Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 120: It was an accident

Chapter 120: It was an accident

Incidentally, even the Manor was supposed to be not so far, they all took their time walking, which no one seemed to mind. They were just going with the flow, occasionally talking to her but no one asked specifically yet regarding the pill. 

Not long, the Manor with a large red gate was seen at the end of the current street. Its large structure caught a lot of attention as it was located almost in the middle of the Shizi Capital. 

The Manor was a place that catches any passers-by attention. More so at that moment as the tall pillars in front of the two-door large gate with the sculpture of a lion on top is now on the ground broken and shattered to pieces to block their way in. 

Not far from the shattered lion were two men facing their backs at them. One of them was scratching his head using his hand that has the cultivation talisman bracelet, confirming that he was from the Immortal Domain. He was wearing a white robe laced with gold. The other man also wore the same set of robes but was holding a pack of goods. 

One exclaimed after noticing everyone, "Oh! Why are you guys here!" Referring to the experts with them. 

Gao Lan Mei was very familiar with this fellow being her mortal uncle and the other one being his senior. Right now Gao Shen and Fa Li were suspiciously standing next to the shattered pillar. 

"Gao Shen, Fa Li why are you both here?" One answered then pointed out to the lion, "What's that supposed to mean?" then asked curiously. 

Chen Yun Ming wants to talk about that very badly. Most members of the Gao family always had unfortunate incidents when related to him. Just placing him in the same context sounds wrong to him. 

Looking at the pile, "Oh... It was an accident..." He said, "You're the second prince?" Looking at the prince from head to toe. "You don't really mind because it's an accident? Right?" Gao Shen said after looking at Chen Yun Ming indifferently, trying to hide his murderous intent. 

With Gao Shen's history of fun in the Immortal Domain, he was not convincing enough, but no one from the experts refuted. They could only smile knowingly. No one would be stupid enough to challenge someone wearing a cultivation restriction talisman-like Gao Shen or Fa Li. 

That's what the experts knew, but that did not apply to Gao Lan Mei of course. What would these experts think if they learnt that she challenged Gao Shen and won two rounds of Bai Hu's challenge arena rules?

"How can this be an accident?!" Chen Yun Ming could not help himself and exclaim face black. The pillars were shattered into smaller pieces, except the lion's head that was miraculously still whole.

Gao Shen answered dryly after crossing his arms over his chest, looking down on the prince with a snort, "It is an accident." He affirmed dismissively. "My senior can vouch for me." then pointing at Fa Li who just gave a smile but did not speak. 

To make another point for convincing, he coated his fist with spiritual energy, then Gao Shen send a punch to the closed large red gates of the manor! "Bang!" the loud sound was heard after the gates blasted open. 

It happened so fast, that Chen Yun Ming could only look dumbfounded at his now broken two-door gates. His guards were smart enough to stay away from it, else they were going to be sandwiched between it and the ground. 


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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