Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 159 All You Can Learn Buffet (3)

The Stages of power.

After each level, one was subjected to a Task by their favoured Deity and only when they completed it could they move on to the next level.

The order went as so.

Foundation, Advancement, Master, Incandescent, Transcendent and Beyond the Veil.

In terms of levels, which could also be defined by those without the guidance field but in a harder to use sensory technique, the Foundation stage went from level 1 to level 10, the Advancement going from level 11 to 20.

There was a vast chasm after this, as the Master stage had 20 levels to scale, the Incandescent Stage having the same, up to level 60.

From there, another chasm would be felt as for the Transcendent Stage, 35 levels with their own horrendous Tasks had to be scaled with the last stage, Beyond the Veil, having only 5 levels as it maxed at level 100.

At the last level of every stage, a Challenge was given, which was a specific hurdle that had to be overcome to break onto the next stage.

(A/N: It’s not as tedious as it sounds. Trust me, you’ll enjoy it).

The last two stages were considered myths in the eyes of the public as such levels of power were only ever detailed in historical records. With the absence of significant wars, there had been a sharp decline in dedication to mastery as the main purpose for most, was to obtain fame or self sufficiency.

What were the boons for stages?

Physicality boosts were an obvious one for each stage, being more significant than level ups.

The others were special techniques that boosted an individual’s natural abilities..

For instance, the Full Body Aura obtained when one reached the Advancement Stage.

What awaited for the other stages were things that commonfolk couldn’t even imagine as their use was strictly regulated.

“And that’s about it. This system is said to have been learned and universally agreed upon by the humans, the Sif and the giants back in the day, so it’s functional,” Frock said as he looked at the contemplative gaze of Skullius.

The Discount Human took all this in as he tried to fit it all into his ‘schedule’.

His one year time limit with Doom Factor 2 came to mind.

Was a year enough to do all this?

Probably not. Those were a lot of levels to pass through, not to mention that amount of Tasks as well as the so-called Challenges!

He was still on the second level of the Foundation Stage and to imagining himself reaching the Beyond the Veil Stage was…


‘I wonder. Even if I reach that level, will I be able to beat Somanda?’

This was a question that Skullius immediately asked himself. At his very best, could he really defeat an Arch-Lich with tens of thousands of years worth of experience?

This was a lot to take in for Skullius. He didn’t want to rely solely on the potential help that could be rendered by Sause given their Tie of Exchange.

He wasn’t even sure if that would work out.

The more preferable route would be to quickly gather strength. He would ate least fight the battle too after acquiring strength.

With this knowledge, though basic, now he had a clearer path!

Speeding through with all he had clicked in his mind as a goal.

He had a hidden class and strange power that he hadn’t gotten clarity on, yet both were ridiculous.

Speaking of which…

“How come you didn’t mention anything about hidden classes?”

Frock raised a brow.

“So you do know some things…” a barely visible glint twinkled in the dark-haired man’s eyes as he had been keeping a close eye on Skullius’ face. He was a bit rattled by it at first but now, he found himself intrigued.

“Hidden classes are both a guarantee to great strength and a trap to a grand fall. I don’t presume you know the tale of Escus and Demion?”


Skullius’ eyes rose as he heard this but he quickly calmed himself.

Wasn’t that in the description of the sword, [Demion’s Dance]?

“I don’t know if it’s true or not, and I’m not retelling it to you if you don’t know it, but hidden classes are usually imbedded with the previous carrier’s will. If they want something done through the new inheritor then…”

Frock didn’t finish, but Skullius was already feeling nervous.

Just a day ago, he had been thinking about what those pieces of soul from Sila, Dezrael and Fulgardt could do within him. Would they benefit him?

Did Fulgardt’s Labyrinth have something significant for those absorbed souls planned?

Perhaps, one day he would be forced on some dangerous quest through the will that was forever stuck to him.

That couldn’t be true right?

“By the way, you can go to a College and get this information for a quarter of the price you just paid here,” said Frock with a mocking grin but Skullius wasn’t affected by it at all, latching onto something else from his statement.

“What’s a College?”

Frock ground his teeth. He had wanted to at least see a frown on Skullius’ face but the Discount Human was greedily asking for more knowledge.

Dejectedly, he answered.

“A College is a place where this kind of information is fed to anyone aspiring to be master in any art. You can learn just about anything from there, though they don’t teach anything to do with classes like Energy Formers. That kind of knowledge is found in big cities. In Academies.”

“And before you ask, Academies are larger, wealthier versions of Colleges. Right! I think we’re done talking now.”

“Wait,” Skullius urgently stopped Frock who had begun to stand.

“What?” Frock asked as his brows skewed.

“Do you have any useful equipment I could trade with you?”

“The word ‘trade’ is a little redundant, but sure! Come see what I got!” the man’s mouth featured a grin in place of the frown he had been wearing a few seconds ago as he urged Skullius to follow.


Tulnas sat on an expensive looking chair while looked at the extravagant ceiling up above. He was deep in his thoughts as his mind kept replaying the moment when he had first laid eyes on Skullius.

Deep within him, from his very soul which he shared with multiple, powerful creatures that he had tamed, came a voice that encouraged him to rope in the existence that looked like a generic character from a bland folktale.

He hadn’t even known if his decision to ask Skullius to join his Guild was a good one or not but he couldn’t bring himself to doubt the being he had brought into his soul, successfully taming it after a very strenuous year in a forest within three nation of Maqi.

Tulnas loosened his hair and let it floor to his shoulders as he relaxed, watching the sun begin its descend from its daily high.

“Are you sure about this? At the very least can you tell me whether its fortune or something else that your eyes sees on this… Festos…” Tulnas said as he grabbed a glass of wine.

From behind his back, dark furs sprang forth rapidly as they then puffed up and closed in on themselves as flesh and bone appeared within them, creating the head… of a fox.

The fox head with dark fur peered from Tulnas’ shoulder and nudged his cheek while he drank.

“Come now… When did you start to doubt me? Am I not your eyes for fortune and misfortune? Am I not your strength? Have you become too arrogant now that I give you a sliver of my strength, Tulnas?” a hoarse voice that shook the furniture in the room emerged from the fox’s mouth.

Tulnas sighed.

“How you’re so easily provoked. I’m the one running things on this end. Could I get a bit more information? Blind trust in you will only lead me in a ditch. Literally and figuratively.”

“Hmmm…. ignorant. Very well, I shall tell you,” the fox said as upon its mouth, an extremely eerie grin appeared!

[Author’s Note]

So I know these three chapters were quite dialogue and exposition heavy but I found it necessary to do so. I’ve merely brushed through the power system from the first Volume as it was, as explained in the story, a primal way of growth that the beasts used.

It’s different and complicated for humans, which is why its more suited to be explored in this volume where more humans feature.

If you don’t fully understand the mechanics, don’t worry. They’ll be reiterated in NOT-IN-YOUR-FACE ways as we go.

Also, as I said before, this won’t be tedious with a Task for every level as we’ll only focus on what it’s like for Skullius.

With all that said, please do tell me what you think of the story so far. I’d really appreciate it if you left REVIEWS as that’d help me out a ton.

Please leave Golden Tickets and Power Stones if you’re enjoying as with such an extensive run ahead, I would be more motivated to not drop this if it at least rises in popularity and ranking.

Thanks y’all.

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