Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 532 Joanna Refused To Be Paid

Chapter 532  Joanna Refused To Be Paid

"It was included in your contract that leave taken for school projects or activities will be considered a paid leave…,"


"Every student who has ever worked with me has enjoyed this privilege. I am not being biased towards you because of your title," Mrs Parker who had guessed the reason Joanna was so against the idea defended herself.

"You can ask Leah if you don't believe me," Mrs Parker muttered.

"Is that true Leah?" Joanna still went ahead and asked even though Mrs Parker had assured her that she wasn't lying.

"Mrs Parker is telling the truth. For students who have worked for her, she gave them permission to get off work or take some days off as long as it was for school...," Leah, who returned to the counter to get a customer's order, replied.

"For me, it was included in the contract that I could take time off work as far as my little sister is concerned," Leah added before she moved to where Joanna stood to get the customer's order ready.

"Aren't you too nice to your employees?" Joanna asked rhetorically.

"I mean I know you are a kind lady no doubts but weren't you ever worried that they would abuse your kindness...,"

"There is no way that would have happened. I may be nice like you said but I am not stupid. I have my ways of confirming whether whatever my employees tell me is true...,"

"How?" Joanna demanded, her eyes sparkling as she waited for Mrs Parker's reply.

"Do you have them followed or...,"

"I think you have a guest," Mrs Parker muttered as she gestured at the glass door a little boy just walked into.

Curious to know who Mrs Parker referred to, Joanna spun. Her eyes widened when she saw who walked into the cafe.

"Wasn't he supposed to be at the training centre at this time of the day so what the hell is he doing here?" Joanna murmured. Her eyes followed every moment made by the boy approaching her direction.

"Big Sis...,"

"Hey, weren't you supposed to be at the training centre for your martial art training so what are you doing here?" Joanna scolded before he had the opportunity to say a word.

"Come here," Joanna asserted, she grabbed his right hand and led him to a corner so they wouldn't inconvenience the customers.

"I don't recall ever teaching you that truancy is good...,"

"No one was willing to tell me where you went so I had no choice but to sneak away from the academy before my driver arrived...,"

"But you could have just called me if you had something to tell me," Joanna still condemned his actions even though he had a good reason.

"Also, do you know that you will get into serious trouble if your father learns about this? It might not end with house arrest this time around....,"

"Big Sis...,"

"You have to hurry to the training centre now before anyone realises your absence...,"

"Will you sleep over at home tonight?" Anthony cut in abruptly.

"T-t-that...," Joanna stammered. She didn't know how to go about telling her little brother that she had moved out of the house.

She knew without a doubt that he would be severely hurt if he learned about the new development.

"You will come over right?" Anthony insisted, his gaze fixed on the face of the lady who was trying to avoid his eyes.

"Little man...," Mrs Parker who overheard their conversation called, her eyes centred on Anthony's face.

Anthony and his sister spun at the same time and glanced towards the counter.

"Would you like a glass of juice while you and your sister chat over at one of the tables...,"

"Thanks, Mrs Parker but that won't be necessary," Joanna cut in before Mrs Parker could finish her sentence.

"He is leaving right now...,"


"We can meet over at Drey's place or any other location of your choice but that will be after you return from the training centre. Are we clear about that?" Joanna asked with a tone of finality.

Anthony, who had wanted to say something earlier, swallowed back his words. He knew he had no choice but to agree to whatever his sister wanted since he had no grounds to bargain with her.

"Ok, I will do as you said," Anthony agreed but with great reluctance.

"Wait here while I go ask Mrs Parker's permission to send you back to the training centre...,"

"You have my permission so there is no need to come over here," Mrs Parker spoke loud enough for Joanna and Anthony to hear her.

"Thank you, Mrs Parker. I will make sure that I return on time...,"

"That is not a problem. And I know that you are kinda pressed for time for the upcoming carnival. You can take the rest of the day and some days off to work things out with your teammate...,"

"You know I can't do that," Joanna interrupted and moved towards the counter.

"That is not fair to you. Also, I feel uncomfortable getting paid for a job I didn't work for...,"

"If that is the case then I won't pay you for the days you don't come to work. Are you satisfied now?" Mrs Parker abruptly interrupted.


"Others would have jumped up at such an opportunity but you are the only one who is strongly against it. You are one of a kind, you know that right?" Mrs Parker quizzed. Her forehead folded only to reveal a deep frown.

"That is because ever since my birth none has been so nice to me as you do apart from my friends and this kiddo here.... so you can't blame me for acting this way right?" Joanna said and grinned at the woman whose frown had eased up.

"I am aware of how true your words are but all I can say is that you need to get used to being treated this way because a lot of people are gonna treat you this way and maybe even nicer than I do..."


Hello ever lovely readers, it's your darling author here again. I am so sorry I wasn't able to upload chapters for days, believe me, it wasn't planned.

I fell seriously ill which made me unable to write anything. Although it wasn't intentional on my part I still want to apologise.

You guys had to wait for days without any updates, I am sorry. I promise to make it up to you guys when I get better.

Thanks for your understanding.

And please keep on supporting the book with your power stones, GOLDEN TICKETS, comments, reviews and gifts.

I love you ❤️❤️❤️

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