Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 203 Super Saiy... Ahem... Greater Monkey Sage!



An incredibly heavy statue weighing ten tonnes, carved after Guddhar was blessed with an enlightenment, carving out this structure which is an object of representation for peace and an inanimate enforcer of the it.





-Special Effects-

• Can deflect 80% of all incoming attacks back to the target

• Reflects 65% elemental damage received by wielder

• Returns to the user after <Righteous Throw>


[Skill: Bow to Peace]

When the top rune smashes against the ground, all living things targeted by the user within a 200 meter radius will be forced to kneel headfirst on the ground for as long as the rune tastes dirt. The effect depends on the strength of the target.

[Skill: Righteous Throw]

The Yamogogofafa can be thrown, attaining quick speed in its flight towards the target while retaining its immense weight.


[Skill: Ascend to Peace]

When the bottom rune touches the ground, all intended targets are sent flying to calm their bodies and mind with the fresh air at the very same height as the tip of the Mount. Sagemore.


“That’s.. actually insane bro….” Skullius mumbled as his eyes zoomed in on the object that was wielded by the golden furred monkey.

He then checked the Monkey’s stats, seeing the outrageous amounts of strength and mana it possesses, befitting for creatures said to posses the power equivalent to all the creatures within the Cluster combined or more.

It was Tier 4!

“Oh.. so you’re…. Guddhar…” said Skullius as he sweated water.

He felt intimidated by the creature’s presence even as it was a distance away, majestically standing while holding a statue that weighed ten tonnes, its fur blowing in the wind while it held a solemn expression.

This creature was of a unique race called the Greater Monkey Sage, which had a dangerous ring to it given the current context.

Guddhar’s sharp eyes roamed over the mountain before they settled over Skullius’ position, the Discount Human’s non-existent insides tumbling down in fright!

Guddhar immediately locked onto him and his energy flared horrendously, the trees shaking as it seemed like an invisible presence flashed over the distance and blew roughly onto Skullius.

“That can’t be good,” Skullius said with a grimace.

Guddar took a step forward and tensed his arm muscles.

The Greater Sage Monkey then sucked in a deep breath and roared as it hurled the mass of stone, the natural treasure, in Skullius’ direction with the activation of the skill [Righteous Throw]!

The large dark blue structure flew with a quick spin, its speed and weight exerting over the forestry around which it did not even touch!

Leaves and trunks were blown apart with even the hard ground getting shredded from the object that flew overhead at an almost indecipherable speed to the Discount Human!

Before the Yamogogofafa was even a twenty meters from him, Skullius already felt the immense pressure of its weight and hidden power!

Shockingly, he found that he couldn’t dodge!

The object was simply too vast and fast for him to escape damage.

What he could do was try to mitigate this damage that he was about to receive which he knew would 100% kill him!

The Discount Human used a large portion of his remaining mana to conjure a mass of [Evil Darkness] in the form of a cloud that he immediately shaped into a large ball with [Basic Evil Weaving]!

The giant ball stood between him and the Yamogogofafa and when the large object reach him, the crust of the earth was rocked to a gobsmacking degree!

This place which was hailed by the Sage Monkeys as sacred was obliterated, with the waters within the lake flying out and leaving an empty crater, the trees around being shredded by the force, their leaves releasing the Enriching gems they kept within their grasp!

A nasty shockwave blew, leaving the place looking like a 40 meter bald spot on the mountain’s!

As for the Discount Human who had literally seen stars at the moment of collision, he was in a horrible state!

His skin was chipped off with part of bones peering from the bleeding and torn flesh.

This was what plagued his right side from the chest to the leg, his leather armour having failed to protect him.

The massive orb of darkness that he had conjured had actually negated some of the Yamogogofafa’s force before exploding and this was in actual fact, a very much desired outcome!

Yet, this wasn’t the end.

“Gah! Are you kidding me bro?!” Skullius yelled as even after surviving the terrible attack, he found his head plunged into the ground, his body prostrating towards the massive statue that lay ten meters beside him!

It’s head dug into the ground, the rune atop it tasting the crust, thereby activating the skill, [Bow to Peace]!

The sacred place of the monkeys was called so because it held the most amount of the chaotic energies that formed the Clusters in the first place, which was why Enriching gems grew from it.

In actuality, there wasn’t only one of these places and because of the concentration of the energies here, it was common for intricate skills to not have their effects prevailing over these places from a long distance, thus why Skullius had been exempt from [Bow to Peace] before.

Now however, with the large statue near him, the effects overpowered the trait of this place, pulling him and every tree and shrub here to bow!

“EKSHUL, SUUN, VAGAY’R” Guddhar called with his freakishly powerful voice that travelled throughout the lone mountain and reached all the Sage Monkeys!

“Bring them to me, huh?” Skullius translated with sheepish smile on his face.

He knew what the monkeys wanted to do to him. He would basically get pounded into a paste under the statue’s weight and get made into a stew that Guddhar would drink to ‘fuel the peace within.’

Guddhar would do this with some unlucky monkeys now and then too.

To Skullius that just sounded like trying out new recipes.

Several monkeys rushed to him, most preparing to slap the crap out of him.

With the statue here, he couldn’t move an inch, which proved troublesome.


A bright pillar of red rose into the sky suddenly as an overbearing heat stormed the mountain!

Clouds of steam rose, followed by the feminine grunts of a hot blooded red head who had activated her Full Body Aura!

Skullius deeply hoped that his party could deal with Guddhar but so far, the odds said otherwise.

The Yamogogofafa here which imposed [Bow to Peace] on every individual on the mountain excluding the monkeys and the sacred places was too powerful.

How would Stylla salvage this?!

Was she even able to move right now?!

The surging of a qualitative mana answered Skullius’ questions as a skill was cast from a saber.

Not a simple one but a Special one that turned the situation around!

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