Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 533: DXXXIII. I Never Lost Hope

Chapter 533: DXXXIII. I Never Lost Hope

"Some of us will surely come back and make sure to warn Kranus' guards about your presence, explaining your identity to them. You will be free to choose whether to stay here in Tungvek, in this house, or go everywhere else, in total freedom. You are a free woman, Claire, I will not tell you what you have to do" the young Master continued, leaving the face of the girl, who until the last moment tried to feel contact with the hand of the man she was still in love with.

Freydis grabbed Claire's hand unexpectedly and she turned to the Shieldmaiden.

"Free... free, Claire! Do you know what that means? It means you can do what you want and go wherever you want! You don't have chains that hold you back in the same place! However, if you stay here and I come back, I will teach you to fight and you can really choose who to be with... just show your worth in combat and everything will become easier! With commitment and determination, you will achieve every goal! You will be able to travel, meet other people, other cultures... who knows, maybe even join a Clan, it's not too late!" Freydis exclaimed, who after noticing that Claire's morale kept plummeting, tried to lift it up with a breath of optimism.

"Thank you again, Freydis. Really, thank you" Claire replied after meditating carefully on those words, looking up at her new friend and empathizing with her, as their hands clasped fraternally.

Dag, who had left the two stools to the girls, after finishing eating his hot loaf of bread, walked away towards his belt and sat on the ground next to it, by the fireplace.

He detached the axe from the magnet and looked at it curiously as if it was the first time he had held it in his hands.

"It all started in here. The power of the Sun is enclosed here, in this little crystal... the Sun, such a big star! With it, I'll be able to get revenge on you, Dad. I'm going to kill Hackon, I swear it on my name. I often dream of you at night and happy memories resurface in my mind like flowers that grow among the rocks. Your face, your happy eyes, your kindness. You and mom welcomed me as your real son and I never had a way to show you my true gratitude. I will avenge you" Dag thought, who estranged himself from that room and continued to look at the blade of the Giatbane, on which reflected the flames of the fire lit in the fireplace.

Freydis and Claire continued to talk and the Shieldmaiden reassured the girl that, if she waited for them to return to that house, no one would hurt her and explain to her that Thalos would also stay there, so as not to leave her completely alone.

Meanwhile, Dag continued to look at the Giantbane and think of Stein, Asa, and Eirik, reflecting on how life on the farm was like at the time.

They were so far apart, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and yet, he was sure that his mother was thinking of him, he felt it in his chest.

"I wonder if Gridd and the others arrived safely in Okstorm and overcame the vortex found in the southwest part of the ocean surrounding Krypstorm... Gridd, please go to our mother... go to her and tell her what we did, the real reason why we had to stay so long away from home" Dag thought, making a kind of prayer before the fire, knowing that he and his sister had a special bond, stronger than distance and time.

"Have you finished admiring that axe? We need to rest now, Dag... tomorrow morning we will leave at dawn" Freydis said, who interrupted Dag's incessant thoughts and helped Claire lie down by the fire, needing warmth.

"One thing's for sure, Claire... tomorrow you can take advantage of our absence to use the bed!" Dag chuckled, who looked at her Earthly friend and could not resist the temptation to approach her.

Claire grabbed his arm and pulled Dag towards her as if she wanted at all costs to feel his breath on her skin.

"You and Thalos will keep each other company and time will pass quickly, you will see... you're so sweet in these conditions..." he smiled at her, stroking her on the face, as always, while Freydis prepared things to put in her bag, such as small stocks of bread and water, useful if their stay at the Claws Of Fenrir' place would have been prolonged.

"Sweet? I miss an eye, my lips are completely damaged and I smell like dung... how do I look sweet to you?" she asked, sketching a smile.

"Well, even when we first met, we were very odorous, weren't we?"

"Hahaha... yes, you're right!" she replied, laughing with Dag and recalling the days when she was a slave inside Mork Castle, forced to serve without objecting to Hjalmar and his henchmen, who treated her like a wild beast.

"That time I was the one locked in a cage and you saved me. I returned the favor, and I'd do it a thousand more times. When they kidnapped you, I thought of you a lot and I never lost hope... if I refused to carry out the King's orders and stay here in Krypstorm it was also because I had not given up on the idea of abandoning you forever, I knew you were still alive somewhere" Dag confessed, continuing to caress her.

"Really?" she asked, unable to say anything else, with her eye filled with tears about to fall. 

"Yes, indeed. I care about you, Claire. We share the same pain, the same lies that the Xis taught us on Earth... the same hatred for them and for those who want to use power to hurt other people. You will always be under my protection, even if I am away from you, remember it" Dag replied, who after finishing stroking her cheek, moved her hair from her face, placing them to one side and wiping her tears.

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