Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 561: DLXI. The Versatile Warrior

Chapter 561: DLXI. The Versatile Warrior

"Aaaaargh!" the young Master yelled, letting the air flow into his lungs again and feeling the incredible heat of the blade on his burned hand. 

"Mmhh... that boy must have some trouble with his weapons! Hihihi! Looks like it just burned! Hihihihi!" the enemy warrior said, remaining in the same position and witnessing the scene behind Thyrius, who after hearing those words, made one last effort and turned his gaze in Dag's direction. 

"... my family... thousands of innocent people... I can hear their screams, their fear... you ruined my life, sons of bitches!... grr... rr... arrghh... rr...." 

Dag's breath became more and more like that of a ferocious animal, and his right hand, which had just been burned, immediately stopped shaking.

The end of the dark matter that enveloped his arms, at the wrists of both hands, began to boil as if it was sensing the powerful heat generated by the late Giantbane.

The dark covering around Dag's hands tore apart and apparently for no reason, it stuck back around his fingers, releasing the gray smoke it emitted during the condensation phases.

Under the incredulous eyes of Bloodfang and the Keeper, huge dark claws wrapped in a thin fiery aura sprang out of Dag's hands, which increased in shape and size, becoming much larger and longer, releasing a considerable amount of heat.

"Urgh! It's not possible! Uaargh!" exclaimed Thyrius, although his throat was still tightened in the hands evoked by the power of the enemy, whose eyes seemed to point towards Dag, despite the bandage that continued to cover them, made them invisible.

"I can't believe it... I feel it! I feel the fire in my hands! This incredible power within me, in my arms and in my legs... I've never felt such great firepower in my life!" Dag thought, who slowly opened his eyes and looked at his hands, remaining incredulous at what he was looking at.

"... Blood... Red... Claws... but... but you are not..." Bloodfang continued to whisper, while his eyes began to ajar.

"I'm not what?! A wolf?!" Dag exclaimed, who looked up at the two men in front of him and revealed his new enhanced form.

Unlike other times, during which his power had combined with the elements of weapons, granting them greater power, this time it was the power of fire that entered him, in exactly the same way that lightning had done many times, after inheriting Magni's hammer and in addition to the usual purple eye, the other eye had also changed its color, becoming of an intense and bright red, which in the darkness of that corner of the room looked like a shining ruby.

"Grrraaargh!" with a less pronounced roar than that of a normal werewolf, Dag snapped forward, initially pushing himself with his arms, resting his hands on the ground. 

A trail of fire burned the floor as he passed and in less than two seconds, the young Master found himself in front of the enemy, who noticed his presence only when Dag's face was a few inches from his.

"Now, you die!" he said, without yelling and trying to catch a glimpse of the real eyes hiding behind the Keeper's face bandage, whose expression suddenly changed, not expecting such a quick reaction from who, until a few minutes earlier, seemed just a kid playing the blowhard.

Dag's movements were so fast and precise that the opposing warrior failed to intervene, knowing that if he moved his hands off the ground, the grip on Bloodfang would be interrupted and the enemies to face would become two. 

The young Master's claws hit the Keeper right in the face, making him fall to the ground backward, sore, shouting like a psychopath.

"Uaaaaah! My face! My magnificent face! Aaaargh!" he yelled, resting both of his hands on the floor and rolling on it until he touched the wall with his back.

The three huge stone hands immediately melted on themselves, leaving Bloodfang's throat and ankle, who fell to the ground, almost unconscious. 

Dag threw himself back at the enemy and, without hesitating for a moment, punched him in the stomach, causing his body to bend and crackling the floor beneath it.

As soon as the Keeper took his hands off his face, Dag noticed that the bandage covering his eyes had been removed and was now on the ground split in half.

Under it, the enemy's repulsive face was finally visible in all its essence: two huge purplish holes were dug into his skull and the eyes were not in place, as were his nose and ears.

The only more or less 'human' thing that remained on that deformed face was the incredibly large mouth, which began to spit blood after the violent fist. 

"Die! Die!" Dag yelled again, unleashing all his fury and repeatedly hitting the enemy in the stomach.

After being hit for the third time and feeling an incredible pain on his spine in contact with the floor, the Keeper decided to counterattack and put his hand on the floor, evoking a slightly smaller hand than those that had grabbed the head of the wolves still. 

The stone hand hit Dag's side with a clumsy blow, which unbalanced him and caused him to move from his position, thus preventing him from hitting his enemy again.

"How did you do that? How dare you... how dare you?! That ability doesn't belong to you! You can't use an attack that doesn't belong to your Clan, you dirty Okstorm warrior!" Bloodfang yelled, who in record time recovered from his state of confusion and rose from the ground, running on all fours towards Dag.

At the same time, after a backflip onto the floor, the enemy turned his eyeless face to Dag and the hand he had summoned to drive him away disappeared into nowhere, replaced by another that pushed its creator forward, giving him the momentum towards his opponent.

Dag, standing near the wall by the window, suddenly looked up and activated a power he hadn't used in a very long time.

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