Becoming Legend

Chapter 167: Lier

Chapter 167: Lier

What does it mean? Ned thought, folding his arm back and narrowing his eyes. Disappointed by what Lord Sven had said. "It could be magic," Ned said, turning his head to the Cube. "Perhaps some hidden spells." 

Ressurection was impossible. If it is, Lord Sven's ancestor would be walking the world of Earflgard by now. But no. So it's either a spell that made the body decline to rot, some scholars alchemical mixtures, or perhaps the Mark.

"Impossible," Lord Sven's voice echoed inside the bubble magic that Twali had conjured. "Those kinds of magic existyes. But to last it more than a hundred years, I never heard one. Not even my House's scholars and mages heard of such spell."

"Then" Ned paused, caught a glimpse of Twali. The servant gestured Ned, raising two fingers which indicates that Ned has two minutes left after that, the Cube will cut off. By then, Twali must inject mana to continue their conversation. Communication Claim, like the one Ned was using, could only be used by using the owner's mana. Ned remembered Twali saying that it takes a toll on him by using his mana. 

"Then what, kid?" Lord Sven said, the silence on both sides made the conversation coherent. "Tell me, have you considered my proposal?"

"Noor, yes," Ned said, nodding to Twali and turned his gaze back to the Cube. "Say, Lord Sven. What do you think will happen if your House has the Mark?"

Silence on Lord Sven's side made Ned think that the latter was considering things and the impact of the Mark to his House. 

As far as Ned knew, and what baffled him, the Markaccording to ICEwas made somewhere in the galaxy of Sskat. It was one of the reasons that made him compelled to search the lore and meaning behind the Mark. How could ICE understand the writings of the Mark? Why was it in the world of Earflgard? And what strikes Ned the most, how come Master Will had the Mark of the Knight? 

"Such an odd question for an item veiled with mystery," Lord Sven said. "But, if what our ancestors said about the Marks were true. Then, it would make me able to challenge the throne, and take back what is ours, put the war to end between the Empire and the kingdom and focus more on the Shattered Continentlately no do no mind it, Ned. Yes, it will make my House back to how it wasa House revered upon by the people, honored and respected. Those were the traits the current kingdom does not have."

"Then," Ned said, closing his eyes. Remembering memories of his Master, how he put his life for Ned, the pain of the betrayals. He took in a breath. Let's just hope that this will work  Ned thinking to himself. "I will give you honor and respect what your House wanted, I will give you the Mark your ancestors hadthe Old King had." 

"I am the Lord of House Tarragon, kid," Lord Sven said,  voice becoming impatient and commanding. "What you offer me is beyond my controlme whose House controls thousand of households, resources envied by Great Houses, Hunters that will heed my command. And you? A kid of an inutile island, abandoned, and powerless? Making me an offer? You have to do better than that, Ned of O'rriadt. I am a Lord that relies on facts, not some heresy. How do you think my House survives hundreds of years after the Old King's demise?"

Ned frowned, both because of time running out and the latter's ignorance. "Lies," Ned said. 

"What?" Lord Sven cried. "Know your place, kid. I intend to recruit you cause I saw great potential in you, Ned. But that doesn't mean you will have your way just because I am going easy on you. I could have you killed the moment you left the Chance Game, and you won't know what hit you. Yet, you dare call me a lier"

"Yes. You are, Sven," Ned said, scoffing in between words. "Lier, ignorant, insignificant of all the Houses, and miserable. That's what you are. That's what your House will become."

"Twali!" Lord Sven cried. His voice echoed inside the bubble of magic. "I want this Moraki's incarnate's head!"

Twali looked at Ned and smiled, he nodded then gestured to raise one finger. One minute. 

"He won't hear you," Ned said, nodding to Twali back with a conspicuous smile."But your rivals can. Say, Lord Sven. Why recruit more? You seemed to travel a lot. Your Households were eager to go raiding. And what's that telling me? You need resources to maintain. Sooner or later, your HouseLord Svenwill crumble. 

"And just like any other Houses, you will be forced to find a way to reviveif not, maintain the facade of you being a Great Noble. And to do that, you will be forced to let Sasani marry someone that will ensure the survival of your House. And Sasani is lucky enough to get married, what if she became a concubine?"

