Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 135: Foreplay

Chapter 135: Foreplay

Wei Jiayi understood that if he wouldn't act drastically, he won't even have a real kiss with her in this lifetime. This time, he was more determined to make his existence carved into her being that she will never consider to leave him again!.

He then looked at Kai Kai, his tracker hound, who comfortably rested on the ground.  Shaking his head, there was a high chance that she masked her presence and smell, so he needed to get something to trace her with.

With the cooperation of the Gao family, he had chosen her used dudou, since the cloth was the closest contact to her skin. Just imagining her wearing one, made his throat dry. 'Ah. Soon. Very soon.' he thought like giving an oath.

Paying his attention again to Kai Kai, trying to suppress his raging urges, he focused on the task at hand. It was strange for the hound to bring him here if Gao Lan Mei was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he was not searching enough? However, the hound had already stopped its search, meaning, she was somewhere closer or not.

Whatever her business might be, for her to visit the second prince was not acceptable in his books. Unless she lied when she told him that she was not chasing this imbecile anymore. If she really did lie, Wei Jiayi has a very good punishment ready and fitting for her.

He then glanced at his subordinates who looked strangely at him. If his mask gets removed, they would be able to see his frown at the moment, "I take it you still haven't found her." He said disappointment clearly visible.

"For some reason, Kai Kai brought me here. She might have passed from here earlier or might be still here, hiding." He said knowingly, then looked at Chen Yun Ming, "If you are the one, hiding Gao Lan Mei, you better be prepared for the grave consequences."

Chen Yun Ming stood up from the ground, "Hmp. I am not hiding her. If ever she was here without my knowledge, she made the right decision. I would've even helped her escape from you" he gloated. "Cough!" the spiritual pressure from Wei Jiayi had been directed at him which caused him to vomit a mouthful of blood.

The second prince couldn't bear the pressure anymore and he fell on the ground again, cupping his chest. Aside from experiencing the difficulty of breathing, he could also feel his internal organs being squeezed lightly.

Large beads of sweat forming on his forehead, face paling while looking at the man who wore his signature all-black robes and black Oni mask.

Despite the fear Chen Yun Ming felt, he stubbornly raised his head, looking at Wei Jiayi with a challenge in his eyes. He tried to neutralize the pressure by releasing some of his own but it did not help.

"I can't hear you well. Try repeating that again." Wei Jiayi said, dryly.

Gritting his teeth, "Are you trying to kill me Wei Jiayi? You cannot force Gao Lan Mei if she did not want to be with you" Chen Yun Ming shrieked. He will not back down, if he would die that day at least he can curse Prince Wei before his last breath.

"Heh. Did not know you still have some guts left." retreating the pressure to allow Chen Yun Ming to continue living. Then adding, "Mei Mei agreed to the marriage. We are just playing a game. That's all." then pausing for a moment, "What does lewd men as you call it? Ah, foreplay." he nodded delightedly with his answer.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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