Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 547 Do You Have A Plan?

"As I was saying, Stinky Joanna is out to get my man. She is all over him. Pictures of him and she have gone viral ever since this morning," Sophie complained, a sour look visible on her face.

"Is it the Stinky Joanna we know that you talked about or is there anyone that goes with that name...,"

"You know who exactly I am referring to so quit with the pretend girls," Sophie, who was already angry, snapped at Doris.

"We all know that Raymond is way out of her league. He is the type who associates with those from the upper class and who is Stinky Joanna on the other hand?" Nora asked rhetorically.

"Their gap is like that of heaven and earth so you can't possibly blame me for the way I reacted," Nora defended herself. She adjusted her right leg and placed it on the arm of the couch properly.

"So what exactly did she do to get you so infuriated?" Doris asked a bit more seriously. As the other girls talked Tiffany said nothing or chirped into their conversation.

Instead, she paid rapt attention to what they had to say.

"Girls, you know what I went through to make sure that Ray and I were in the same group. You are well aware of the strings I pulled just so I can make my dream a reality...,"

"What does this have to do with your earlier statement huh?" Nora, who couldn't tell the connection between what Sophie said, commented.

"Because that Stinky girl has occupied the spot that should have been mine," Sophie growled as if she was fighting with one of her friends.

"I heard she is Ray's co-leader. Rumours have been going around for hours now that they are in a relationship...,"

"Raymond and Stinky Joanna are in a relationship?" Nora scoffed as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Have you verified the sanity of the person who made such a statement...,"

"Take that and have a look if you don't believe me," Sophie pointed at her phone whose screen was still turned on.

"I can't believe she dared to go after my man after she made us unable to step out of our home with our heads held high because of these darn injuries," Sophie retorted. 

She rolled up her right sleeve only for a burnt she had concealed with her long-sleeve shirt to appear.

"Didn't you say you approached Raymond some weeks ago concerning your group's activities for the carnival but he vehemently refused to be a part of it so how...," Nora paused just at the perfect time. 

She was careful enough not to let curiosity get the better of her.

The last thing she wanted was to be on Sophie's bad side merely because of curiosity.

"I don't know what kind of magic that witch performed on him to make him agree to take part in the carnival...," Sophie lamented. She dug her long claws into the fine fur couch her hands rested on.

"If you are mad then take it out on the one who made you this way but desist from ruining the couch," Tiffany scolded the lady whose claws had eaten its way deep into the fine couch.

"It's pointless to give me that look, Girls. You know clearly that I am stating the truth," Tiffany added unfazed by her friend's strange stares which were focused on her.

"That is Grandpa's favourite couch. He will surely get mad if he returns and sees it ruined...," Tiffany trailed. She stood up from the couch and walked a few steps away from the centre table where her friends occupied.

"I don't think it is a good idea to incur my Grandpa's wrath when you can have your revenge on the one who caught on your nerves without worrying about any repercussions," Tiffany suggested. A creepy smile found its way to the corner of her lips.

Tiffany grits her teeth and dug her nails into her skin when she recalled the incidents that made her and her friends unable to leave their homes.

With all these injuries that had refused to heal over their bodies, coupled with the incidents that lead to the injuries, how could they leave their homes with their heads held high without becoming the laughingstock of everyone?

[Hey silly girl, you must think you are the absolute winner right now huh?... Just wait until I play my cards too because that is when the absolute winner will be determined]

Tiffany clenched her teeth as she dug her long nails into her delicate skin without care.

"Do you have a plan?" Sophie asked. She stood up and trodden to Tiffany's side.

"There was something you said that day she attacked us that got me thinking since then...," Sophie deliberately paused to arouse her listeners' attention.

She tilted her body a little so that she was staring at Tiffany's face.

"If it's true that the King is on campus, the only scenario that explains why no one could recognise him is that he changed his identity and this brings me to my real question...," Sophie trailed off. She turned and gazed at the two people on the couch whose focus was her.

"Do you know who the King is on campus...,"

"W-w-what are you talking about?" Tiffany growled and moved away from Sophie in her instance.

Even though Sophie's words were mere assumptions, her reaction showed there was some truth to what the lady said.

"What did you say, Sophie?... You know you are not supposed to make such absurd assumptions?" Doris reprimanded. She stood up and strolled to where the other ladies were.

"At first I couldn't understand why Stinky Joanna would attack you out of the blues when you were alone. I also had difficulties understanding what you both were saying on that day...,"

"Then are you trying to insinuate the reason Stinky Joanna attacked us was that Tiff found out the identity of the King?" Nora asked with widened mouth, her bulging eyeballs glued on Sophie's face.

"Tiff is here so why don't you ladies direct your questions to her... who knows she might tell us who the King really is...,"

"What are you girls talking about?" A man's grumpy voice made the ladies pull away from each other.

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