
Chapter 162: Break Up

Chapter 162: Break Up

Vega found his way to the billiards room he and Constance had played in the night before to find that he was the first one to arrive.

He inspected the pool sticks which hung along the wall to find one that fit his style best, “Ah yes, this one should do just fine. 19 ounces, 61 inches. And this time, I’ll actually get to use it.”

Vega leaned against the pool table, crossed his ankles, and folded his arms as he waited. He wore a dark shade of blue jeans and a white polo t-shirt. His wear was casual but not informal as he and Constance had a dinner date with Erika and Jacek later in the evening.

He then heard the clicking of heeled boots as Constance approached. Vega had come to find excitement in the anticipation of Constance’s outfit as she was always so skilled in finding the line between sexy and classy and pushing it as far as she could. This evening would be no different.

Constance rounded the corner and entered the room wearing, from the bottom up, black leather stiletto boots, a short yellow plaid skirt, yellow plaid tube top, and a yellow plaid crop jacket to finish the look. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, and as always, she wore her intoxicating and contagious brilliant-white smile.

He stood tall as he leaned up from against the pool table to greet her as she entered the room, “Wow what a bright and stunning outfit. I love it.”

She walked right up to him invading his personal space and began to rub his muscular arm, “Forget about my outfit, how about yours? This shirt shows off your muscles spectacularly.”

She squeezed his arm and let out an impressed sigh as she then looked to him, “I see you already have your cue stick selected. Tonight, you’ll actually get to use it too! You can break.”

Constance began to rack the balls for Vega. As she did, she leaned over the table’s edge to grab a few distant balls causing her short skirt to lift upwards ever more. A fact that Vega couldn’t miss, and Constance knew it.

Vega walked around to the opposite side of the table with the cue ball in hand, “So what will we be betting on this time around?”

Constance smiled as she finished a tight rack of balls, “Let’s up the ante. Betting is so much more fun when there is real risk and real reward on the line.”

Vega nodded his head, “That definitely makes things more interesting, I can’t argue with you there. Fine. If I win, I want you to be my girlfriend.”

Constance raised her eyebrows at Vega, “Wow, you really are aiming high.” She walked around the table and put her hands on the sides of his abdomen and pulled him closer to her, “There’s just a couple of problems with your bet.”

Vega laughed, “If I overstepped –“

Constance immediately put her finger up to his lips, “Shhh. The first problem is… your bet makes me want to lose on purpose.”

Vega’s eyes went wide as he was more than just pleasantly surprised. She held her finger to his lips preventing him from responding though. She then continued, “The second problem is… we are getting ahead of ourselves just a little bit. You have a girlfriend already. So, if I win…”

She removed her finger from his lips and walked around to the other side of the table across from him, “…You have to call Chastity and break up with her in front of me. I want to hear you rip her heart out for me. I want you to make her cry for me.”

Vega paused for a moment thinking to himself, “That would be rather cruel to Chastity to entertain Constance at her expense.” However, his hesitation was only for a moment.

Constance looked him in the eyes from across the table, “Do it. For me.”

Something about her voice resonated with Vega as her words echoed and reverberated in his mind, and suddenly Vega’s mind was clear and free of reservation as he jumped to agreement, “You have a deal!”

Constance winked at him and motioned to the table, “Then please. Get us started!”

Vega took his pool stick in hand and leaned over the table as he lined up his shot. Then, he struck the ball sending it on its way to a high-impact with the rack as a loud ‘crack’ sounded throughout the room. The balls scattered across the table, and he even sunk two balls, a stripe and a solid.

Constance clasped her hands with excitement, “A great break! But no matter what comes next, you’ve done me a great favor in making one of my own balls. How kind of you Vega.”

She taunted him with a wide smile, and he laughed with her, “Oh, think nothing of it. It’s the least I can do seeing as you won’t even get a shot to make one of your own this game.”

Constance gave him a closed lip smile and pushed her tongue into her cheek and then said, “We will see about that.”

Vega continued to sink ball after ball methodically as he moved around the table and lined up his shots perfectly. Constance was even impressed thinking to herself, “Okay, so he is pretty good after all, huh?”

However, his luck had run out as his last shot left the cue ball obstructed from a clear shot to the 8-ball. He took a deep sigh and then softly said, “Well shit. Things were going so well too.”

Constance stood silently with a huge smile on her face, and Vega looked to her, “Don’t celebrate just yet now! I think I can jump your ball and still knock the 8-ball in.”

She tilted her head at him, “If you think you can, by all means.”

Vega concentrated as he prepared to launch the cue ball over her ball to knock the 8-ball in for the win. He hit it, the ball went flying, … and… the cue ball hit the 8-ball squarely sending it rushing towards the pocket where it promptly and firmly fell in.

Constance stood with her arms crossed with a face of disbelief, “Ho-ly shit.” She then looked to Vega and laughed, “Wipe that dumb smile off your face. Fine, you win!”

Vega walked over to Constance with a gloating smile, “I did win, but I would never force someone into a relationship.”

Constance took her stylish crop jacket off and flaunted her cleavage that was nearly bursting from her top, “What? You don’t like your prize?”

