Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 209 Exploitable Option, Famous Suspect

Inhone City.

National Guilds Association Building.

Two men sat at a nicely furnished table while drinking hot beverages with refined etiquette.

A familiar lean man with hair and beard coloured in a mix of black and white sat on one end of the table while holding a ceramic cup, sitting the tea within.

This was the City Lord, Erkus Savont.

He donned a rather serious expression on his face, as was his custom, in an effort to conjure a no-funny-business atmosphere whenever he was meeting up with other influential personages.

Opposite him sat a middle aged man with long, crushed garnet coloured hair that reached his shoulders. His build was athletic, accentuated by the sleak fitting silver suit he wore.

His sharp satin grey eyes kept staring at the City Lord as he also sipped on the tea with the exact less-than-likely-to-this-seriously disposition that Erkus despised..

“Not a matter of much concern you say?” Erkus said with grunt of disbelief. “I find tens of Clusters appearing in such a short time a matter of concern, Silrat. We’re talking about many potential deaths in a few days, I highly doubt that mobilising all of your mercenaries would alleviate this situation.”

The man named Silrat edged forward with a slight smile that always made Erkus uncomfortable blooming on his face.

He relished in making people crumble, but not for cruel or evil purpose. Some would call it teasing.

“I understand your view point, City Lord. From your perspective, which is mostly centralised around maintaining the wellbeing of the normal civilians within the region, this is a dangerous hazard. That much is certainly true. But what about from my view point ? Can you guess what I see?”

Erkus grumbled.

“You obviously see profits from the many Clusters. The gems that can be harvested along with the dead cores,” he answered.

“That’s a true, yet shallow deduction, City Lord,” Silrat said. “As Branch Chief for the Association, it is my duty to spur mercenaries into action, especially with regard to the current times. I’ll admit, this wasn’t always what my intent, but once the issue with the Sif extending their hand to form an alliance with Pelian began, I started to expect the worst.”

“In a few days, the result of the meeting that took place days ago will be announced and I’m sure you know what’s the most likely conclusion.”

Erkus frowned.

“I’ve had my reservations about that. But what does this have to do with your point of view on the Clusters?”

Silrat’s smile vanished as he said one word.


Erkus frowned even deeper.

“We both know what that impulsive nation will do when the obvious outcome of the meeting between the Royal Family and the Sif comes out. If worse comes to worst, the Capital service in the entire nation won’t be enough to fend those even half of those madmen. But…”

“What if you had well equipped, battle ready mercenaries who have been groomed by the pressure from having to deal with many Clusters? The resources are necessary to defend this small city as well. Who will give a damn about Inhone when those mad warriors storm Agmold?”

“I see,” Erkus said with a low tone of voice. “I will commend your foresight, but that doesn’t dismiss the fact that the origins of these Clusters must be traced. What is causing this absolutely must be found. We can’t stake evolution over civil safety.”

“I agree, but don’t be too comfortable in it either. When things go awry, even Unbreakable himself can’t protect this city by his lonesome,” said Silrat, a smile retaining to his face. “Besides, we are already tracing the source, though we have no results as of yet. We also haven’t sustained many casualties because of the readiness of the mercenaries. Rest assured.”

Erkus shifted in his seat, thinking deeply for a few minutes before sighing and placing down his cup.

He rubbed his temples frustratedly as he wrestled with his thoughts. So many things seemed to be happening at once which greatly stressed his aging mind.

“Fine. Any good news to speak of then? I could really use some.”

Silrat perked up at this question.

“There has indeed been some news in the Association. A new Mage has appeared. He was evaluated today and given the D rank immediately. Apparently, he’s still fresh but has some combat experience.”

“Oh.. is it?” Erkus found himself intrigued too. “In this case, I will concede. It doesn’t matter who has more Energy Formers now anyway. Do you have a name? I might want to meet him.”

Silrat burst into laughter.

“I’ll beat you to that soon. He’s out hunting at the moment. He goes by the name Festos Dawn.”


The doors to the room were opened, a certain old man and a woman, both donning robes entering in hurried but formal steps that depicted their standing.

Silrat smiled and gave a short nod of acknowledgement to them.

“Terian, Damilla. Please tell me you have some worthwhile news,” Erkus said as he looked at the duo.

“Well….concerning the incident at the College of the Esteemed yesterday, we had a suspect but it turned out that he was innocent as we traced his steps according to his words and found them reliable. However, Damilla disagrees and seeks permission to divine the suspect,” said the old man whose name was Terian.

The woman at the side wore a displeased expression before speaking her piece.

“I just feel that we need to ensure that we covered all our bases. It would be a shame if we missed something significant because of carelessness.”

Erkus nodded.

“Very well. The College has been breathing down my neck since yesterday and suppose I owe them this much. That library was filled with basic history anyway. Copies at that…” Erkus said, mumbling the last part to himself in an annoyed tone.

There were even book stalls with translated books in there, how valuable could that place had been?

“What is the name of this suspect anyway?”

“Festos Dawn,” replied Damilla.

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