Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 164: From a lineage of a bipolar expert

Chapter 164: From a lineage of a bipolar expert

Yin Fu gave a nod to Gao Tsu,  placing both his hands behind him. "I am here to negotiate," he said seriously and truthfully.

There was really no benefit, sugar coating things to the Old Gao Master. It was best for everyone to be truthful from the start.

The Gao Old man was big and muscular. Though on his old age, the man still looked strong and healthy enough to be in parr to anyone.

Gao Tsu stood up and slowly walked towards Yin Fu while rubbing his chin, "That does not make sense. Your clan never initiate negotiations. People come to you to negotiate not the other way around." he said seriously.

"That is the case, most of the time but some mistakes have been done." Yin Fu said firmly, stance on high alert in case Gao Tsu overreacted just like Gao Shen.

Keeping his temper in check, "The mistake that you are talking about...  Is that what I think it is? where your clan was involved? And if I understand correctly my family was also affected right?" Gao Tsu uttered with a growl, both hands clenching, "You clan have tried to kill one of my family members?" asked threat clearly laced in his voice.

Yin Fu nodded reluctantly with a grimace. After seeing that Yin Fu confirmed, he immediately released spiritual energy, all focusing on Yin Fu.

"Old Man Tsu!" Yin Fu exclaimed, guard up,  defending from the spiritual pressure that Gao old man was sent towards him.

Though he knew that Gao Tsu's reaction was normal, he was still startled with the old man's irrationality.

Since he had not to beat around the bush and truthfully confirmed what happened, he was hoping Gao Tsu would let him talk first at least. "I am here for a peaceful talk!" he added.

Irrationality really ran in the Gao family, with father and son both hard to talk to without the other party getting minor scratch or injury.

They would only feel a little better if someone was hurt, and when they were done venting, it was as if nothing had happened in the first place.

It was truly funny sometimes, how easily  Gao family members changed their moods.

Same was the case with Gao Lan Mei. Her personality seemed to be so conflicted sometimes that you would consider walking on thin ice was more manageable than dealing with her. 

The young woman was born a natural trickster as well.

Just by interacting with her for a short period of time, he could already tell that she got a sick thrill for making your life a bloody game if you get on her bad side ever, you might not even know that you are already her personal entertainment until your last breath.

Just imagine her smiling at you kindly one minute, then the next, if you step on her bottom line, she will be watching you make a fool out of yourself.

If ever, you will want to take revenge with your sudden misfortune, you won't even be able to do so as the only thing that you could do will be to watch your back from an unknown enemy.

Was the family from a lineage of a bipolar expert? Heh. For Yin Fu, that was a high possibility.

"Father! Calm down!" Gao Shen exclaimed, "Brother! Stop father. " he called for help to Gao Qi, who had no idea what was going on.

Being upset to Gao Shen he said, "Shut up you spoiled brat! I will deal with you later. " then looked at Yin Fu, "How dare you to show up here? " Gao Tsu asked seething with anger.

Who in the Mortal Domain would use Liqi clan to touch his family? No one should dare.

Then realizing that someone was missing, "Where is my granddaughter?!" he asked furiously to no one in particular. Just noticing that Gao Lan Mei had not shown up yet. "Gao Qi! Where is your daughter?" he asked as well.

Before Gao Qi was even able to answer, Gao Tsu pulled a magical sword from his storage ring.

The red magical sword was long enough to reach Gao Tsu's shoulder. "Did you hurt my granddaughter?" he asked.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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