Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 182:122, Lin Mo VS Chen Shanhe!_2

Chapter 182:122, Lin Mo VS Chen Shanhe!_2

All of them are top talents carefully nurtured by Chen Shanhe, his confidants!

They are also the fruits of Chen Shanhe’s many years of labor!

Of course, Chen Shanhe’s heart is not as calm as it appears on the surface right now.

Heh heh.

Whether in Rakshasa City or across the whole of Grand Xia.

People who dare to provoke him had not been seen for a very long time.

Of course, there are big shots who can contend with him.

Every major region has them.

And there are also big figures above him too!

But among these true big shots, they are actually friends with each other.

They never make things too stiff with one another.

Even if there are really conflicts, they are secretly maneuvering, not tearing each other’s faces.

But today’s event,

Without doubt, was equivalent to someone shitting on his neck!

Chen Shanhe said he wasn’t angry, that would be a lie.

He was just very good at controlling his emotions.

If he didn’t flex his muscles now, he felt that people outside might soon forget how Chen Shanhe had reached this position step by step.

Displaying thunderous methods, while showing a compassionate heart.

Using this incident to win over a group of people, suppress another group, and show off his muscles and fists.

So as not to be looked down upon by those high-ranking ‘friends.’

As for Chen Kainan?

He was just a product of a moment of drunkenness.

His life and death, Chen Shanhe had never cared about in his heart.

The concern he showed was just camouflage and pretense.

As Chen Shanhe’s voice fell, a man in his 40s, with well-developed muscles, obviously a regular gym-goer, and with a square face, stood up from his left. He was Pu Yuanbai, the captain of the Bear Squad.

“Currently, the main direction of investigation for the Bear Team still focuses on the northwest region, on those who hold grudges against you.”

Pu Yuanbai, who had a large scar on his throat that seemed like a gunshot wound and a somewhat hoarse voice, said, “The Bear Squad is conducting 24-hour surveillance and investigations, and we believe we will soon reach a conclusion.”

Chen Shanhe nodded without any particular reaction.

Then a woman in her 30s stood up, voluptuous and with an extraordinary demeanor, and reported, “Currently, the focus of the Tiger Group’s investigation remains on the south where there are many companies that have crossed us; it will probably take about ten more days to complete the assessment.”

After that,

The other two groups, Dragon Group and Hawk Group, also reported their current progress.

In short, there were no breakthroughs, but all tasks were being carried out methodically.

Chen Shanhe had a meticulous plan: first to investigate the peripheral opponents and then gradually close in on Rakshasa City, searching for Chen Kainan while keeping tabs on the status of these opponents, and then to arrange the next step of his strategy.

At his level, money was not important; it was just a number.

However, like in a game, one needed both strength and economy; he had to become even stronger so that the Chen Family wouldn’t fall, so that the wolves eyeing the fat meat of the Chen Family wouldn’t dare to be reckless.

As for the audacious act of someone daring to kidnap Kainan, Chen Shanhe made a big move!

After all, Kainan was widely recognized as his grandson; to mess with Kainan was tantamount to declaring war on him!

After listening patiently to all the reports that seemed to have made no progress, Chen Shanhe spoke unhurriedly, “Everyone has been working hard, and the results are evident to all; I am gratified.”

“I gathered you all here today to tell you that just moments ago, the perpetrator who kidnapped my grandson has appeared, standing before me, separated only by the screen.”

As soon as these words were uttered, the room was filled with shock!

Everyone exchanged glances, showing expressions of disbelief!


Could such a thing really happen?

Who had the audacity, the sheer nerve, to be so brazen?

To openly challenge Elder Chen?

To challenge a towering figure who could turn heaven and earth?

Before they could ask, Chen Shanhe spoke again, “Wang Xun, tell them what’s just happened.”


Wang Xun nodded, operated his laptop, and simultaneously, pulled down the screen in the meeting room.

Everything from Lin Mo’s message to Chen Shanhe to the end of the video call was played.

These were all Chen Shanhe’s confidants; even the secret that Kainan was his son was not something he needed to hide.

It was not a big issue.

Even if his eldest son knew about it, it didn’t matter.

After all, he had never valued his ambitionless eldest son nor cultivated him as a successor.

Chen Shanhe was only concerned about how the other party came to know this secret!

As the video played, Wang Xun also explained the specific details of the incident.

The Abyss Organization?

Upon hearing this organization’s name, everyone exchanged glances, indicating they were unfamiliar with it.

They knew about all sorts of mysterious organizations in the world, and if any had a bit of strength, they more or less held some information about them, but they had never heard of this Abyss Organization.

Was it a rising newcomer?

Or was it a ploy by some big shot trying to be elusive?

After Wang Xun finished explaining, Chen Shanhe asked them to share their thoughts and suggestions.

After a lifetime of maneuvering within the system.

Even after retirement, Chen Shanhe still relied on the power of organizations, which is why he spent decades building his underground empire and nurturing many capable lieutenants.

One strong individual is not strong enough..

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