Ascending the Heavens as an Evil God

Chapter 361: Mirror God Norris

Cain's Left Hand could provide a sizable vampire law damage bonus and was very suitable for vampire players. However, it was… a two-handed staff.

That’s right—a two-handed staff. So any player who’d seen pictures of the weapon in the past wouldn’t mistake it, but there were still many beginner players who got it wrong when they first encountered it.

It was also because of this that there were often complaints about Cain's Left Hand in the forum in his previous life. There were even people who deliberately misled newbies to satisfy their own evil delight.

As a veteran player of many years, Gu Nan certainly wouldn’t forget this detail.

Only after Sylvia heard Gu Nan's words did she intentionally study that arm, but she didn’t find anything special about it.

This was very inconceivable to her. After all, she was able to clearly detect the aura inside the seal even from the earlier chaotic battlefield.

Now that the seal was broken and Cain's corpse was right in front of her, how could she still be unable to confirm that there was anything peculiar about his left hand?

Gu Nan, however, knew exactly why this was and casually said, "Take a closer look at this hand. See anything wrong with it?"

Sylvia studied it for a long time but still didn’t find anything. She gave Gu Nan a confused look.

Gu Nan casually beckoned with his hand while expressing concern about this Goddess of Shadow’s intelligence, and the severed half-palm in Lu Xinhuan's hand appeared directly in his hand.

This scene instantly stunned Lu Xinhuan, because the green light around her was clearly still flickering, yet that palm ran into Gu Nan's hand nonetheless.

Since he could take away that half-palm, he could naturally also take away her heart or even her head.

In other words, the protection talisman her Star Ruler left her with was as good as useless in front of this person…

After realizing this, Lu Xinhuan finally understood just what realm the one before her had reached—no wonder he wasn’t the least bit afraid of falling out with her and Qinghe Pavilion.

No wait, that couldn’t be called falling out. At most, it would be an adult bullying a child.

Lu Xinhuan’s complicated mood aside, Sylvia finally realized what was wrong when she saw the severed half-palm.

This half-palm didn’t actually match the arm it was ripped off from!

It wasn’t that someone switched it out with a fake. Both were indeed parts of Cain's body; it’s just that the left and right didn’t quite match.

Sylvia carefully examined it and found that the severed arm was indeed the left arm, but the palm with only four fingers… was clearly the right hand!

The Goddess of Shadows turned her head incredulously towards the corpse inside the coffin, but the hand to the right of the corpse was also a right hand.

Two right hands?

"Cain died at the hands of the Mirror God," Gu Nan used the simplest sentence to convey his meaning when she finally realized what was wrong.

Mirror God Norris!

His strength was only average among Tier 8 gods, but he once stirred up great chaos in the entire World of Gods and was the fuse that set off the Fourth Great War among the gods.

Any god who lived through that period would never forget his name.

As the younger sister of the Ruler of Light and Justice, Sylvia was born almost at the same time as him and was also considered one of the oldest gods, so of course she would know the Mirror God.

Because of this, she deeply understood how uncanny Norris's power was.

Through the law of mirrors, he could map a target into the exact appearance reflected in the mirror and even create a counterpart of it in the Mirror World.

This power worked on objects, people, and even gods.

In the end, the crazy Norris tried to copy the entire world, which brought the entire world’s wrath down upon him. But Norris wasn’t stupid. He pulled a group of gods to his side beforehand, which eventually led to the outbreak of the Fourth Great War among the gods.

Since Cain died by Norris’s hand, it wasn’t so hard to understand why a section of his left hand was reflected by the mirror.

Using her imagination, Sylvia even started to piece together what happened in the past. Back then, a mirror appeared before Cain. He tried to run outside of its range, but ultimately, a part of his left hand was sliced off.

‘But fortunately, Norris has disappeared for tens of thousands of years…’

After her thoughts returned from her imagination, Sylvia sighed in relief but suddenly realized with a start—this fellow called Gu Nan actually knew so much about all this. So then, what did he want to do with Cain’s Left Hand?

An inexplicable fear surfaced in her heart. She looked up sharply, only to find that Gu Nan's figure had already disappeared.


"Find Gu Nan. I don't care what method you use." Sylvia sat inside the sanctuary hosting the Ceremony of Blood, while both the vampire princes and the powerhouses from other forces were gathered below her.

But at this moment, they all bowed respectfully. "Yes, Your Highness Sylvia."

When faced with a real god, they had no reason or power to refuse.

Even if Sylvia belonged to the Light Faction and many of the gods backing them belonged to the Dark Faction… Nevertheless, a neutral plane was a neutral plane, and having the protection of those gods wasn’t the same as being their faithful followers.

Moreover, if the gods weren’t at war with each other, then the relationship between the two factions wasn’t actually as tense as one imagined.

Sylvia and the Sky God were both from the Light Faction, while the God of Luxuriant Blossoms belonged to the Dark Faction. But there was a harmonious atmosphere when the three met earlier. None of them had any intention of attacking the other side.

Sitting in the hall, Sylvia's expression was heavy.

She still couldn’t confirm what Gu Nan's goal was, but if she couldn’t find any trace of Gu Nan after a long search, then she would choose to send news back to the Light Faction or even to her older brother.

It wasn’t that she was making a big deal out of it. It was just that Norris, this lunatic, was so terrifying that any information about him must be treated with the utmost seriousness.

But what Sylvia didn't expect was that after just a few days, Gu Nan's whereabouts were reported to her.

This guy had no intention of hiding and strutted into the sanctuary just like that. And he was even… peeping on a siring?!


"Pervert!" Sylvia didn’t hesitate to describe Gu Nan as such, and her gaze showed that she believed this in her heart as well.

The vampire clan’s siring was even more secretive than their mating process. After all, mating was only for mutual pleasure, while siring was how they actually developed new descendants—after all, it wasn’t like vampires could get pregnant.

But not only did Gu Nan watch, he even joined in… Please don’t misunderstand, the way he participated was by dropping the golden origin blood into Zhong Die's body.

Zhong Die completed the blood diet process much faster than Gu Nan expected.

When Gu Nan obtained Cain's Left Hand earlier, he didn’t even get to chat with Sylvia for long when he discovered that Zhong Die was already ready to receive the siring.

This extremely special blood fetishist was indeed a natural vampire candidate.

Due to her long-term blood consumption, her digestive system had long since adapted to this diet, even to the point where normal food had to be mixed with blood to be eaten in order to be properly digested and absorbed.

For a human with an ordinary bloodline to torment herself to this point, Zhong Die really wasn’t a normal person.

And precisely because of this, when she found Christina, the latter decided to perform the siring for her without much hesitation.

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