Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 377 Fire Meets Life

The weight of the massive tree was so heavy and had great durability that it crushed the army of Brimstone Beasts that attempted an attack on the falling tree.

But the waters around them had weakened them, and they couldn't harness the maximum output of their heat and were crushed by the tree's massive weight.

The booming crash of the tree caused the waters to create waves that pushed towards the sea.

The archers had jumped up, and numerous weapons of war and other things were thrown down and gliding down from the great heights. Some of the weapons were stored at the back of the tree. Hard containers were used so that the weapons could endure the fall.

Kyros and his team patrolled the sides of the tree to check if there were any survivors and killed any Brimstone beast they found.

Soon, the elves began to land, and many were weeping at the sight of their fallen home.

Suddenly, explosions began to occur under the tree. The rumblings were heard and felt, but none of the fires met the world above.

"They are all exploding?"

"True death for these Brimstone Beasts. We've seen it quite a few times recently. But now, we are all seeing it happen at once. The crushing weight of this and the water around them is killing them. And there is, of course, the resilient life of the tree that refuses to die."

The entire tree began to glow a strange green light as the power of life surged out.

Everyone marveled at what they saw as they felt a strange familiar power rising out of the wood.

"What is this...?" Aubrey asked.

Kyros flew over them.

"That is the power of the Tree. It raged and fought till its last breath. Can you feel it? It's thanks to all of you for fighting hard?" Kyros asked.

"What... What do you mean?! This Tree was abused by us! We took down its leaves! We chiseled out its barks! We broke off its branches!"

"The Tree was more than just your home. What is valued beyond everything is all of you. In this world where the last of life is being purged and thrown in the fire, it only wanted you, its people, to survive. And now it has hope that you should live." Kyros smiled as he began to harness the power of the Wood.

"When I sat down on the roots of this tree, I used the powers to draw it close to me. My charm worked, and it began to talk to me."

"It talked to you? But how?"

"I wield and understand the Celestial Code. It's a power that draws elements together. Earth was my specialty in this world. And when I received this power, I had learned the voice of the earth." Kyros explained as he recalled the memories of his past.

He became an incredible general thanks to his powers in the Celestial Code. The earth itself would speak to him where his enemies were. And when he traveled back in time, that ability was lost. But here, in the very soil and planet where he received Daradiel's blessing, the power returned. But his ears could only hear as far as the World Wood Tree could.

"What did it say?" Logon asked.

"It asked me to save you, his children. His greatest fruits were none of the precious things that this tree bore. It was you who dwelt in it. He saw the love, the compassion, and the joy and took pride in himself being a father. But the Brimstone Beasts were killing him. He was dying in the first place and told me to save you."

"Lord Vey..." Many of the Elves wept.

"I told him about our plan, and I told him that he would save you one more time. He was happy and agreed at once. Every time you took its wood and crafted weapons, he wasn't sad or angry. He was happy. He could protect his children. You call him lord, but I think he would have loved it more if you all called him father." Kyros smiled.

"Father...!" The elves cried as they swam from their positions and hugged the tree.

The trembling increased, and the elves the hugged the tree realized what was happening. The power of Life was fighting and attacking the power of Brimstone, raging and using water and weight to crush it out of existence.

"It's protecting you one last time. Every weapon you formed, every blade you made out of it, made it happy. Because it knows it is with its children."

The weeping of the elves grew more and more, and every one of the elves was holding on to the tree as they wanted to feel the warmth and life of their father just one more time.

"Damn it! It's Going Merry all over again...!" Calaminus wept.

Soon, the trembling stopped. Finally, the last of the Brimstone Beasts were killed.

The entire tree began to shine, and the life essence of the tree gathered in a spot of the tree that overlooked every elf that was hugging it.

The green energy gathered into one spot, and the figure of a Dryad appeared.

"Everyone! Greet your father one last time! The only World Wood Tree that is a Slayer of Brimstone. He fought against a Supreme God, Histerion, and won! That is World Wood Tree Vey!" Kyros announced, and all of the elves began to cry out.

"Thank you, Nephilim! For your blood has given me this chance to speak." The dryad spoke.

Kyros gave a respectful bow, and the three ladies also gave a low bow.

"My children! The Nephilim tells me that you will all embark on a great journey! He spoke of the treacheries you are to face and the impossible odds ahead of you. I can only give you this... the last of my power. The last of the life within this region. All life fled to me when these beasts arose. And now, they will be given to you. Goodbye, my children. Nephilim. I hope to see you in that world."

The form of the dryad dispersed as the green energy began to grow around the tree.

"Hold on to the tree, everyone! Receive your father's blessings!" Kyros ordered and made his allies rush towards it to hold on to the life.

The power of Life rushed out of the tree and gave strength to all the elves.

"What an amazing blessing! The power of life that defeated the Brimstone freed the souls trapped within. And in this region, most of the souls were elves. They were happy in their freedom and chose to be the energy that will fuel everyone!" Listrel quickly held on to the tree.

"Sacrifice magic. A most mysterious power..." Lea moved and followed, as did Mechiel.

Kyros held the tree at last and closed his eyes.

A wave of life energy began to surge through everyone.

Aubrey felt a powerful energy flow through her as she felt the power of the Wood gather. A strange green light formed on her forehead, and a third eye was made.

The hair of all elves turned from light gold to a dark green shade. Their eyes turned green as well.

The power and life of the tree, which held on millions and millions of power, had awakened the ancient form of the Woodrealm Elves.

The magic of life and plant bearing returned, and almost everyone could sense the presence of earth.

Those that had no cultivation gained strength. Those that had cultivation grew stronger.

,m Kyros himself felt the surge of great energy and felt the connection to the Yggdrasil itself. The World Wood Tree was said to be the tip, the smallest twig of the Planesworld, and Kyros found it true.

His levels began to rise at a frightening pace, and a strange seed appeared within his soul.

"Nephilim. Your triune soul of Light, Darkness and neutral form is suited for my power. I can sense a great constraint and power in your soul. It shocks me to see just how you were even able to draw out such magic with the very little you have in your soul. My wisdom through the centuries of my birth tells me that cultivators at the Commander level create a Soul Seed that grows within them to nurture and harness the energy within their soul realms. That is what they use to make their Elemental cores. You already have darkness. But your unique disposition allows your soul to build another. So allow my power to be your Soul Seed. Light, Darkness, and Neutrality can grow and be divided among the regions of this tree that will bloom. Let it be the source that holds all your future elemental cores in."

Kyros smiled.

"I accept your great gift!"

The power began to gather in Kyros's soul, and the bindings and many curses constraining Kyros were slowly being torn away.


Devil Bound Curse weakened to Devil Chained

God Bound Curse weakened to God Chained

Devil Snare Curse weakened to Devil Trap

God Snare Curse weakened to God Trap

Advanced Devil Sealing Curse weakened to Devil Sealing

God Sealing Curse weakened to God Sealing

Yggdrasil Soul Seed Planted

Nephilim True Life Earth Core formed.

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