Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 349: 85: The abacus clacks loudly, the old man loves to cause a scene_2

Chapter 349: Chapter 85: The abacus clacks loudly, the old man loves to cause a scene_2

“I brought you here today to discuss an official matter.

The three ‘papers’ you published in “The Heavens” magazine, especially the third one, are of certain significance for the legion’s development of the Fairy World, and can provide considerable assistance.

The legion wants to obtain the rights to use the related achievements and discuss the authorization with you.”

“No problem, as long as I can help the legion, and help you, I should do all I can.”

Link politely agrees, not even wanting to delve into specific discussions about authorization with Sage Palo.

Especially not haggling about the specific costs.

He conveys an attitude of full compliance, claiming that he wouldn’t say no.

Does this small matter require Sage Palo to intervene personally?

An appearance from an ordinary second-level wizard to liaise with Link would already be showing great respect.

Perhaps, in consideration of old man Morpheus, a department head or a deputy could come to negotiate.

For Sage Palo to take the initiative, the respect shown is far too great, it’s like reaching heaven.

He should promptly agree. There really is nothing to hesitate about.

“Good, it’s good that you have this awareness. The legion won’t let you go unpaid, the costs will be set according to the regular procedures.”

A smile appears on Sage Palo’s face, appreciating and satisfied with Link’s usual understanding.

Of course, he won’t let Link suffer. He will even give extra compensation and rewards.

After all, he is one of us, there should definitely be some support.

Then, Sage Palo mentioned the real reason for calling Link:

“The remnant Rainforest Fairies caused a disturbance yesterday, corrupting about 60,000 fairies.

The medical department is short-staffed and urgently needs to use your perfected plan.

Salossal proposed to me that he wants to borrow you for assistance.

What do you think?”

This is a serious matter, it involves not only personal matters but also the relationship between departments.

Unlike before, Link didn’t immediately agree, he thought for a bit, and then tentatively asked, “Does Minister Morpheus know about this? What is his attitude?”

“He knows and his attitude is for you to decide.”

Sage Palo replied with a smile.


After pondering for a while, Link said seriously, “If possible, I don’t want to go there as an individual but on behalf of the Potion Department, to assist the Medical Department in dealing with this incident.”


Hearing Link’s words, Sage Palo suddenly laughed heartily. He pointed a finger at Link playfully and said, “You sure love the spotlight.”

“Do I?”

Scratching his head, Link looked puzzled, a picture of innocence and bluntness, as if he had no idea what Sage Palo was talking about.

His expression and demeanor were so guileless and honest.

As if he didn’t have a bad bone in his body.

He was a pure white lotus.

Still, Link was a magnanimous person.

He didn’t hold a grudge against Lokan for his bullying, did he?

How could he possibly take advantage of this situation to intentionally retaliate just because Wizard Polo Salossal, the head of the medicine department, specified that Lokan Morton should join the special squadron? It was petty, wasn’t it?

With these thoughts, Link was further convinced of his idea and emphasized:

“Minister Morpheus has been kind to me, and I should at least do something for the Potion Department, for Minister Morpheus. This is how I justify my position and my salary.”


Sage Palo laughed to himself, accepting Link’s request and instructed him, “Keep things in proportion, don’t overdo it, and don’t let it get out of control like last time!”

“We won’t, definitely won’t. We dare not give Sage Palo any trouble.”

Link repeatedly promised, expressing his stance.


Sage Palo nodded, accepting Link’s stance. Then smoothly changing the topic, he asked, “The conscription period is at most four months, and it’s almost halfway through. What are your plans? Do you want to continue to stay with the legion to fight, or return to your homeland to continue studying?”

Link tentatively asked, “Does the legion have a battle mission scheduled in the near future?”

Sage Palo smiled, not giving a direct answer.

Link realized at once.

No answer was an answer.

The academy did not arrange any immediate battle missions for the Sage Palo army, but Sage Palo could mobilize the legion for voluntary battle in the Heavens.

Link thought of the Abyss Demon mentioned by Assad.

From the smoothly concluded war, it could be inferred that the Abyss Demon that the Fairy King’s Court asked for help must have been dealt with by Sage Palo.

