Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 154 Guilds Association (2)

“Tsk! While others are busy hunting monsters and Clusters, this bastard is out there hunting for beauties and he still remains on top!”

“Look, he even added a few more to his collection since a week ago!”

“Rar! I wish I could get even one of them to ‘take care’ of me just for one night. Don’t you?”

“You bet! Too bad that bastard is very protective of his girls! Should we ask the Guild leader to raid their place and do—”


One tall and muscular man walked into the building while having fifteen girls around him.

They all had distinctive characteristics, all of them looking to be proud to be by his side, expressing their excitement in different ways; shyness, brushless, intimacy.

The man at the forefront glanced at the two groups that were standing side by side at the request board and smiled lightly.

His dark hair which was combed back and tied into a bun behind his head glimmered under the artificial lights above, his ocean blue eyes giving many women weak knees whenever they happened to scan by.

His muscular stature buried under a perfect, black and green armour looked quite intimidating, especially with the power that leaked from him.

The Guild leader of the EdgeKings, Beck, gritted his teeth with a twitch of his nose as he glared at this man..

“Tulnas…” he said.

“How’s it going, Beck? I trust you took care of that high level Cluster?”

“Of course I did. What about you? We hunted like-coloured Clusters, right? Your bunch didn’t finally start to drag you down did they?”

“Haha, of course not. If anything, they’re all becoming stronger at a rate I didn’t imagine to be possible. One of them could kill a Cluster General all on their own. Or better yet… your pitiful bromance circle,” Tulnas said with a subtle hostile glint in his eye.

Beck huffed in rage as veins throbbed on his temples.

“Oh~, the big bad man can’t handle a small poke? That’s too bad~” one of the girls from the Harem Guild caressed Tulnas’ armour and intimately rubbed her face against his as she taunted Beck.

“I told you they were all virgins. Such brash and abrasive behaviour only belongs to those whose hymen is hasn’t left home,” another one of the girls said as she pushed up her glasses.

“Shut up, bitch! You want me to rip your nose off?!” an agitated member of the EdgeKings stepped forward, his face turning red from Rage.

“Pfft! Rip her nose off! Such child-friendly insults really don’t work for you big guy.”

“I’m warning you, Tulnas! You better keep your bitches on a leash!” another man said as he pointed his finger at Tulnas.

Tulnas took a step forward, his mana flaring powerfully as he wore his slight smile.

“Or what?” he said, his women also stepping forward, showing that they were ready to go whenever their opponents were.

The Ravenclad Guild took a few steps back as they didn’t want to involve themselves in the potential chaos.

“Alright! Cut it out. You both know that this isn’t a place where you can beat each other up. If you want, prove your mettles outside the city,” a woman who wore formal attire addressed the two groups.

Tulnas was the first to take a step back and wore a broad smile.

“My apologies. It seems like we went too far,” he said as his hand zipped through the air and grabbed the request on the board detailing a high level Cluster emergence in a distant town in the North.

Beck gritted his teeth as he had been eyeing the request from the time he had been bickering with the Ravenclad Guild.

Tulnas and his women wore cheeky smiles as they walked away, leaving the EdgeKings with frowns that would put twisters to shame.

Skullius who was watching from the reception couldn’t help but gulp audibly.

‘Who are those freaks?! And that power!’ he thought.

He had noticed that the above average threshold was the blue core as every powerhouse he had met since arriving in Pelian had a blue core. Excluding Elita that is.

What differed among these blue cores was the brightness. Some of them were dull, other mildly bright and the others glowing with a sun-like intensity when he analysed them with [Advanced Mana Manipulation]!

This was actually true for all core colours.

Yet, when Skullius sensed the level of power of these people, he found that there was something else about them that dictated how strong they were.

Their bodies!

Something about them was different.

‘Is this related to the Stages stuff? I’ll know soon enough.’

Skullius’ turn finally arrived in the line as he merely looked blankly at the middle-aged woman behind the desk in silence.

The woman, upon realising that Skullius wasn’t speaking, decided to ask in the most blasé way possible.

“Anything I can help you with… sir?”

‘This is it! She doesn’t give a boneshit! This confirms it, right?! Look at those eyes! They dont care about me at all! She doesn’t even care about my face! Perfect!’ Skullius cheered inwardly.

“Uhmm… how can join a Guild and fight in Clusters?”

Skullius’ eavesdropping had paid off as he was now asking what he deemed to be the appropriate question. He hoped. He truly hoped.

The woman at the desk looked at him with her brow raised.

She wanted to erupt on Skullius for not knowing basic knowledge but she held herself back.

“That’s something you should be asking the Guild you want to join, not us. That is, unless you are not a licensed mercenary.”

“Oh… I don’t have the license thing. How do I get it?”

The woman looked increasingly annoyed which Skullius grinned to as he identified her as being someone who didn’t give a flying flesh about him.

Finally! Someone who didn’t care!

High five to all socketholes out there!

“You have to be evaluated by the Guild staff on whether or not you’re fit to fight in Clusters. IF you don’t know anything beyond this as well, I advise that you head to the temple to see which Direction is suited for you. An evaluation by the priests would help. NEXT PLEASE!”

Someone behind Skullius pushed him out of the line, the Discount Human hatefully glaring at the person before walking away.

‘At least I found some useful information. Those merchants weren’t lying. These services really have the worst people! I love it! I guess I can safely use my coin to find someone who sells information! I’m sure they would be unaffected by UNCoddled too!’

The conversation with the two merchants outside the city had taught Skullius quite a lot of things.

Apparently, any service that was sold didn’t come with a 100% benefit for the buyer as the individual who was selling also wanted to benefit, which made this the perfect scenario for Skullius.

Such people were his best friends and he wanted to meet them so badly for his additional plan which involved the powers of the Vehement Bone Nullmancer that he had yet to exploit to the fullest!

With unmatched zeal, Skullius walked briskly and happily towards the door while being deep into his thoughts.

Things were working out well. He was on a good streak to his ultimate goals.



Skullius accidentally bumped into one of the beauties that was following after the black-haired man!

His non-existent heart almost stopped when the whole group turned to focus on the incident between him and the woman he bumped into.

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