Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 256 A Meeting In The Past [1]

A few months ago, when I returned to Sofrora city after clearing the labyrinth and acquiring the Requiem sword.

My condition was as bad as it could get. I was covered in bandages and my whole body was falling apart as a result of my fight with the klauth. I had to go back to the academy as soon as I could since it was the only place where I could get the desired treatment.

However, before doing that I had one more place I wanted to visit. Although to go there I had to change my look, or there was no way I'll be able to do what I wanted to.

"Come on, we're changing directions," I said to Req who was busy enjoying her cotton candy.

'Eh? But I want to buy some more of this stuff!" she said with the expression of a dissatisfied child. As if I'd snatched her favorite toy from her.

"I'm not taking any excuses. I won't be able to hang around with you so finish your candy quickly and turn back into the sword," I commanded.

"Ugh!" she gave me a disgusted look. But it's not like she had any other choice so after finishing the cotton candy she had to transform back into the Requiem sword.

After that, I changed my ways, and rather than going toward the academy I went and booked a room in an inn for myself. Then I went to the market and bought some good-looking formal clothes, a new pair of shoes, a watch, and an expensive deodorant.

I came back to the inn and removed my torn academy uniform. I would've preferred to take a bath, but since I could not take off the bandages, I cleaned myself with a wet towel and washed my hair and face.

Then I wore the new clothes I'd bought, combed my hair in a neat way, rolled in my watch, sprayed myself with the deodorant I'd bought, and sneaked into the new pair of shoes. I left the inn and headed off to the central part of the city.

Rather than going on foot, I booked a wagon and then headed off as I didn't want any dust to be seen on my shoes.

It took me a while but I reached my destination. Stepping out of the wagon, I paid the driver some extra tip and then turned around.

In front of me was an enormous mansion, my own house was nothing in front of it. Made with white marble and stone the building was no less than a masterpiece in and itself. The lawn before the mansion was covered with bright green grass, and though I couldn't see much due to the long wall surrounding the entire property, I could still notice that I'd rarely seen the plants that were planted inside as decorations.

I walked close to the mansion, and in front of me stood a big iron gate. A guard came out from the check-post—a boxed room—that was built beside the gate and stopped before me.

"Halt!" he said as he tapped the ground with the spear he was carrying. "Who might you be?" he asked.

"I want to meet with the Archduke," I said. All three families were archdukes since they came directly after the king in terms of rank.

However, the expression on the guard's face was not so nice. Of course, it was reasonable as what I was asking for without even stating my name was the same foolishness someone would show while committing suicide.

But I did not want to give my name and rank since the chances of meeting him will fall even lower then. That's why I thought of another way.

I slid my hand inside my pocket and took out my transaction card. I flipped the card and showed the guard which contained the information about me being a student at the Zaforths magic academy.

"I have something important to talk about," I added as I gave him the card.

It wasn't exactly an ID card but it worked the same since there was the academy's logo printed on it along with my name and it was a student transaction card. Academy students had a reputation of their own since getting in was a task where the sons of even great nobles failed.

If I wanted to meet with someone like the Archduke then I should have at least something backing me up.

The guard took the card from me and examined it. He was probably checking whether it was fake or not. He went inside the check-post and a minute later came out with a coin in his other hand.

"Sounds like a real deal. You really are a student at the academy," he said as he handed me the card. He began to pass the coin to me as well when I stopped. "Keep it," I said and he tucked it inside his pocket.

He thought over something for a while as he looked at me from head to toe, I gave him the best smile I could while keeping it natural as well.

"Rem, take the young man inside," he said in a rather loud voice.

Another guard came out from the check-post which was on the opposite side. He wasn't bulky like this one but still, he wore a full metal armor and had an air of masculinity around him. He had a long beard and bushy eyebrows.

'Ah, well, this is certainly isn't the Rem I was expecting.'

"Follow me," Rem said while the other guard opened the gates, making way for me to enter.

Rem took the lead, and I followed him inside the grounds of the mansion. As I walked I realized that the decision to leave the Requiem sword back at the inn was a good choice since I highly doubt that they would've let me in if I carried a weapon with me.

I had no worry that it might set stolen because Req knew how to defend herself.

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