Beast Taming: I Can Evolve Indefinitely

Chapter 328: 324: Tattoo the entire back!

Chapter 328: Chapter 324: Tattoo the entire back!

Professor Dong glanced at the oddly contemplative Bai Qi, not finding it strange at all.

This idea was proposed by Mo Zhu, who had already been transferred to the evolution team. Simply put, it was about using the Rune Mechanical Armour to simultaneously tattoo the same rune on a pet beast’s bones and skin. The energy would then be guided by the rune machinery to promote evolution.

When Mo Lin initially proposed this operation, Professor Dong was somewhat surprised. But after seeing a successful case, he immediately agreed to the plan.

However, until now, the problem of the energy flow between the double runes on the skin and bones had not been effectively resolved. Hence, they thought it would be a good idea to have Bai Qi take a look, hoping for an unexpected breakthrough.

“Reducing the impact of a creature’s own energy flow by using two sets of runes?”

After hearing Professor Dong’s description, Bai Qi nodded slightly. He hadn’t thought of this direction. Theoretically, it was indeed feasible. But it could only reduce some of the effects. If he encountered some creatures with more active energy attributes, the chances of failure were still high.

Sure enough, just as the last rune was carved on the Arctic Ice Wolf under the device, the light of evolution flickered momentarily and then disappeared completely.

“It failed again.”

Mo Lin sighed heavily. They had already had the mechanics team adjust the precision of the device to the highest level, and they carefully selected an Arctic Ice Wolf that was relatively calm in temperament and energy attribute. The process of applying the runes was more than meticulous, and there was not a single mistake.

Yet despite this, they still couldn’t succeed in evolution.

“We need to adjust the rune structure and device precision next.”

While considering the data from the recent experiment, thinking about possible solutions, Mo Lin noticed Bai Qi outside the window.

“Bai Qi, when did you get here?”

Expectation flashed in Mo Lin’s eyes. Perhaps others couldn’t solve the problem, but as the founder of two major projects, the Rune Evolution and the Rune Mechanical Armour, Bai Qi might really be able to solve this problem.

“Just got back from a mission and thought I’d drop by.”

Bai Qi glanced at the staff members who were comforting the Arctic Ice Wolf, which was somewhat fatigued from the failed evolution, and asked: “Have you identified the reason for the failed evolution?”

Mo Lin nodded and said: “The energy flow is still too complex and cannot flow exactly along the route set by the rune structure. Although we have controlled the amount of energy input, the surge of energy during evolution still breaks through the runes, causing failure of evolution.”

“Is that so…”

Bai Qi accepted the data from Mo Lin and found the results as Mo Lin described.

“I plan to gather more energy flow data from the Arctic Ice Wolves and then redesign the runes. Also, the operators of the Rune Mechanical Armour are also adjusting the device to improve its precision. This should increase the chance of success.”

Mo Lin detailed his plan to Bai Qi, then waited expectantly for Bai Qi’s feedback.

“Hmm, it’s a good idea. If all goes well, it will indeed increase the success rate.”

Bai Qi said: “But you’re not planning to explore every type of pet beast this way, are you?”

“Uh, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?”

Mo Lin looked at Bai Qi with confusion. Unlike the relatively simple energy operation of the Undead Department, even among flesh-and-blood creatures of similar attributes and race, there is a significant difference in their energy operation rhythms.

This was also why the formulae for materials that can cause pet beasts to evolve were so valuable. After all, each was the product of countless time and resources spent on trial and error.

“Of course not. With over a thousand entries in the Pet Beast Illustrated Handbook, do you really think you can test them all in your lifetime?”

“Of course we can’t do it all by ourselves. Once we prove that this method works, people will naturally carry out targeted research after we release it.”

Mo Lin shook his head. They couldn’t possibly complete such a large project with just their own efforts. Like the evolution rune of the Undead Department, already dozens of institutes were researching it under their authorization, and even more were likely doing so unofficially.

“That’s still too troublesome.”

Bai Qi quickly scanned through Mo Lin’s experimental data. New ideas kept coming to him. When Bai Qi closed the materials, a bold idea emerged in his mind.

“The current problem is that the rune structure can’t accurately guide the energy flow during a pet beast’s evolution, resulting in damage to the structure, right? So let’s not modify it artificially. Let the pet beast decide.”

Mo Lin looked puzzled and asked: “So, what do we do?”

“Simple, tattoo a full back!”

Mo Lin still looked confused, but Professor Dong seemed to have grasped something. Seeing Bai Qi walking over to operate the device, he watched with a hint of admiration.

Really getting old!

Soon, Bai Qi brought out a rune structure so complex it was mind-boggling. In front of the stunned researchers, he began to lay out his plan.