Most likely, it was captured instead of annihilated.

According to many precedents in the Wizard World for dealing with captured Abyss Demons,

If Sage Palo does not use this Abyss Demon to set a trap to hook in all the lower Abyss Demons from the Abyss World that are extremely suitable as “fertilizer,” he would be laughed to death by his peers.

Such a great opportunity, it would be a pity to waste it.

So, Sage Palo is asking Link whether he wants to continue participating in this “fishing operation”.

If he wants to participate, he must find a way to extend the period of conscription.

The legion could not possibly adjust the battle plan and timing for Link alone.

Especially the Abyss World is a super civilization world at the same level as the Wizard World and the World of God, it is not so easy to deal with.

Restraining demons as a wizard is not something achievable by everyone, it also requires full preparation.

Spending two months training the army, formulating battle plans, reserving battle supplies and arranging battle venues is by no means an exaggeration.

On the contrary, it’s somewhat tight for time.

“I feel that my current strength is still lacking. When the conscription period is due, I will stop following the combat of the troop, and return to my homeland for further study.”

After thinking carefully, Link chose to decline and sincerely said, “I wish Sage Palo a successful campaign and renown in the Heavens!”

There are several things he hasn’t finished yet.

Especially the adjustment of the Meditation Technique, which will definitely require a lot of time and energy.

Continuing to follow the army in combat is not the best choice.


Sage Palo did not become angry because of Link’s decision.

Whether to follow in combat or to return to study, both are ways of growth.

It’s not clear which is better.

“Peter and Zoran are no longer in their homeland, you can return in two months, just be a little more vigilant, there should be no problem.”

Sage Palo reminded and waved his hand, “There’s nothing else, you may leave.”

“Thank you, Wizard Palo.”

Link respectfully saluted, and then stepped out of the tent.

Without stopping, he made his way to the portal and returned from the lush Fairy World to the desolate Desolate World.

Old Morpheus was actually waiting outside the portal.

It looked like he had been waiting for a while.


Link overcame the discomfort caused by teleporting multiple times in a short period of time, steadied himself, and greeted.

“What did you say?”

Old Morpheus asked directly, “Do you agree to the transfer?”


Link shook his head, “I requested from Sage Palo, on behalf of the Potion Department, to assist the Medical Department in handling this event.”


Old Morpheus’s face which was full of scars suddenly broke into a twisted smile and he grinned, “I didn’t raise you in vain.”

Upon hearing this, Link shuddered and retreated constantly.

He almost retreated into the portal again.

No playing favorites!

“You little rascal!”

Old Morpheus was angered by Link’s undisguised aversion. He patted Link’s shoulder heavily in an attempt to vent his anger.

He then turned around first: “Come on, let’s go back and plan carefully on how to make things prettier than the Medical Department and annoy that guy Salossal again.”

Link caught up with him, twitched his mouth and reminded, “Sage Palo specifically asked you to measure your actions and not to go too far.”

Old Morpheus paused as he was about to get into the hover car, then said somewhat sheepishly, “Don’t worry, I’ll pay attention.”

Link didn’t say anything else and just sat quietly in the car.

The message has been conveyed. How to do it depends on Old Morpheus himself.

Who knows what kind of grudge exists between Old Morpheus and Wizard Salossal.

He won’t let go of it, and slaps him in the face over and over again.

The hover car is silent.

Until they returned to the Potion Department, both of them were lost in their own thoughts and didn’t talk to each other at all.

As soon as they got off the car and entered the building, they went straight to the Minister’s office.

Just after they sat down, the order to send the Potion Department to assist the Medical Department at the front line had been issued.

The sooner the better.

Old Morpheus immediately took action, pulling together the core power and forming a team for “assisting” the Medical Department.

The captain of the support team was, of course, Old Morpheus himself.

There were two vice captains, the heads of the R&D and the preparation groups.

Link was given the title of special consultant to the captain, but his authority was higher than that of the two vice captains.

After assembling everyone, and looking at the team composed of eight potion development specialists and pharmacists in front of him,

Old Morpheus was full of spirit, he didn’t say much, he just waved his hand:

“Come, follow me to crash the Medical Department’s spot!”

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