Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 298 Raucous Laughter In The Wind!

(A/N: Bonus Chapter)


This was…!

No one could afford to doubt!

The speech that came from Skullius’ three mouths; the Projected body, the Discount Human body and the soul echoed out with a terrifying echo that resounded within the domain of darkness!

Somanda’s sockets flames ignited with shock as he felt it!

“What in the….?!”

The undulations of a power different from a mere skill activation rocked throughout the space within and outside the darkness with an intensity unbefitting of the young man whose soul he had been about to take!


All the darkness that made up the entire domain trembled and then rushed over to Skullius’ mouth, with a sky shattering vigour, the perfect cube space vanishing in an instant as all the darkness was swallowed up into the Discount Human’s mouth, his soul and Projected form sinking into him!


These words resounded once again as the darkness that had rushed into Skullius’ mouth went to carry these words and actualize them into reality!

As this occurred, Somanda felt the massive amounts of mana in the treasures that made up his throne get sucked in with an incredibly powerful draw, like a hungry vacuum!

The darkness sought after mana as it aimed to actualize the absolutely hateful words that Skullius had told his enemy, seeking not to harm him, but to push him away!.

To free himself!

As the darkness continuously gushed out, Skullius looked like he was puking the words with all he had, his mouth hanging open in an unnatural manner while his eyes rolled back!

The wave of [Evil Darkness] shot outwards, blasting Somanda who had raised his hand to deflect but he was struck by unrelenting force nevertheless as he found that against this darkness, none of his defences did anything at all!

“Impossible!” he growled in shock as his red flames flared!

This was not possible!

Powers like these… on such a weak Discount Human being?!


Somanda found the blast wave of this darkness to utterly break apart his flying platform made of undead, the scantily crafted piece exploding as the thousands of parts sprang away from Skullius at top speed, leaving the Arch-Lich on his own!

The darkness, as it spread in an arc, went on to smash against the tens of thousands of undead that had been floating in the sky, creating a trap for Skullius who had been on the run!

Their bodies were flung with an otherworldly speed a distance away while the weaker ones were obliterated, smashed into miserable pieces!

Somanda’s dark green body started to break with sparks of red flame popping all around it as something seemed to tear his hold over SoSei away!

The Arch-Lich’s socket flame started to dim, with flickers of its luminance blipping here and there to represent Somanda trying to retain his firm control!

Unfortunately… it was all for naught!

SoSei’s chest exploded while its other parts started to break apart, the skull cracking as it began to leak out an immensely bright red light that released space rending power!

“This power…IT CAN’T BE YOURS…!” Somanda said with rage that couldn’t be traced on this face but on the next which couldn’t be identified from this plane.


In a matter of what? Weeks?

This creature that had been under him for a thousand years could now wield a power capable of smashing away a portion of him?!


Somanda watched as Skullius’ body started to shrivel up like a raisin while the Discount Human  remained with his mouth agape, releasing the remains of the shocking power as his figure then began to fall from the height along with a dark cocoon that began to unravel behind him!

His skin started to turn dry as if all the moisture was sucked from it, his flesh losing its muscle mass as he fell.

“I had you…. in MY HANDS…!” the last of Somanda’s words leaked out as his consciousness departed and left the partially broken and shattered SoSei which began to fall as well.

What ridiculous Direction was this?!

He had this little man that he had considered insignificant for a long time, keeping him in his collection to see what would become of him in bondage but now….

It was all lost.

For now.

Skullius continued to fall without any hope of him suddenly gaining the ability to hold himself up through any means!

His eyes returned to normal as he opened them to see the scene happening before him.

He had been conscious through it all, hearing the vicious tone of Somanda’s voice as he had been unable to comprehend what had just happened.

But he had…

He hadn’t intended it, but it happened still…

The failure of the Lich in believing that he had been bested in this instance was still resounding against his ears, the undead’s words constantly ringing in his dead.


And just like that….

Just like that, a tiny unexpected victory was claimed.

Skullius wore a big smile on his shrivelling face that now looked like that of a mummy.




The Discount Human laughed raucously as in this one instance, he had attained victory.

He was happy.

Truly happy.

While basking in this victory, something grabbed ahold of him to save him from the fall.


“Dear Quintess…” Tulnas muttered as he felt the reverberations in the air from the massive shockwave that had just resounded, pushing away all the numerous undead that he had just seen flooding the sky miles away!

The impact had been so ridiculous that even from the height where even he and the rest couldn’t see anything clearly, whatever happened there was felt!

Furthermore, the cover of the many undead that were crowded around Somanda and Skullius, had obstructed his view.

However he was sure something grand had happened considering that there was a mass summoning of undead, or perhaps it was creation?

He wasn’t sure, bit in his mind, Tulnas had begun to wonder about the damage to his Guild’s Jurisdiction.

It was just a passing thought though.

Tulnas looked ahead at the boiling and flowing molten rock that covered a colossal distance as well as the crumbs that kept falling from the sky.

“Whatever happened… how on earth was Festos involved in it?” the Tamer mumbled to himself, his body shuddering and almost kneeling when he thought back to Somanda’s presence, but he held himself up.

“I… couldn’t read that far. The massive power surge from…whatever that thing was, temporarily ‘blinded’ me and limited my range even after I recovered…” Natalika said with a depressed sigh.

Gertreld who was back to her normal diminutive height had still not fully recovered from the shock.

The same was true for Gwendelina who merely knelt down pitifully, taking deep breaths as she was more sensitive to the energies here more than anyone else.

“Let’s get going. We’ll scour the remains for Festos and then head over to Central to see the extent of the damage. Tsk!” Tulnas said as he grumbled with subdued rage. “Just when everything had been settled…”

“What should we do about her?” Natalika asked, referring to Gwendelina.

Tulnas gazed at the woman as she slowly raised her head with a pale expression, awaiting the man’s verdict with a pitiful expression that seemed to plead for mercy.


Tulnas swung his blade in a clean arc, decapitating the woman.

“No more surprises…” he said as he spread away the blood from his blade.


[Author’s Note]

Hey guys.

This concludes this arc of the story. It was long, it had flaws but I had it all setup.

Please, please, please, leave your COMMENTS on what you thought about this. What you liked what you hated or some other things you’d like to say.

Your comments help me and brighten my day and I’m starved of some feedback as of now.

I’d really appreciate your input.

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