But the key was that many routes in this structure were redundant or duplicated.

“Bai Qi, with such a complex structure, I’m afraid it would be hard for it to take effect?”

Mo Lin took Bai Qi’s design and scrutinized it, immediately voicing his doubts.

He could naturally see that Bai Qi’s plan was to merge the previous designs and add some lines. There were no significant improvements. Instead, the complexities might invalidate the array.

“We won’t know till we try.”

Bai Qi gave a slight smile, handed the design to an operator nearby, and said a few words. The light of understanding dawned on the operator who then replaced the Arctic Ice Wolf and began to operate the device.

Upon observing this, Mo Lin curiously went closer. The mechanized arm was still doing the engraving, the rune energy being guided just as before, there was no difference. In fact, more effort was put into preventing the energy from flowing into the wrong places.

“Haven’t you figured it out yet?”

Seeing Mo Lin’s confused appearance, Professor Dong approached, “Bai Qi already said, since we can’t consider every aspect, let’s leave it to the pet beast to choose.”

“Choose by itself?”

Even upon hearing this, Mo Lin was still puzzled. Just as he was about to ask, he saw a dazzling light suddenly burst out from within the operation room.

The Light of Evolution!

Could such a structure really be possible?

Not only Bai Qi but also the surrounding researchers were looking at the evolving Arctic Ice Wolf in the operation room with shock written all over their faces.

Bai Qi had just glanced at the problem that had been plaguing them for so long and resolved it?

Could such a freakish person actually exist in the world?

Quickly, the Light of Evolution dissipated, revealing a sturdily-built Arctic Ice Wolf King in front of everyone. It looked no different from a normally evolved Arctic Ice Wolf King.

“It really succeeded? Why… that kind of rune structure…”

Mo Lin looked at Bai Qi in surprise, wanting to know the secret. However, he saw that Bai Qi had already approached the operator, querying him about something.

“Are you sure you got everything on tape?”


The operator nodded his head, then projected a hologram. It was the rune structure drawn by Bai Qi.

However, this hologram was clearly made from the previous experiment, voters could faintly make out a silhouette of the Arctic Ice Wolf while the representation of energy, a blue electric light, began to slowly move around on this projection.

This was to simulate the energy flow during rune evolution — a technology that Mo Lin and the others had utilized quite a lot in their previous research.

But they quickly spotted the difference.

After the blue energy finally filled the main routes, the speed and quantity of the energy flow suddenly skyrocketed, forcibly breaking through the original flow path.

That was it!

That was the reason for their previous failures. They had modified countless versions for it but the situation continued to occur.

Mo Lin stared intently at the hologram before him. He saw that after the energy had broken through the original path, it did not flow randomly. Instead, it flowed into those rune paths that he thought were useless.

“This… this works too?”

Seeing the rune structure that had expanded due to the energy surge, Mo Lin finally understood.

“Of course, it’s better to create a clear path than a blockade. Instead of wasting time guessing where the energy will move during evolution, it’s better to design several routes and let the energy choose itself. As long as the core route is maintained without error and the surging energy during evolution does not break the rune structure, it’s good to go.”

Bai Qi shrugged, “But this design diagram indeed is a bit complex. We can conduct a few more experiments and simplify the structure appropriately. This might make the process more efficient.”

“I understand.”

Mo Lin continually nodded. Although there were still many unknown variables initially, this method indeed helped save a lot of time. Given sufficient successful examples, they might be able to find the most streamlined design.

“Congratulations, Bai Qi, for making yet another breakthrough.”

Professor Dong revealed a sincere smile. The surrounding researchers had no objections when they heard the news and admired Bai Qi even more.

“No, no, I can’t take the credit for this. I’m only standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Hearing this, Bai Qi quickly waved his hands off. The rune evolution structure of flesh and blood creatures was much more complex compared to skeletal creatures. Had it not been for the extensive experimental data and structural information at his disposal, he wouldn’t have come up with this method so easily.

Moreover, he seemed to have thought of a way to merge flesh and machines.

With this thought, Bai Qi didn’t bother to continue the conversation and quickly left.

“Um, Professor Dong, what should we do now?”

Mo Lin watched Bai Qi leave in astonishment and asked Professor Dong.

Professor Dong adjusted his glasses, “What to do? Continue researching the rune evolution pattern of other creatures; strive to find a universal evolution scheme for creatures of all departments earlier.”

“Uh, what about after we succeed?”

“After succeeding, of course, we apply for a patent, and then make it public. Remember to apply in the name of the project team.”

“But wouldn’t Bai Qi…”

“Isn’t Bai Qi a part of the project team?”

“I see!”

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