Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 545 Mr Anderson Met Up With Amos In Secret

"Let's go," The tallest of the two guys ordered. He and the other guy took their position beside him.

Anyone who saw them would mistake them for Amos' bodyguards because of the way they acted.

The last thing Amos wanted to do was cause a scene and that was why he quietly followed them despite not knowing what awaits him inside the restaurant.

Immediately they arrived, the waiters recognized the two men by his sides and one of them led the three to their booked VIP room.

Some minutes later they reached the booked room which was on the third floor.

The waiter who wasn't in charge of serving the VIP room left them after he had guided them to the right room.

"Go in," One of the guys ushered Amos into the room when he had opened the door for him.

After Amos entered the room, the two guys closed the door and stood outside to guard the room.

Mr Anderson was powerful so it didn't come as a surprise that his men didn't want to take chances in this vast restaurant occupied by prominent people in the Kingdom.

The first thing Amos did after he entered the VIP room was to study his environment.

Apart from the long white table with a bottle of wine and two glasses on top of it, there were also two couches each at one side of the long table.

Amos moved closer to where the couches were after he had studied the room to his satisfaction.

"To what do I hold this rude invitation, Mr Anderson?" Amos addressed him by his name. 

He did not attempt to sit despite that the man beckoned him to sit on the couch opposite his.

"Ooh... I can see you have already done your investigation before our meeting... You know my name despite that this is our first meeting," Mr Anderson muttered as he shifted his suspicious gaze to the guy standing not far away from where he sat.

He looked at Amos from head to toe. Others would have felt uncomfortable being looked at this way but Amos proved to be different from others.

He was the King of this great Kingdom after all so why should he feel uncomfortable or intimidated by this man's fierce stares?

"The name Anderson is almost a household name. You and your family are even more popular than most celebrities. That I recognise you at first glance shouldn't have come as a surprise, don't you agree with me?" Amos asked.

Aside from his confidence, the most surprising thing about him was that he was staring into Mr Anderson's eyeballs when saying these words; something those close to him often failed to do.

"You are eloquent and I like this...," Mr Anderson complimented, an evil smirk lingered at the corner of his lips.

He picked up the wine bottle, poured a little into the wine glass and lifted it close to his mouth.

"I can also tell that you are an intelligent man. I am glad I won't have trouble passing my point across to you," He mumbled and took a sip from the glass of wine only to return it to the white table.

Amos watched him without commenting.

"Since you choose to stand then I won't bother about it. Instead, I will go ahead with the reason I had you brought here...,"

"Isn't ABDUCTION the perfect word for this situation?" Amos hissed, his head held high.

"As I was saying...," Mr Anderson trailed off. He acted as if he didn't hear Amos rude remark.

"I am a straightforward man and never the type to beat around the bush so I will say what I have to," Mr Anderson started as he adjusted his cufflinks.

"I want you to stay away from my daughter starting from this moment. I don't know want you ever close to her. It will be better if you don't step foot in places she frequents...,"

"I beg your pardon!" Amos exclaimed. He adjusted the way he stood so that he had a clearer view of Mr Anderson's face.

"I don't know what you have with my daughter and I don't even care to know. What I want is that you stay very far away from her," Mr Anderson said authoritatively as if he was speaking to his subordinate.

"My daughter might look ordinary but she is way out of your league. She is the King's mate who will soon become the future Queen of this Kingdom. It will be in your best interest if you keep your distance from her," Mr Anderson asserted.

"I am also a straightforward man and detest beating around the bush so let me give you my reply...," Amos let his words linger as he moved closer to the side of the table Mr Anderson sat.

"I don't care whose mate she is and whether or not she is the Emperor or god's wife. What I know is that nothing will make me stay away from her. That is how much I love her...,"

"What impudence!" Mr Anderson started while banging his right palm against the white table.

"How dare you stand in front of me and profess love to the King's woman. Do you know that statement is enough to get you killed immediately...,"

"And does it look like I am scared of you or death itself?" Amos retorted. 

He has always longed for the opportunity to argue with this heartless man and put him in his rightful place.

But he never had the opportunity because of his title as King.

Kings were taught to be benevolent and poised and as such he never had the chance to be the real him on so many occasions.

Now that the opportunity has arisen, he will make good use of it.

"I love Joan and I am not ashamed of this fact. And I promise I will never be...,"

"And what on Earth can you lousy love possibly do for my daughter and my family huh?" Mr Anderson challenged, his cold stares shot at his King.

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