As A Trash Collector, I Collected A Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 559 - 559: Could it Be True? A Million Artifacts?

Chapter 559 - 559: Could it Be True? A Million Artifacts?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“From the outset, he knew this farm held a trove of antiques!”

The director of the Tokyo Museum thundered.

“Regrettably, we failed to realize his true intentions: he was after the farm, not an artifact exchange. We completely misunderstood!”

A remorseful yet secretly thrilled Kawashima Miyuki admitted.

There was another issue weighing on her mind, however.

The loathsome Uesugi Eri had unapologetically ingratiated herself with Luo Feng.

Even though Miyuki understood it was a necessity for Eri, she believed that she, a fellow native of Japan, should have been the first woman to connect with him.

After all, she was the one who had first made Luo Feng’s acquaintance. “In truth, these items represent only a fraction of the whole!” Unexpectedly, Luo Feng lifted the lid on a box, breaking the silence.

“What do you mean, ‘only a fraction’?”

Yamamoto was rendered speechless. Seriously, a hundred thousand pieces are merely a fraction? Isn’t that a bit excessive?

Luo Feng nodded and responded to Yamamoto’s shock not with an immediate answer, but a counter-question, “Mr. Yamamoto, why do you think the Tokyo Museum holds so many forgeries? Because the actual number of genuine artifacts here is so vast that it magnifies the fakes in your museum. In other words, most of your Chinese exhibits are counterfeit! The individual responsible for artifact transportation has been feeding you knockoffs!”

On hearing this, domestic netizens were ecstatic.

“Absolutely hilarious! ”

“Props to the guy who transported these artifacts, a genuine hero indeed!”

“Right? Without his scheme, we wouldn’t be discovering these artifacts during our livestream now, would we?”

“If the artifacts were already exhibited in their museums, they’d never be returned!”

“But now, these artifacts emerge on this farm, in the possession of the host, hence they belong to us, the Chinese people!” “It’s not that simple. A haul of a hundred thousand can easily cause a panic!”

“Didn’t the recent firefight make that clear?”

“What do I understand? It was just some lowlifes trying to steal!”

“Naive. Those weren’t common thieves, but strategically placed individuals!!” Luo Feng proceeded, “This is only one location, there are eleven more like it!”


Mr. Yamamoto was left gasping at this revelation.

“Unbelievable, there are eleven more such places! ” “My god, over a million artifacts! That’s an insane quantity!” Each of Luo Feng’s words reverberated in their minds.

This news was truly terrifying.

Eleven locations?

The number was almost impossible to comprehend.

One location already contained such a wealth of artifacts. The idea of over a dozen more was beyond belief.

“Mr. Luo, where are these locations?” An unwitting Mr. Yamamoto blurted out.


Luo Feng looked at him, incredulous.

What a foolish question!

Who, knowing such information, would share it freely?

And broadcast it live?

To the entire world?

Luo Feng opted for silence, continuing to unseal the boxes.

His mention of the eleven locations had been casual, but their reactions suggested it had been more impactful than he anticipated.

His journey to Sakura Country was proving more arduous than expected.

Though he was tasked with retrieving these artifacts, Luo Feng lacked complete assurance.

The fuss over ten thousand artifacts was already significant.

One hundred thousand seemed daunting.

In this situation, China couldn’t dispatch representatives directly to Sakura Country; they could only standby at sea. What if panic led to seizure of the artifacts?

How to handle such a crisis from afar was a puzzle.

Luo Feng’s revelation of a dozen more locations was a form of subterfuge.

To prevent an outright panic.

A fallout here would complicate future negotiations.

In card game terms, if the game ends abruptly, those eager to quit will drop out immediately.

But if there’s an extra hour of play,

Well, they might stick around. If they win, they can walk away with their winnings.

Losing simply means a delayed departure.

In essence, providing hope tempers their aggression.

However, if you’re going to play, play it right. After Luo Feng finished speaking, he dialed Long Jianfei to privately discuss the situation.

Subsequently, Long Jianfei left for another location with a geological team for inspection.

Meanwhile, Luo Feng remained on the farm, continuing his unboxing adventure..

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