As A Trash Collector, I Collected A Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 664 - 664: Discrepancy

Chapter 664: Discrepancy

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Feng followed Jardins’s gaze.

What he saw was a shelf filled with rather vintage toys—stuffed animals, music boxes, and various other trinkets. Jardins had even charmingly arranged the animal toys as if they were having a party.

Just looking at it made one feel warm inside. Luo Feng then toured the entire wholesale market with Jardins.

The moment Luo Feng saw the buyer, he was dumbfounded.

The buyer was Maria, the very person he had just had a failed negotiation with.

Upon seeing Maria, Luo Feng immediately became vigilant.

“Why are you here?”

Both Luo Feng and Maria almost blurted out the question simultaneously.

It was evident that both were utterly surprised to see each other.

“What are you doing here? What do you want With Jardins?” Luo Feng was the first to question. Maria, appearing a bit flustered, quickly waved her hands.

“I’m just here to buy some things.”

Halfway through her explanation, Maria realized she hadn’t done anything wrong and straightened up, confronting Luo Feng.

“What business is it of yours what I’m doing here? Are you going to control other people’s business now?”

Observing the stark change in Maria’s demeanor, Luo Feng examined her closely. She was dressed casually, even youthfully, which was entirely different from the persona she had projected during their negotiation. Could it be that Maria had a youthful spirit about her?

The Maria he had negotiated With had exuded a mature, authoritative aura.

Suddenly, Luo Feng realized that Maria might have been there just for her personal hobbies, perhaps interested in these Old toys. Could it be that deep down, Maria was still a young girl at heart?

The thought gave Luo Feng goosebumps.

“I’ll leave you to your business then,” Luo Feng quickly excused himself, leaving Jardins confused about the entire situation.

Fortunately, the negotiations between the two went smoothly. Maria even offered to pay upfront if Jardins had any concerns.

Uncertain what to do, Jardins discreetly stepped out to call Luo Feng and relayed the entire situation. After listening, Luo Feng encouraged Jardins to finalize the deal.

This transaction was significant for both the toy wholesale market and Jardins. For the market, it helped clear inventory, allowing them to select new stock based on market demand. For Jardins, it was his first successful deal, boosting his future business prospects.

After everything was settled, Luo Feng observed an ecstatic Jardins when suddenly his phone rang. It was a call from Maria.

“Don’t you dare talk about what happened today to anyone, or else!” she warned before hanging up.

Listening to the dial tone, Luo Feng was left speechless.

Perhaps seeing this unexpected side of Maria had reduced his hostility toward her. But he was clear about one thing: Maria was an enemy, and he could afford no sympathy for her. Any lapse in judgment would spell trouble for his future endeavors.

To celebrate Jardins’s first deal, Luo Feng decided to cook a feast at the toy wholesale market. After a busy evening, dinner was finally ready around nine o’clock.

They laid out a large table in the foyer and were about to begin their celebration. While they ate and chatted, Luo Feng’s peripheral vision caught a shadow lurking outside the door. Instantly, he became alert.

Quietly rising from his seat, he walked to the door to take a look. He discovered a young girl standing there.

She appeared to be around fifteen or sixteen years Old and seemed timid. Upon seeing Luo Feng, she took a couple of steps back, not daring to speak.

“What are you doing here so late, young lady? Shouldn’t you be home?” Luo Feng inquired. The girl remained silent, simply staring at him nervously.

At this moment, Jardins noticed the situation and approached the girl With two pieces of bread.

“You must be starving. Here, eat something!”

Jardins handed the bread to the girl, and only then did she lower her guard..

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