Black Moonlight Holds the BE Script

Chapter 135: Fanwai Four·Xiao Rin Ye Xiwu

[Fan Wai*Xiao Rin and Ye Xiwu]

"His Royal Highness, Miss Ye San is waiting for you outside again." The dark guard whispered in his ear.

Xiao Lin looked up, a summer rain outside the window came quickly and urgently, and the girl in red stood under the eaves, berating the maid beside her.

The maidservant looked aggrieved and squatted down to adjust the skirt to the girl.

The young girl has bright eyes and an unbelievable arrogance.

Xiao Rin looked at it for a while, then calmly said, "Let's go."

He took his subordinates to make a detour, and did not go through the gate of the Department of Justice. The guard held an umbrella, and the long and jade His Royal Highness got into the carriage.

No one took care of the girl who was still waiting for him at the door of the Department of Surgery.

Xiao Lin closed his eyes to rest, his expression calm.

He has no preference for any woman in the world, and naturally he has no prejudice.

He alone disliked Ye Xiwu.

The third girl from Ye Xiao's family was headstrong and vicious. He had seen Ye Xiwu cut his sister's clothes like anger.

The weak woman on the other side looked sad, but did not dare to stop her.

The girls of other people's families value the reputation of their boudoirs more than anything else. Only she doesn't care. Her Royal Highness looks good with one mouthful. Your Royal Highness is the best in the world. I just want to marry you.

"You are a woman, you shouldn't say this."

She smiled with thin white teeth, and shook her head: "Why shouldn't you, like is like, hate is hate, why men have the right to express, women can't!"

"You are so speechless, you will regret it in the future."

She confidently said: "I will regret it if I don't say it."

When Xiao Lin was investigating the food and payment case outside the palace, he could see her as soon as he turned his head. It's just that she is really irritable, either provoking or scolding someone.

Over time, he disliked her even more.

The carriage ran across the street and walked into the palace gate. The queen and the nine princesses were drinking tea. When they saw him, they waved at him affectionately: "Rin'er, come here."

The nine princesses chuckled, and their eyes rolled: "Brother Emperor has returned to the palace. I'm afraid some people will have to wait in Shen Xing Sikong."

Xiao Rin glanced at her, frowned and said, "You told her that I was in the Department of Sentences?"

The nine princesses made a grimace: "I bet with them, Ye Xiwu has never been shameless, but he hurried away eagerly after he got the news."

The queen sighed and said to Xiao Rin: "Ms. Ye San liked you a long time ago. Rin'er, you know in your heart that General Ye has the military power in your hands. Marrying Ms. Ye San is the best choice."

Xiao Lin said coldly: "Impossible."

"Rin'er has a sweetheart?"

"Nothing." Xiao Rin fiddled with the incense burner, lowered his eyes and said, "Anyway, it won't be Ye San."

Xiao Lin didn't value the throne in his heart. He was born with honors and favors, and his loves and evils were extremely fragmented. To him, it didn't matter who was the emperor. As long as the Xia country was prosperous, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

The benefit that Ye Xiwu can bring is not enough to shake him.

On the second day, Ye Xiwu became ill. She was waiting for Xiao Rin at the Shen Xing Department. The entourage of the Nine Princesses pretended to be Xiao Rin’s entourage and tricked her into saying that His Royal Highness Six was still in there to deal with official affairs. Ye Xiwu waited until dark, but still failed. Wait until Xiao Rin.

After Xiao Lin found out, he accused the nine princesses of mischief.

The nine princesses curled their lips in disdain.

Since Ye Xiwu and Jiao have deep-rooted love for Xiao Rin, he has made a lot of jokes. The nine princesses hated Ye Xiwu very much, the daughter of a courtier, and her status was too noble. Even if she was the most favored princess, she had to endure three points because of Ye Xiwu's father's military power.

The nine princesses often use Xiao Rin's name to tune Ye Xiwu, but the tiger's poisonous girl always puts on it.

Xiao Lin felt overwhelmed and stepped into the general's mansion to make amends for the nine princesses.

The sick girl heard that he was coming, and there was joy in her eyebrows, and she hurriedly asked someone to dress her up. Hearing that Xiao Lin apologized to her behind the screen and left, Ye Xiwu stopped dressing in a hurry and rushed. Come out and stop him: "Xiao Rin, wait a minute."

She was ill and did not apply powder, and Xiao Lin saw a clean and green face.

That's why she was bold and always called his name privately.

Ye Xiwu's small face was thin, his eyes were round, and there was a cat-like wet-smooth luster in his eyes, looking at him intently.

"Wait a minute, I have something for you." She raised her hand, expecting to smile and said, "Here."

Xiao Rin lowered his eyes, it was a navy blue sachet.

Embroidered with a few tall and tall bamboos, the bamboo leaves are vivid.

"A few days ago, your Highness's birthday, Dad said that His Highness did not manage it. I have prepared a gift for you, but I have never had a chance to send it out."

Xiao Lin was silent, his birthday...It wasn't that he was out of control, just that he didn't invite Miss Ye Family San. General Ye and Madam Ye told a white lie in order to coax their daughter.

Looking at the eyes of the girl in front of him, Xiao Lin said, "The sachet is a private property, so let's give it to the future husband."

"Won't you marry me?" He heard the girl shout, "Why don't you marry me? You know, marrying me is equivalent to having military power! Even so, wouldn't it work?"

Xiao Lin said with a cold face: "No."

She walked around in front of him, gritted her teeth and said arrogantly: "You can't do it if you say no, you wait for Xiao Lin, I will go to ask the emperor to marry me tomorrow."

Xiao Rin was also annoyed: "Dare you!"

"Look, I dare not!"

The girl grinned, like a sick little lion trying to raise its paws.