Ned heard a long breath, like taking-in air before a long dive. Ned grinned. But what if? He thought. What if Sasani did become a concubine. Ned shook his head, brushing the idea of Sasani too young to get married. But this world's age of maturity is sixteen, I wonder how old Sasani is?

[Judging from the subject's figure.]

[The curves of her body.]

[The ample growth of her breasts.]

ICE chimed, and Ned frowned if ICE needed to respond to his thoughts this time. 

[She must be around fifteen to seventeen.]

[Enough for you and the subject to conduct replication.]

What replication? Ned almost jumped off his feet. No, that's not what I meant. ICE, why would you notify me of these unnecessary ideas.

[Ned, it wasn't unnecessary.]

[It is to ensure your happiness and bloodline continuation.] 

Another notification made Ned shake his head. 

[Creating an encrypted file for subject: Sasani.]

[Two files were created for the host's choosing for replication.]

[First subject: Toni.]

[Second subject: Sasani.]

[Files will be encrypted and hidden for future recommendation.]

No, Ned thought and lowered his shoulder. Whatever. He sighed. 

"No," Lord Sven said after a long pause, Twali moved closer to Ned to where his magic bubble was. "You are wrong with one thing, kidI can't believe I'm talking to a kid like thisI will never let Sasani become a concubine and be married to someone she doesn't love. Between my name, the House, and Sasani. I will choose Sasani. Maker's tongue! I won't let that happen to my daughter." 

He was at least a good man, circled with unreliable people. "I may be a kid," Ned said, tapping his elbow with his finger. Time is running, and he doesn't know how long he can contact Lord Sven again. "But this kid might help you in some ways."

Behind the Cube, Ned could hear Lord Sven's sighed. He even imagined the City Lord shaking his head, while ginger and black hair swayed along the way. Wrinkles must be deep after their conversation. 

"Tell me," he said. "What do you want?"

"I need your manpower"

"No," Lord Sven said briefly, cutting Ned's reply. "I said. What do you want to do about the Mark?"

ICE, Ned said inside his thoughts. Is it possible that Markslike mineexists without a host?


Ned nodded and eyes blinked slowly. He smiled but

[But. Without mana to support it. It won't last long.]

[It is also possible that the Mark the Lord have evolved and siphoned mana from the surrounding.]


Another but, Ned thought. The smile has gone from his face. 

[The possibility of it evolving is slim to none.]

Mine evolved, what are the chances the other evolved as well?

[Slim to none.]

[You got lucky or perhaps due to your body to only absorb pure mana.]

[The Mark of the Knight evolved at a faster rate.]

Then, if I can inject mana into Lord Sven's Mark, maybe the Mark will show itself.

[Possible. But]

No more buts, I've made up my mind. Well do this, Ned thought nodding. 

[If it is what you want, Ned.]

ICE soft voice echoed inside Ned, he then leaned closer to the Cube. "Maybe," he said, to Lord Sven. Cube glowed with blue dimming light. "Just maybe, I can extract the Mark from your ancestor's body and give it to you."

"And how are you going to do that?" Lord Sven replied with haste, his voice spiked up. 

He seemed excited, Ned thought. 

"I'm going to find the man Roy"

"Roy," Lord Sven said in unison with Ned and continued. "I get it. I will tell Twali about your request and if we both agreed. I will give you what you want. In return, you will give me what I want. If you fail after all these, your House will be under mine. And you will work for me."

"I already informed Twali," Ned said, narrowing his eyes. "All I needed is your permission, Lord Sven. We don't have time."

Indeed I don't, Ned thinking the events back at the beasts settlement. That caterpillar is knowledgeable enough to use Hunters to control them and as bait. He might change location, hide, worse leave the island. 

The magic bubble dimmed and plopped. Twali stepped inside and back to the sofa and leaned to the Cube. 

"Lord Sven," Twali said, eye under the Cube. "Cube's about to close."

"Twali," Lord Sven said. "The kid here is persistent."

Twali nodded and smile while Ned remained by folding his arm. 

"Ned," Lord Sven, Cube dimming. "You forgot something about me. I'm a man of game. So listen, I will let you have all the resources you want for this plan of yours to work. I can do it now even me without having to go there. But " 

Twali looked to Ned and seemed to know what his Lord was thinking. He shook his head. 

"But," Lord Sven said continuing. "Only if you fight Twali." The Cube shone bright blue and dimmed, then the communication cut off. 

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