Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 268 Answers From A Dead Man

The corpse of the former Ideal Ark leader became engulfed in greenish-black flames.

A slightly pale skin tone was over the corpse but one would barely assume that it was in fact, a corpse if shown the body out of context.

Of course, the context itself was all but clear.

The bodies of powerful combatants were usually exempt from the usual speed of decomposition especially when they had begun on the path to Advancement and beyond.

The body had been covered with a black sheet as the armour that Eobald had worn had been taken by Skullius along with his sword.

The sword wound at his chest was still visible, giving a brief reminiscent tone towards earlier events in the Tremur Forest.

As the flames engulfed the body, it began to twitch and rise, standing on its two feet as the dark sheet over its body fell off, leaving it naked.

While this occurred, a dull light appeared from over the corpse of Eobald, something within this dull light, like a bright flare of green and white pouring into the corpse.

Crunching noises crackled from the corpse as its white eyes rolled, the irises showing as they focused to the masked man in front.

The four of them were within a well lit room devoid of furniture but fitted with good flooring and walling, an awkward space for conducting such an activity..

“A…Actuass…?” said Eobald with a stutter.

“Why are you so sluggish when your soul was safely stored in the Outworld Attic? Besides, you’ve twice before this, so how are you not used to it by now?” the middle aged man said with the folding of his hands.

“Cyne…” Eobald said as he turned to the man.

A great detail that no one knew about this group of necromancers was how they were taken into the belief.

It wasn’t a matter of simply choosing to join the Green Neolists through verbatim.

At least it was so until Actuass came and changed the falling system of the Green Neolists.

One had to die first before joining and they would be resurrected, though with a portion of their soul missing.

Actuass never told anyone but his two most trusted companions, Fulina and Cyne where the portions of these souls were taken to.

However, this was the initiation still whether one liked it or not.

Once this was done, all members of the Green Neolists would be incapable of truly dying for eternity, except by the hand of a Divine being or higher.

If they died again after the initiation, the remainders of their souls would be kept in a place that Actuass called the Outworld Attic, a space he controlled and had the authority to manipulate everything within – the souls inside.

As such, a member of the Green Neolist could be infinitely resurrected provided the right conditions.

Of course, factors like eventual madness could be seen with weaker willed individuals.

“I.. I died…” Eobald said with a shaky voice.

“We know,” Actuass said. “There’s something I want to know, concerning your run with your former group and… your death.”

Eobald lifted his head.

“I considered you a charismatic and smart man which is why saw potential in you. However, I never mentioned to you how I saw through your weak resolve when you joined us. You cultivated trust with the people of the outside world but ended up falling into your facade too deeply. How many people did you tell about us and much did you share?”

Eobald took in deep breaths under Actuass’ hazel eyes which peaked from behind his mask which seemed to demand the truth.

“I…I told them that I was a member of the Green Neolists and…. I also told them about the big plan… parts of it…” he stammered as he explained.

Fulina furrowed her brows while Cyne gaped in disbelief.

“Why in the world would you tell them that?! Had you already begun to go senile before your death?!” Cyne barked.

Fulina couldn’t find the words to say to this as it was simply unbelievable.

Amidst this tension, Actuass remained calm, raising his hand to stop Cyne’s outburst.

“How many people did you tell and how many are still alive?” Actuass asked.

“… All of the Ideal Ark members… when… I fought them… but… most of them are sure to have died… I used an Arcane Teleportation… Scroll…”

Actuass turned to Cyne.

“I did see a burnt patch in the Tremur but I didn’t find any other bodies after following the trail from Eobald’s body. Maybe they all died, but unfortunately, Direction has a way of screwing with us, doesn’t it?” Cyne answered in a dangerous tone, his eyes turning to Eobald with deadly intent.

Actuass nodded as he remained silent for a while.

“Why did you tell them?” he asked.

Eobald wobbled and then faced Actuass with fear visible in his eyes.

“I… joined this cult because… I had reached a ceiling in my growth… I accepted your proposal because… I thought I’d get a boost to my limit. But… after all the support you gave me so that… I could become a popular figure with a famous Guild… I… realised just how much I wasn’t ready to let the world turn so dark…” he said as his breathing hastened. “I wasn’t loyal to either side but…I know the world isn’t a bad enough place to deserve your awful plan, Actuass… So yes… I betrayed you… and I hoped one of them would at least tell someone who could do something about it…”

Cyne fumed while Fulina looked to have conflicting emotions.

“I see… I suppose you chose a side. I can’t blame you for that. You’re human after all. Belief is what binds us to sanity. Your choice unfortunately, can’t allow you to remain with us, until a certain time when your eyes must witness what this world becomes,” Actuass said before he placed his finger on Eobald’s forehead, the man trembling from utter fear.

The greenish-black flames around Eobald’s body began to recede slowly while the point where Actuass held Eobald’s forehead glowed, signalling that his soul was about to be returned to the Outworld Attic.

“Last question. Who killed you?” Actuass asked.

Eobald first gulped before his soul churned out an answer despite his unwillingness.

“I don’t know his name but… I gave him my crest before I let him kill me.”

Actuass’ eyes narrowed.

“Your crest?”


Skullius gaped at the chaos that was happening before him as blood flew everywhere!

‘Why wasn’t this guy just dealing with everything we were dealing with on our way here by himself?!’ he thought as he saw the tens of corpses of powerful creatures with purple third eyes on their foreheads!

He, Red Rage and the three ladies were safely caged within a constantly revolving ring of sand while Tulnas was rampaging with his twin short swords cutting through the monsters like grass!

-Author’s Note-


[Ah! Mashu_Berusutora has donated thrice to the novel! I’m heavily inspired! +2 chapters over the daily quota this weekend!]

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