Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 124: Cook a snake

Chapter 124: Cook a snake

Li Huan, surprised with the effect of her words, awkwardly smiled, and stood up to apologize, "I am sorry for offending the experts. It was an honest mistake. 

"Please allow me to serve you all some tea, to show my sincerity," she said as she had no choice, but to compromise. 

These beings should not be offended. With the way, Chen Yun Ming reacted confirmed that especially with the person whose gender you couldn't determine. 

The scar on her neck changed the impression on her delicate face, it created a dangerous impact to those who looked.  

Some wrinkled their brow to her 'honest mistake' if Xi Jun was not an expert, they were pretty sure that he would've been thrown out for his current action, without even knowing why he fell unconscious in the first place. 

No one wanted to come near the woman or accept any wine from her. What if it was poisoned? Perhaps laced with enchantment spell? 

These men were simply thinking too much, though they looked more to the barbaric side. 

No one could blame them though. They were so used, dealing with deceitful women who chased their master, so every time a woman got involved, they expected the worse besides, enchantments and spells for manipulation weren't easy to come especially on the Mortal Domain. 

That also goes for their supposed mistress, who was still missing. It was probably a new tactic to get their master's attention?

Gao Lan Mei stared at the woman who maintained her apologetic smile gracefully, when she prepared to approach the first table, with two servants holding the wine behind her.

Despite the face being accommodating, she could only narrow her eyes. Every moment spent was like a slithering snake in her eyes ready to attack. 

"Tsk. Tsk. Brother Lan, I never thought about you, being interested to marry a  woman." Lou Ren said softly.

Smirking, "I do? What about Expert Gao? He seems to be staring at her more intently than I do. Like he wants to eat that woman." Gao Lan Mei said, throwing a quick glance to Gao Shen who clearly heard it as he earned a glare that could kill.

Gritting his teeth, "Eat? I can give you more to imagine." He said killing intent clearly hanging in the air, "I want to cut her head, play dodgeball with it, then bath from her blood, all remaining flesh will be a portion of food to my fire leopard." Gao Shen said without opening his mouth by using Sound Friction. 

"Ah. So quick. Where's the fun in that?" Gao Lan Mei said disappointed. Her red eyes lit up with delight, then added, "I know how to cook a snake after removing the skin. Wanna try?" asking Gao Shen. 

Frowning, "What snake has to do with this?" he was not sure why this fellow mentioned cooking a snake suddenly, which made Lou Ren burst out with laughter, then he patted Gao Shen's shoulder.

"The brain challenge was not your forte ever. Do not worry about the snake." Lou Ren assured still smiling silly. Some were offering to help him vent his anger, but the junior was not always the smartest. The rest on the table laughed as well after hearing that. 

"Hey! How did you learn about that?!" Gao Shen asked suddenly. His face was red with shame since he was feeling embarrassed for losing and assume that they were teasing him because of it. "Do the rest of you know that I lost to my niece?" He added looking around trying to see if others were also making fun of him or looking at him strangely with contempt, and thankfully no one was looking down on him.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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