Xiao Lin raised his hand, squeezed the vase in the house with his breath, and said coldly: "If you don't mind the vase after the wedding, you can try it."

The maids screamed in fright.

Ye Xiwu stared blankly at the broken tiles: "You just... hate me so much?"

"Very annoying, Miss Ye San, it's important for a person to have self-knowledge."

When he walked out the door, Ye Xiwu threw the sachet on the ground and stomped on his feet severely: "You hate it, you hate it, whoever is rare, who is rare!"

No one of the maids dared to pull her, naturally no one dared to beak her red eyes.

Xiao Rin didn't look back.

That year, even he himself thought that he would hate this person forever.


Xiao Rin had an accident when he was fighting the bandits in the winter. He went deep into the bandit den, only to find that there were troops deployed in a small country nearby, and the people around him betrayed him. Everything was a conspiracy of the second prince.

In order to get rid of the chase, Xiao Rin fell off the cliff.

The wind was blowing under the cliff, and behind another stone, three women shivering with cold appeared.

The headed girl ran to the edge of the cliff anxiously and knelt down and looked down.

"His Royal Highness, Xiao Rin..."

"Miss San!" Xixi and Chuntao were anxious and wanted to drag her: "Miss San, there is danger there."

The third girl in their family said that she no longer cared about His Highness Six, but couldn't help staying on the way to the incense with her grandmother. She quietly ran to find Xiao Lin, but she didn't expect to encounter this scene.

Ye Xiwu's eyes were red, and he glanced at the vines hanging next to him, and suddenly said, "I'll go down and find him!"

"Miss San, don't, slave servants and Xixi will return to the imperial city to call for people."

"When you come back and forth, three days have passed!"

If Xiao Rin is injured and there is no one to help him lying under the cliff, he will not even have food, and it will not last three days at all.

"There are many trees here. He still has internal strength and must have a chance to survive."

Ye Xiwu bundled the vines around her waist and did not hesitate to explore under the cliff.

"Miss Three..."

Ye Xiwu didn't listen. Her embroidered shoes were slipping on the rock. With tears in her tears, she held back her fear and walked down a little bit.

She didn't know that she was so afraid of death, where could she find the perseverance to find someone who didn't like her at all.

It's fine if you don't like her, not even her father's military power.

Xiao Rin, an eyeless bastard, deserves it!

She scolded him for what he deserved, but she was still determined to find someone under the cliff.

Gradually, she couldn't hear the voices of the two maids, and her delicate fingers were also worn out. Ye Xiwu didn't know how far she went down.

Follow the broken branches to find where he fell. In the end, even the length of the vines was not enough.

She was shivering with cold.

"Xiao Rin, Xiao Rin..."

Finally, when she slipped, Ye Xiwu screamed and lost consciousness.

In mid-air, a dense crowd of blood crows flew up, dragged her body, and led her to fall into the cliff with her.

Someone seemed to be saying softly: "You can't die, you are dead, how can I get out of the summer palace."

Ye Xiwu didn't die, but suffered enough under the cliff.

When she woke up, it was snowing in the sky. She curled up in the cave and found a corner of Xiao Lin's clothes to wrap up inside.

The dull joy came to my heart: "It's great, I know, I know, you will be fine."

But at that time she didn't know what kind of powerful enemy she was against.

She is a mortal, in their eyes, she is just a clown.

The miss between her and Xiao Rin was inevitable, and it was another person's revenge against her.

After a long time, Ye Xiwu recovered from his wounds and saw the beautiful woman nestling next to Xiao Lin.

Xiao Rin fastened her cloak and whispered something, the woman lowered her eyes, with a gentle little meaning in her eyes, with deep affection in her eyes.

Ye Xiwu looked at him and Ye Bingshang, the whole person couldn't take a step again.

Xiao Rin had never seen her like that before, and from that moment, she knew she had lost.


In her life, it would be impossible for her to get Xiao Lin's love.


"But you can." Li Susu, I want you to get his love. When he loves you, he loves me.

There are few chances in a person's life. When he surrendered his body, Jiutian Gouyu patted her: "Thank you, ghast."

Ye Xiwu just laughed.

How can there be such good things in this world that can get someone else's body? Gouyu once made a divine oath to her former master, Chu Huang, and could not tell Su Su her true identity and protect her from growing up.

The goddess Chuhuangwei's daughter, who was born and died, has collected ten thousand years of remnant souls, but there is still one wicked soul missing.

This wicked soul was missed in the world five hundred years ago and was reborn as Ye Xiwu, the daughter of the general's family.

She is perverse, cruel, and paranoid.

Gouyu takes Susu through time and space, hiding many unspeakable secrets in his heart.

For example, help Susu's soul to be complete and God to regenerate.

Ye Xiwu turned into a ghast, full of Su Su's seven emotions and six desires, and returned to Su Su's body, but Su Su thought that from beginning to end, it was an exchange in Gouyu's mouth.

She helped Xiwu protect her father and grandmother, and Xiwu lent her body.

Su Su didn't know that this was the body that was born from her missing soul.

Therefore, she will have feelings for her grandmother, fearing the deep darkness, wanting to save the yumi from the past, and obsessing with seeing the eternal flowers bloom.

Ye Xiwu was originally a part of her.

Ye Xiwu didn't make this request. She thought badly and stubbornly, Xiao Rin, I'm afraid you still don't know how good a complete goddess is.

It's so good that even if you are controlled by Ye Bingchang at the moment, you hate me very much. One day, you will be unable to restrain yourself from liking the goddess Li Susu, and thus fall in love with my ghast.

However, Li Susu doesn't like you, and the ghast dissipated in the world pursues you persistently.

You say, satire?

Fortunately, you should be thankful that Ye San will never haunt you again in this life.

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