Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 128: Help!

Chapter 128: Help!

Li Huan continued to shriek, covering both ears with her hands and closing her eyes hoping it would help. The wine jar that she was originally holding was already shattered. 

She felt so angry that she did not even notice that the laughter had stopped, "What is wrong with her?" she heard someone asking from the room.

Slowly opening her eyes, finding everyone was looking at her strangely, "Are you all done laughing? You all are treating me like a joke!" she said with anger after standing up and pointing her finger to no one in particular, the feeling of humiliation was burning through her entire being that she wanted to vent on literally anyone.

"Hmm. We were not aware that laughing is prohibited here." Fa Li said, elbow on the table knuckles across his cheeks as he stared blankly at Chen Yun Ming.

The second prince did not know how to answer that, laughing was fine but with the way, Li Huan accused them. It felt like a big crime on his manor. "Concubine Li! Apologize and go back to your courtyard for now. Do not disrespect our visitors" he ordered, deciding to deal with Li Huan later. He will just offer gifts to these experts to make it up, to the commission.

"No! You are also making fun of" she suddenly paused and her eyes bulged, "Ah!" shouted while pointing her finger to Chen Yun Ming. Her face paled, "What is that?" she asked scared while moving back to look for somewhere to hide.

The claim made Chen Yun Ming move away from his seat, trying to find what Li Huan was pointing at that made her so terrified. "What is it? Where?" He asked but was not able to get an answer, as his concubine was busy looking for a place to hide.

Deciding to hide at the back of the nearest guard, but before she could do so, "Ah!" she shrieked again like seeing something at the guard's back, that made the man immediately go on high alert to attack.

"Ah! Stay away! Stay away!" she continued to shout like a woman gone mad, moving frantically trying to find the best place to hide, "Ah! Get off me!" her scream continued, with her hand trying to remove something on her body. She started crying, "Get them away from me! Help! Someone please help, remove the worms" She screamed for help as her life depended on it.

"Concubine Li!" Unable to watch any further the current display of shame, Chen Yun Ming approached Li Huan, to force her out of the room.

It was not an easy task, "No! Stay away! You have worms all over you. Maggots! Leeches !" she shouted trying to fight back of being held.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, confused. That was also the case for the rest that tried to look around

Her original appearance of poise was no more, Li Huan crying for everyone to stay away and asking for help at the same time. "Worms! Maggots! Leeches! Can't you see them?" she asked, pushing everyone away. Her resistance was clear after releasing spiritual energy to anyone who approached, trying to hit what the rest couldn't see.

Not only that, she was attacking anyone who came close, but also tried to attack herself wanting to remove whatever she was seeing.

One of the experts who couldn't stand the commotion acted and made Li Huan unconscious by doing a chop on her neck.

Feeling grateful, "Thank you. I am sorry as well for the commotion. Please ignore what happened and continue to enjoy your meal." Chen Yun Ming said apologetically. 


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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