Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 569 They Gave A Standing Ovation

Chapter 569 They Gave A Standing Ovation

She moved to stand in line after she had said her part and gave way to Derrick who was the second speaker.

"To all those who stepped forward in the midst of many and defended our territory with great might," Derrick said and moved back in line.

"To our heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives without hesitation to give us the peace we enjoy," Lia said her part with her right hand on her chest.

One by one Joanna group members said their tributes for those who lost their lives during the ancient war.

"Because of your great sacrifices, we have a place to call our own. We have a roof over our heads without taking shelter in the forest...." Raymond paused and turned to look at his comrades.

"And this is why we will forever remember your sacrifices and your contributions. Thank you for your bravery and be reassured that we will carry on the legacy you have left us. We haven't forgotten your families and loved ones who are still in our midst and we say..." Joanna trailed off to give the others time to join her at the front line.

"You will forever remain in our hearts our greatest heroes and heroines," Joanna and her crew chorused with their heads bowed.

Almost immediately, His Majesty, King Kayden Greyson stood up from his royal seat and applauded them to the shock of everyone present there.

The reaction that soon followed was something Joanna and the others had never seen.

The cheers were so immaculate that they had to raise their heads and make sure that they were the ones the crowd were cheering for.

Their shock and excitement knew no bounds after they raised their heads and saw that His Majesty was on his feet just like everyone else.

And this was an achievement none of them had ever imagined of getting and Joanna made it possible.

After their cheers and laughter subsided Joanna and her group members turned to leave but Raymond's voice forced them to halt in their tracks and turned to face the audience one more time.

"After our tributes, we were supposed to move to our next performance but before that, I have something to say and I wish everyone will listen to me," Raymond said. A sweet smile found its way onto his lips when the crowd kept quiet.

"I believe you agree with me that the play of the Great Ancient War we acted out was powerful and something you have never seen before right?" Raymond asked. The feedback he received was more than satisfactory.

"I bet you would love to know how we came about this play when it was a topic no one dared to publicly discussed not to mention acting it out..."

"Ray," Joanna called to him after she guessed what Raymond was about to say. But he acted as if he didn't hear her desperate voice.

"Although I told my fellow group members otherwise because of the promise I made to her, I want to tell you that the one who came up with the idea about the play you saw earlier was none other than Miss Joanna Anderson," Raymond dropped the bomb.

Seeing everywhere went quiet wasn't very surprising since he had expected this much.

If they have even the tiniest conscience they would regret how unfair they have been to her all these years when they learned that the one they despised was the same person who did them and their generation the greatest favour.

That was his thought when he made up his mind to reveal this secret and their silence proved that they still possessed a bit of conscience in them.

"She didn't only come up with the idea but with her hard work and persistence she convinced all of us that we were doing the right thing that this generation and the one to come would be proud of..." Raymond trailed off. His eyes moved from one corner of the crowd to the other.

"Without her, believe me when I said that none of us would have dared to act on such a sensitive topic... this is what I wanted to tell you," Raymond concluded. He waited to see their reaction but none stepped forward to say anything.

The crowd remained as quiet as it was when he mentioned Joanna as the originator of the drama.

They turned to exit the stage when the crowd said nothing.

"See, I told him it was a bad idea to let everyone know that this was my idea but he wouldn't believe me..." Joanna was interrupted by the loud applause and cheers that erupted.

When she turned around she was dumbfounded to find the crowd on their feet. An exception was the King and the Chancellor of their university.

Her name was the one word on their lips as they cheered and applauded her.

[Although it took them such a long time and the most trivial thing to get them to accept me, I must say that this is not bad after all?]

Joanna was in deep thought as she watched the crowd. She didn't know when she started smiling as she stood there.

Because they still had one more performance for the night, Joanna had no choice but to exit the stage even if that was the opposite of what the audience wanted.

Derrick and his crew climbed the stage for their magic show which was the last activity for the night.

"Do you believe in magic and if yes, have you ever seen one in real life?" Derrick's excited voice rang in the ears of everyone present there.

Just like Raymond promised, Derrick didn't disappoint or made them regret leaving the magic trick as the last show for the night.

He started with minor magic tricks like making a coin appear on someone's hair when the coin was originally in his hands.

But the magic trick soon graduated from those they were familiar with to complex ones that left the audiences astounded.

The long-awaited firework show finally came and it took the audience by surprise since they had never expected such a spectacular surprise.

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