Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 301 Evidence

Next day.

The phenomenon that had happened within the Harem Guild’s territory found its way to people’s ears in a very short time as tales of the dead rising with blinding red lights and family heirlooms and rusted old treasures flying in the sky were spread everywhere.

Of course, there were not that many casualties but the incident sparked massive waves of unrest as many were left traumatised and in despair, failing to go about their daily lives.

Tulnas had to spend half the day dealing with this as he did his best to give people comfort and reassurance, a trait he was quite gifted in as soon enough he managed to convince the majority that this threat had been dealt with.

The scattered corpses all over had also been a major source of disturbance and rightfully so, as bits of human and beast corpses and bones weren’t what people would normally want to see.

Fortunately, Tulnas had managed to deal with much of this with his Guild, giving his people peace of mind.

Unfortunately, those outside of Tulnas’ reach spread rumours about the Green Neolists starting large scale movements, connecting this event to the one that was publicised a few days ago, which was the one in Eofel which caused great unrest around the entire region, the tension bleeding into Inhone City where a meeting was under way.

“Why am I not surprised?” Damilla said with an ugly expression while staring daggers at Tulnas who sat comfortably on his seat while rubbing his temples.

Erkus, Silrat and Terian were also in the room, with the old Mage having a complicated expression.

“Did you really not help Festos escape?” Terian said with a sharp voice.

Tulnas sighed deeply, his dark shirt rising as he took in a breath..

“I did not, old man. Do you really think I’d stage something like that when my entire Territory is in chaos right now?” Tulnas asked, shooting back with an aggravated voice.

“Then why won’t you let me divine you?” Damilla asked with a creased brow.

“Because… I’ve already made it clear that I don’t want you grubby hands touching me or my soul dammit,” Tulnas said as his body flared with mana for a moment. “And shouldn’t you be focusing more on the possibility of a blue Cluster that I’ve just told you about?”

“We can only move on to that after we’ve verified your account!”

“Calm down,” Erkus intervened as he sat up.

He had heard enough for him to pitch in.

He turned to Tulnas whom he sensed a very tense atmosphere from.

The man genuinely upset.

“You mentioned the entire event to us. The Evenfall with their strange formation that funnelled peculiar energies to construct many Clusters. I could believe that, but you said the Evenfall and the Green Neolists may be working together?” Erkus said.

“City Lord, you make it sound like I said that with uncertainty. I’m sure of it. An extremely powerful masked man appeared to save the cultists that we had captured and from there, that’s when the true CHAOS began,” Tulnas said, stressing the word ‘chaos’ as he simply couldn’t forget the presence of that masked man, much less that terrifying thing.

However, Tulnas being Tulnas had not told the full detail.

He did not talk about the green skeleton, nor did he talk about how it was after Skullius.

This wouldn’t sound good and neither would it help his case.

Thus, he had laid forth a different claim.

“So in the fight against this… masked man, you lost sight of Festos and couldn’t even find his remains in the event that he died?” Damilla inquired with a disbelieving voice. “Say this is true. Perhaps there truly was some showdown, instead of just an attack by the Green Neolists happening somewhere far from where you were conducting your operation. Would you presume Festos to be dead?”


This time, it was Silrat who responded, his calm visage hiding the tumultuous emotions he had been feeling since Tulnas told him the entire series of events.


Tulnas had told him the whole story including everything pertaining to the green skeleton chasing after Skullius before this meeting.

The man had distressed about his investment possibly becoming a volatile variable but after accounting for certain things, he had calmed down.

“How on Aigas would you know that?” Damilla questioned with her harsh expression turning to the Guilds Association Branch head.

“Because Festos and I are engaged in a Tie of Exchange,” Silrat said with a carefree expression.


Erkus and Damilla were confused by this, waiting for an elaboration of this concept which was new to them but Terian…

The old man’s brows shot up!

“Impossible! You did such a thing? How do you even know of that?!” he asked with immense suspicion, his mind immediately hurrying to believe.

“All I can say is the Association is different from your Capital arrangement. Old information can be acquired with high enough achievements,” Silrat replied with a sly smile.

“What is this Ti—”

“I’ll explain later,” Terian promptly cut off Damilla.

“Long story short, if Festos was dead, then Silrat would know,” Tulnas said as he placed one leg over the other. “Also, if you doubt my account of the whole thing, go ask the Temple Priests if the man I just described isn’t a famous figure wanted by the Purity already.”

“You reported this to the Purity before this meeting?” Erkus asked as he sighed in resignation.

“I did indeed. I need some artefacts from them to help settle things in my territory and thus, I had to give them a full account,” Tulnas said, giving an appropriate response to Erkus who understood the sentiment.

In truth, Tulnas had gone to return the Seed of Quintess’ Eye which he had borrowed before anything else.

He then told them about the involvement of the Green Neolists with the Evenfall which he advised the Priest to report to the Higher Order Priests immediately.

This had earned him a whole lot of brownie points when he found that this man with the green and white mask was a problem the Purity had wanted information on.

“This still doesn’t settle your situation with Festos. As he was in your custody, you needed to bring him back alive and because of this, I feel that there is something you’re not telling us. Punishment for failing to hold up to what you bargained is severe. Your territory will be on the line along with all your assets, Tulnas. So I advise you to start spilling the whole story,” Damilla said as she rose and faced Tulnas with a vicious expression, refusing to back down this time. “The blue Cluster theory of yours also hangs on how much of the truth you can tell us to prompt us into action, otherwise, the casualties that arise from it will be on you.”

Erkus sighed for the umpteenth time during this meeting before supporting Damilla’s point.

“It’s true. While I value you more than anyone else in this room, it is true that not being able to produce definitive evidence to Festos’ participation and involvement in helping you solve this case as well as even verifying the veracity of your story warrants punishment. Confiscation of your assets will be the base punishment. If you have anymore to say to support your case, now would be the time.”

The room fell silent for quite some time as Tulnas closed his eyes to think.

He had to liberate Skullius, who Silrat was convinced would be returning as long as he was in one piece, from his crimes as he and Silrat had arranged by proving that he had helped solve a national crisis, without being divined.

This would have been easier if things hadn’t turned south back then.

Tulnas opened his eyes to look at Damilla for a brief moment.

‘She’s sorta sharp. Of course she is. She finds answers for a living,’ Tulnas thought, but this wasn’t enough to corner him. He had other cards to play.

“My dear City Lord. Old man. I think you’re misunderstanding something. I’m not only responsible for dealing with the threat of the continuous Clusters as of yesterday. I’m also responsible for deploying my Guild to help clear the already emerged Clusters, most of which they dealt with.

I asked for nothing in return despite the huge undertaking as this was a trying time and given the chaotic state of the Association of late, I’d say I carried a heck of a burden for you all whether or not you want to consider this as a planned strategy on my part,” Tulnas said with chilling confidence.

“You cannot debate the facts and I don’t think what I’ve earned through this is such a punishment.”

No one could refute.

The evidence was there.

The Harem Guild had saved many lives from the constantly appearing Clusters and frankly, if it truly was as he said that he had dealt with the actual source…

“And well… If you want someone to extract the evidence and information from then…”

Tulnas waved his hand, his storage ring spitting out a large spherical mass of sand that was wrapped in dark chains.

The Complete Sand Coffin!

“You’ll find him inside here.”

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