Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Upon hearing his father's question, Ye Yaodong glanced at him sideways, shaking his leg nonchalantly, "Just because you don't know, means I don't know either? I'm not just idling around outside all day!"

Originally, he wanted to ask him seriously, but upon hearing those words, Father Ye became angry. "You're swaggering around all day outside, and now you're showing off? You're already married, yet you're never at home, lazy and idle, not doing anything. Who are you waiting for to support you? I'd rather see you dead than witness your wastefulness..."

The more he talked, the angrier he got, and as he spoke, Father Ye took off his shoes and held them in his hand, ready to beat him.

Having sold the yellow croakers at a low price, Father Ye was already feeling unhappy, and now he had the opportunity to vent his anger!

"Hey, hey, hey... Why are you suddenly changing your attitude? Weren't we having a normal conversation? What did I say wrong? Dad... Dad... Can we talk calmly?"

In the hot summer, the smell of theliberation shoeshit him in the face, causing Ye Yaodong's expression to change drastically. Just because his own feet stink doesn't mean he can tolerate other people's stinky feet.

He hurriedly stood up and tried to evade, "Dad, what are you doing? At least use a stick if you want to fight. What's with the shoes?"

"If you have the guts, don't hide! It's infuriating to see you wasting your days, while even my grandkids behave better than you. Instead of enjoying a good life, you're always hanging out with a bunch of people. How did I end up with a good-for-nothing like you?"

The two of them chased each other around the room. The living room was already small, and with so many people in it, Ye Yaodong quickly took refuge behind his mother.

"Mom, you see, my dad is already going crazy drunk early in the morning. What did I say? Please don't let him drink today..."

Who knows, Mother Ye also turned around angrily and slapped him a few times, "Your dad didn't say anything wrong. You're never at home, you have no idea what's happening in the family, always loafing around and being idle. Let's see how you'll support your wife and children in the future..."

As the parents continued their assault, Ye Yaodong couldn't withstand it any longer and quickly grabbed a wooden stool nearby to defend himself. He pleaded, "Dont fight, dont fight. Who beats their son early in the morning? Can't we talk it out calmly? There are so many people in the house..."

Can't you give him a little bit of face?

He also needs face!

Fortunately, the younger generation were all sent out by him, otherwise it would have been even more embarrassing!

In fact, everyone in the room was already used to it. It was nothing new for Ye Yaodong to be scolded and beaten by his parents. It was just that he suddenly came back from 40 years later and was a bit unaccustomed to facing his parents' scolding and beating.

He held up the stool in the main room to defend himself, but he noticed that his mother had picked up a broom, one made of bamboo. He quickly put down the stool and ran outside.

If he didn't leave now, when would he? He decided to get out of the way and wait for his parents to cool down before coming back.

To his surprise, as soon as he ran out, he bumped into several nephews and nieces. The kids, caught off guard, stumbled and ended up sitting on the ground, and even his grandmother was accidentally pulled down and ended up sitting as well.

Now he was a little flustered and quickly went to help his grandmother up.

"Grandma, are you okay? Where did you fall? Does it hurt?"

Although he was a troublemaker, he still had a conscience. His grandma doted on him the most, so when he saw her fall, he didn't even think about dodging and went to help her up.

As his father and mother chased after him and saw what happened, they didn't hold back at all. They started hitting him on his buttocks and thighs with their shoes and broomstick, all while scolding him.

"You useless good-for-nothing! Can't even walk properly, I'll break your damn legs! See if you can still run!" Father Ye said as he slapped him a few times with his shoe. Unsatisfied, he then snatched the stick from Mother Ye's hand and ruthlessly struck him with it several times.

The strength of Father Yes blows was not something Mother Ye could match. After all, Mother Ye still loved her son and didn't use much force when hitting him.

Father Ye was different. He was genuinely furious and very angry. He struck his son's leg with the stick, causing him to groan in pain.

The old lady couldn't bear to see her beloved grandson being beaten, so she quickly shielded him behind her. She exclaimed, "What are you doing? Why are you doing this? You want to hit me, huh? This is unbelievable! Oh my, my own son wants to hit his mother! Im exploding in anger so early in the morning!"

Father Ye looked at the old lady with a headache. He hadn't even touched her. "Mother, how could I dare to hit you? I wanted to hit this useless brat who is nothing but trouble. He always infuriates me, and now he even made you fall..."

"Yaodong was just careless. I didn't blame him at all. Do you think it's your turn to hit him? Quickly put away the broom and come inside. Aren't you ashamed?"

Despite being 80 years old, the old lady appears to be very tough. She is neither deaf nor blind and can scold people with full authority!

Father Ye is a filial son. Seeing the old lady return and realizing that he wouldn't be able to punish his son today, he gave a stern glare to Ye Yaodong and threw the broom in a corner by the entrance before entering the house.

"Don't be afraid, grandma is here. Where does it hurt? Let me take a look."

As the old lady tried to lift his pant leg, he reached out to stop her and held her arm, grinning. He said, "I'm fine. Did you hurt yourself when you fell? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No, no, I'm fine..."

"Mother, Yaodong is already 25. He's not a child anymore. He's a father of two children. You shouldn't spoil him like this. He doesn't study properly, doesn't do any work, and he's so useless..."

Where is he not learning well? Isn't he filial? Do you want him to have more accomplishments? We are just a family from the countryside. As long as our children are healthy and safe, that's good enough. Besides, Yaodong has never been involved in any mischief or wrongdoing. How can you say he brings shame to us?"

Ye Yaodong felt very embarrassed. In his grandmother's mouth, even not doing mischief and not stealing things had become his advantage!

Grandma's expectations of him are really low...

After so many years, having repeated it dozens of times, even Mother Ye feels mentally exhausted. In Grandma's eyes, her third son can do no wrong!

Really spoiled by the old lady!

The eldest and the second child are so hardworking, it's really frustrating. They glared at the third child angrily, and even Mother Ye didn't say anything.

Anyway, it's been so many years, and no matter what they say, it's useless.

A group of children picked up the scattered corn and green zucchini that fell with them on the ground and put them into their bamboo baskets.

Seeing that the old lady was fine and still able to protect others, Mother Ye took the basket and started shucking the corn, putting the peeled corn back into the basket while leaving the green zucchini.

"Take them inside and ask your mother to wash them and cut them for you to eat."

"Leave some for your third uncle. Don't eat them all!" The old lady shouted, afraid that her great-grandchildren would eat all the sweet melons and not leave any for her beloved grandson.

Yaodong's heart was filled with the overwhelming love of his grandmother, and he felt emotional.

It had been decades since he had last felt this way, and the feeling was truly wonderful.

Everyone thinks that he is not good enough, even his parents don't like him in their daily life. Only his grandmother has always loved him the most, always thinking of him and saving him some food to eat. This mixture of emotions stirred within him, leaving him with a bittersweet feeling in his heart.

"I'll help you inside. You're already old, why are you still working on the field? What if you fall and hurt yourself?"

The old lady's face was wrinkled into a smile. "It's not that easy to fall. I'm doing fine and can still work. If I can't do it, I can tell your dad to help me with the hoe and watering."

Ye Yaodong smiled.

(end of this chapter)


I think I'm gonna change the update time to nine am. I cannot wake up this early. Imma go back to sleep now.

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