Spirit Pill is about to make its appearance."

On the other side, Mu Chen, the head of the Mu family, at this moment, also restrained some of the smiles on his face. His seemingly indifferent gaze became as sharp as an eagle.

"Clap, clap."

On the crystal stage, Miteer Tushan clapped his hands with a solemn expression.

As the applause echoed, a series of clicking sounds suddenly emanated from the edge of the crystal stage. Soon, a black metal fence slowly rose, forming a circular enclosure around the stage. Even the space above the crystal stage was covered by extending metal bars.

"Hehe, please don't be too concerned, this is just a measure we take to ensure the safety of the auction items." Seeing the fence constructed like a prison, Miteer Tushan on the crystal stage smiled at the crowd, explaining.

"This prison is made of Cold Iron. Even a Dou King powerhouse would find it difficult to break out in a short period."

While speaking, the auctioneer deliberately scanned the private rooms from various positions, and the implication was evident.

For the high-ranking representatives of those families, they just faintly smiled at this special instruction. They didn't pay too much attention. In previous auctions, incidents of bidding wars and attempts to seize auction items were not unheard of.

Therefore, Jia Ma Auction House being cautious was normal. Otherwise, if things were forcibly taken away on their own turf, where would Jia Ma Auction House stand in the Jia Ma Empire?

For Gu He, this overly cautious move by Jia Ma Auction House made him pause for a moment, but he quickly recovered. The temptation of the Dou Spirit Pill for Dou King powerhouses was too great. Some people might take risks, and he even sensed a few hidden auras on the second floor of Jia Ma Auction House. One of them was extremely powerful, likely coming from Jia Ma Tenshan, the head of the Jia Ma family.

"It seems that even Jia Ma Tenshan is not at ease with this Dou Spirit Pill," Gu He thought, a smile playing on his face.

Gu He continued to gaze at the crystal stage. At this moment, the auctioneer carefully took out a half-foot-sized purple-gold plate from the counter below. In the plate, a palm-sized icy jade box was placed. The box was pale in color, and even from a distance, people could clearly see the faint white cold air emanating from the icy jade, showing the extraordinary preservation effect of the top-quality icy jade.

With the appearance of the icy jade box, the entire auction house, especially the representatives of the major families, straightened up. Their eyes, filled with undisguised greed, were fixed on the icy jade box.

Ignoring the greedy glances outside the iron fence, Jia Ma Tushan placed the purple-gold plate gently on the auction stage. His withered fingers carefully lifted the lid of the box. Suddenly, a burst of yellow light shot out.

Accompanying the golden light, there were even energy fluctuations in the void.

The sudden burst of light illuminated the entire auction house. Some unprepared people instinctively closed their eyes.

Afterwards, when they adapted, their gazes were firmly locked on the icy jade box on the crystal stage.

In it, a golden pill the size of a longan was quietly lying there. The surface of the pill was extremely round.

The pill emitted a strong energy vibration, a phenomenon only possessed by Sixth-Rank and higher-grade pills!

The entire auction house fell into a deathly silence under the seemingly elusive golden light.

Although many people in the audience didn't know the exact details of this pill, judging from the previous burst of golden light, they could vaguely sense its extraordinariness. Consequently, their faces couldn't help but reveal a greedy look.

In contrast to those who didn't know the exact details of this pill, the high-level figures in the private rooms were suddenly excited. Some powerhouses even overflowed with uncontrollable qi due to the emotional fluctuations.

On the crystal stage, Jia Ma Tushan, looking at the atmosphere created by the Dou Spirit Pill, smiled with satisfaction. He then turned his gaze to the forces sitting in the private rooms. He was clear that these people were the powerful contenders for the Dou Spirit Pill.

"Don't waste time, make your bids." Hearing Jia Ma Tushan's verbose words, impatient voices came from the private rooms.

Nalan Jie and Mu Chen stared at the Dou Spirit Pill in Jia Ma Tushan's hand, their eyes filled with intense desire.

"Hehe." Nodding with a smile, the auctioneer cleared his throat, then said seriously, "The value of this Dou Spirit Pill, I believe you all understand. I won't set a starting price now. Feel free to bid, and the highest bidder will win."

As the Dou Spirit Pill made its appearance, the atmosphere in the auction house entered the most explosive climax. The high-level figures in the private rooms finally started the jaw-dropping and red-faced bidding. Even though there was no initial starting price for the Dou Spirit Pill, the price soared to two million in an instant after Jia Ma Tushan's auction hammer fell.

Moreover, this price kept skyrocketing.

"Two million one hundred thousand gold coins!"

"Two million three hundred thousand gold coins!"

"Two million five hundred thousand gold coins!"


"Three million gold coins!"

After a few breaths, the price of the Dou Spirit Pill had already risen to three million gold coins.

This scene left most people in the audience dumbfounded, unable to believe it. The horrifying speed of the price increase was almost unprecedented in their many years of existence.

To throw away thousands of gold coins so recklessly, such boldness and determination were vividly displayed in front of the temptation of the Sixth-Rank Dou Spirit Pill.

The escalating prices maintained the atmosphere of the auction house in an excited uproar, never dropping for a moment. Even those who knew they no longer had the qualifications to bid for the item were captivated by this thrilling competition. Witnessing such a breathtaking financial competition made them feel that this trip was worthwhile.

As the rapidly rising prices continued for nearly half an hour in this blood-soaked competition, it gradually entered its final stages. By now, the price of the Dou Spirit Pill had reached the astonishing amount of five million.

Five million, a sum equivalent to the total annual income of the Mitel family in the Jia Ma Empire.

This enormous amount was probably something that only a few forces in the entire Jia Ma Empire could casually take out without caring.

As the price reached this point, weaker forces finally began to give up. After nearly half an hour of intense bidding, the price of the Dou Spirit Pill finally reached the astounding amount of six million.

Six million, an astronomical figure equivalent to the total annual income of the Mitel family in the Jia Ma Empire.

This kind of colossal sum was likely something that only a few forces in the entire Jia Ma Empire could afford to spend nonchalantly.

At this stage, some weaker forces finally started to give up. As the relentless bidding continued, ten minutes later, Nalan Jie's eyes flashed with a hint of fierceness. Finally, with a twitching expression, he shouted the astronomical price of six million, stunning the entire auction house into silence.

A Sixth-Rank pill for six million!

The silent auction house gradually recovered after nearly a few minutes. Gazing at each other, their eyes were filled with shock and excitement from the terrifying astronomical price.

Six million, such a huge amount, how long would it take for a family to accumulate?

Nalan Jie actually bid this high, clearly catching the other families, including Wood Chen, off guard. After looking at each other helplessly, they all withdrew their bids with unpleasant expressions.

"Why aren't you hammering!" Seeing no one else bidding, Nalan Jie couldn't help urging as he looked at Miteer Tushan on the crystal stage, who seemed stunned.

Miteer Tushan reacted only then. After a symbolic inquiry to the audience below, he directly hammered the auction to a close.

(End of this chapter)

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