She leaned against the pool table, and Vega walked to stand in front of her. She leaned in for a kiss but dodged his lips at the last second and whispered in his ears, “Tell me you love me.”

Vega once again had a subtle force wash over him eliminating any reservations he may have had towards Constance’s orders. He whispered back to her, “I love you, Constance.”

She leaned back and smiled up at him, “Oh Vega, you shouldn’t be saying those things when you have a girlfriend. I did lose, but I still want you to break up with her. For me, please.”

Vega pulled out his phone, and Constance was giddy with excitement. Not only at the act of him breaking up with his girlfriend, but also because Shadow Slave had clearly taken root. She expected it to only become stronger as they spent more time together and became further entangled both mentally and physically.

The phone rang until a voice answered, “Vega! I’ve missed you. I’ve been waiting by my phone for this call ever since you left.”

He showed no hesitation and said, “Chastity, I’m actually calling to tell you something important.”

With a concerned voice, Chastity said, “Has something happened? What is it, Vega? Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine. However, I’ve decided to pursue more serious avenues in regard to our relationship. I want to be as transparent as possible. I don’t want to lead you on, so I thought it better to tell you sooner over the phone, rather than later in person.” Vega had an unusual calmness to his voice.

Constance smiled to herself and began to kiss on Vega’s neck as he spoke with Chastity.

“WHAT?! ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME?!!” Chastity was livid, “VEGA!!”

“I understand your feelings Chastity. However, I am not ready to be in a relationship with you. I need to pursue other more serious interests before I can consider being with you.” Vega once again held his composure.

Constance laughed softly and continued to kiss his neck moving up to his chin making subtle but audible noises with her kisses.

“My father will hear about this! He and Master Heraklinos will not be pleased!” She continued to be irate until she took notice of the subtle noises from Constance. Then she lost it, “IS SOMEONE THERE WITH YOU?! WHO!!!!?”

Constance kissed Vega on the lips and then Chastity heard a soft voice in the background say, “Now hang up on her and fuck me.”

“THIS BETTER BE SOME SICK JOKE, VEGA! Vega? VEGA?!” Chastity continued her irate yelling into the phone until she heard a ‘click’.

With a hurried breath, Constance continued to kiss Vega, “Now I’m all yours! Take me! Right here!”

With only 10 minutes until their double date with Erika and Jacek, Vega unzipped his pants and fished his big cock out from his zipper opening.

Constance reached down and grabbed it as she began to stroke him, “Oh and I don’t have any panties on. Now. Or ever, really.”

Vega took his big muscular arms and lifted her up onto the ledge of the pool table. Constance spread her legs wide as Vega inserted himself into her underneath her skirt and began to fuck her. She wrapped her legs around his waist clinching herself ever tighter to his body. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him before yelling, “Yes! That feels so good! Don’t stop!”

Vega rolled down her top and began to kiss and suck on her big tits passionately. Constance held his head firm against her chest moaning loudly as he kissed her.

Constance then kept her legs wrapped around his waist but released her arms and fell backwards onto the pool table as he continued to stand and fuck her harder and harder.

After only five minutes, Vega was nearing climax, and he still had the wherewithal about him to know better than to cum in Constance during unprotected sex, “I’m about to cum, baby. Let me go, so I can pull out.”

Constance looked up at him from the pool table and tightened her legs around him further, “Cum in me! I want to be dripping with your cum when we are done!”

Vega once again accepted her instructions without question and gladly continued until he built closer and closer and then… exploded inside of her. He had been lusting for Constance ever since he had arrived on Khan Island, and his load was absolutely massive as he continued to thrust in and out as his cock pulsed ejecting more and more of his cum into her.

He finally began to slow until he eventually came to a stop. Constance leaned up to kiss him, “Best. Boyfriend. Ever.”

He slid his cock out of her and forced his still erect cock back into his jeans albeit with a bit of trouble. Meanwhile, Constance fixed her skirt, rolled her top back up, and put her jacket back on. She looked to the felt surface of the table and noted a massive wet spot, “Should I have the attendants re-felt this table tonight, or should we wait in case we are back here later this evening?”

Vega laughed, “We still need a tie-breaker game. I’d say hold off for now.”

Constance nodded and smiled in agreement as she tried her best to salvage her wild post-sex hair, “How do I look?”

“You look like you just got railed on a pool table.” Vega gave her an honest answer.

She tilted her head, “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You really gave it to me hard.” She grabbed his hand and said, “Come on let’s go! I can still feel your warm load in me slowly dripping down. God, it’s so hot. I love it!”

They began walking down the hallway with Constance hugging and feeling all over Vega’s body, “Next time, tonight, I want you to choke me. Choke me as hard as you can.”

Vega began to answer her; however, before he could, a voice called out, “Constance! Vega! Hey!”

Erika and Jacek rounded the corner waving at them. Constance met them with a smile and a wave back, “Hey! Let’s all walk to dinner together! Vega and I just finished playing pool, and we have some very big news to tell you.”

Jacek laughed, “Perfect! Let’s settle in at our table on the terrace, and you can both can tell us all about it!”

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