As A Trash Collector, I Collected A Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 453 - 453: A Trap! Discovering the Military Fortress! (1)

Chapter 453: A Trap! Discovering the Military Fortress! (1)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Upon recognizing the oddity of the buried item, Luo Feng swiftly initiated the excavation. However, his hoe abruptly felt heavier, as if seized by something unseen. A wave of confusion washed over Luo Feng.

What was happening?

Without hesitation, Luo Feng pulled out his Jungle Blade and commenced a more delicate excavation. His hoe was, after all, entrapped. Slowly but surely, the hidden object started to unveil itself.

“A beast trap?” Luo Feng was taken aback.

He squinted at the spot where the golden glint had once been – now it was gone. A beast trap? Could this be seen as treasure of any sort? Such a device would barely fetch a few hundred yuan, right?

Instantly, Luo Feng knelt down, retrieved his hoe, and began to scrutinize the beast trap. He noticed that the trap was bristling with sharp spikes. The potential harm of this large trap was considerable – a man could easily be impaled if he unwittingly stepped on it. Moreover, it would take considerable strength to disarm such a trap. Not just humans, even a ferocious wild beast would find itself in dire straits if it accidentally triggered it.

“Holy sh*t, who would have expected this? It’s lucky that it was the hoe that got caught, not the host’s leg. Otherwise, we’d be in a real fix!”

“It seems like there’s illegal hunting happening here! The host should report this to the authorities right away!”

“And what good would that do? In these vast, ancient forests, there’s no surveillance. Nobody would be able to identify who set these traps!”

With a crisp click, Luo Feng effortlessly sprung the trap open.

Upon a careful inspection of the hoe, he found it unscathed. The Swallowtail Hoe was still in its remarkably sturdy form. If this hoe were to break, how would he be able to avoid potential dangers in the future? But considering the impressive defensive power of the Swallowtail Hoe, Luo Feng reckoned that it would remain intact unless he himself was fatally injured.

“There’s a fox here!”

Suddenly, Su Meiji exclaimed, “And it appears to have triggered an animal trap.

It’s dead!”

On hearing this, Luo Feng looked over. Indeed, it was a fluffy fox, now lifeless and contorted. The stiff carcass lay on the ground, encircled by a large dried pool of blood.

“Another trap? Is the area teeming with poachers?”

“This zone appears to be a poaching hotspot. The host needs to be cautious!”

“Scared now, are we? Didn’t we deal with World War Il weapons and a minefield last time? We weren’t scared then!”

“Haha, true, compared to the mines, the danger of these traps is insignificant!”

“Yes, those mines, with one ‘boom’, could cause instant death. But these traps, at most, could cost a leg!”

Luo Fenz stood up, surveved the forest, and initiated a scan. Before the scan was complete, Luo Feng cautioned everyone against wandering off. After all, as the netizens suggested, this area might be riddled with traps or other hazards.

On completion of the scan, Luo Feng examined the results and gasped. The number of treasure points was overwhelmingly numerous and intimidating. Glancing southward, a dense array of treasure points spread out over a large expanse, forming a square and spanning more than a kilometer.

“I haven’t heard of any significant ancient tombs in the Changbai Mountains region,” Luo Feng mused aloud.

He then nonchalantly moved towards the treasure points. As for the beast traps, Luo Feng paid them no heed. As long as he wielded his Swallowtail Hoe, the group was safe.

“There seems to be a deer up ahead. It’s likely a roe deer!”

Before Luo Feng could spot it, Li Shishi, trailing behind him, gestured ahead. Luo Feng followed her indication and found a roe deer, which had tragically fallen prey to an animal trap. Hoof prints scattered around indicated a struggle, painting a picture of the creature’s final, agonizing moments.

“Hmm, the carcass is still fresh. It seems to have died two or three days ago,” Luo Feng noted, providing his analysis to the group.

“It feels like it only recently passed,” Qin Rubing murmured to herself, “But the freshness could be due to the climate of the Changbai Mountains. If the temperature were higher, it would have started to decompose and smell after a few days.”

“It’s reprehensible, these traps claiming so many innocent lives!”

“The person responsible for this should face justice!”

“What a tragedy, this beautiful roe deer!”

Leaving the carcass undisturbed, Luo Feng continued his journey. The next site was a vast clearing. Upon arrival, Luo Feng’s keen hunter’s intuition allowed him to quickly identify man-made traces scattered around the area.

Broken branches, trampled grass, footprints in the mud – all pointed towards human activity. The slightly denser layer of fallen leaves, compared to surrounding areas, led Luo Feng to suspect another trap.

Luo Feng picked up a branch and began to sweep the leaves, all the way to the treasure points. Yet there was no response.

“Could it be something other than an animal trap?”

Confused, Luo Feng once again employed his field knife, this time more vigorously clearing away the leaves. Under these circumstances, a camouflaged pitfall soon revealed itself.

Underneath, lay a trap – three meters in length, width, and an unknown depth..

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