Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 550: DL. Open The Gates!

Chapter 550: DL. Open The Gates!

"That's the opening mechanism! Come on, let everyone else in!" Dag exclaimed, who was immediately stopped by Bloodfang, who grabbed his jacket's neck.

"Look!" the chief of the wolves said, pointing to the floor in front of the door, which unlike the rest of the city was sprinkled with fresh snow.

On the surface of the snow, in fact, as imagined by the foresight Bloodfang, footsteps of feet appeared one after the other.

"There are invisible guards over there... they are guarding the entrance" Thyrius continued, who immediately turned his gaze towards his right-hand man which without extracting any kind of weapon, dematerialized and turned back into a shadow. 

Leaving a black trail behind him, the warrior moved with incredible speed forward and within seconds, the bodies of invisible warriors fell to the ground one by one, overwhelmed by the murderous fury of that little man, who judging by his appearance, would not hurt anyone.

When even the last guard in front of the lever was killed, the warrior returned visible and pulled a very short blade from the enemy soldier's throat, clutching it in his hands. 

When he dropped the corpse to the ground, Bloodfang ran forward, looking up.

All the enemy archers, who were still fighting with the Giants Of Ymir outside, turned around due to the noise and discovered that the Claws Of Fenrir were already inside the walls. 

With no one giving them orders, the archers began firing arrows at Bloodfang and all the others, but the Packmaster managed to reach the lever and pull it down.


When the lever was pushed completely, a loud noise accompanied the opening of the door, and Bloodfang, with his back leaning against the wall, looked at his warriors and with all the breath in his lungs, yelled: "attack!" 

All the warriors next to Dag and Reidar, who were still hiding around the corner of the palace before the gate, turned into wolves and ran forward, intent on attacking the archers who were at the top of the walls. 

The enemies caught off guard and with terror in their eyes attempted to load more arrows on their bows and fired blindly at the wolves, without hitting any of them.

The wolf warriors jumped to the walls and with their giant sharp claws began to climb them at great speed, reaching the top and growling like ferocious beasts.

Under the incredulous eyes of Dag and Reidar, the Claws Of Fenrir reached the top of the walls and devoured all the archers, making a real carnage and throwing their remains to the ground.

"Fuck! What brutality! I can't believe it!" Reidar exclaimed, who with those words awakened Dag, who was as enchanted by that display of roughness.

"Come with me, Reidar!" the young Master yelled, ignoring the wolves and running outward, noting that the door was finally wide open.

Behind it, a mountain of dead bodies lay in the middle of the blood-red snow and it took him very little time to realize that that mountain was made of the Giants Of Ymir troops who all that time had managed to stand up to the archers despite their disadvantageous position.

The young Master approached the bodies, trying to recognize some of the faces, and after a few seconds of searching, caught a glimpse of Kane's bloodied face, barely breathing, his body being partially crushed by two other men who died above him.

"Kane! Hey, boy! Wake up! This is not the time to die!" Dag exclaimed, grabbing the young man's arm and pulling him away from the rest of the bodies.

With that movement, he discovered that his body was covered with arrows, that had pierced every area, including his upper and lower limbs, chest, abdomen, and even shoulders.

The young warrior's eyes stopped on Dag as if they wanted to speak instead of the mouth, which could not emit a breath.

"Don't worry, Kane... keep quiet... everything will end soon. Soon you will be reunited with Ymir and you can tell him how your help freed your Clan forever from the war and how we conquered Klorr!" Dag continued, as a tear came out of the boy's face, who grabbed his hand and shook it, knowing that those with Dag were the last moments of his life.

"You are not alone, I am here with you... you've been awesome, Kane... no one better than you could lead these men... Commander Kranus will be proud of your courage" Dag repeated, joining the dying boy's weeping and continuing to shake his hand.

Suddenly the squeeze became weaker and the bloodied hand fell to the ground, while barred and blood-filled eyes looked up at the sky above their heads.

"Captain... our men are coming!" Reidar said, who was forced to interrupt that delicate moment to give good news.

Dag wiped tears from his eyes and closed Kane's eyelids, returning his body to the ground.

Then he turned to the woods and his heart filled with joy to see the rest of the army marching at great speed towards their position, despite the pain he was feeling for the loss of a young friend.

Kranus, Freydis, and the two generals rode to the front line, followed by all the men running after them, screaming with their weapons already unsheathed. 

Then he turned backward, noting that the archers above the observation towers had been exterminated by wolf warriors and that their blood dripped on the outer surface of the walls, soiling the floor below.

Bloodfang and his warriors were inside and together with the young Master, they turned their gaze to the castle.

Dag raised his hammer to the highest point in town and began to scream.

"Krypstorm's army! Attack! Aaaargh!" 

After getting adrenaline pumping, along with Reidar and everyone else behind them, he began to run inwards, ready to face and kill all the enemies.

During their advance, no trace of the defending soldiers.

"Where did they go? How is that possible? Don't tell me you killed them all?!" Kranus yelled, pulling the reins of his white horse and looking around.

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